Bent-over dumbbell swings

The exercise has an isolated effect on the posterior bundle of the Deltoid muscles. It is with the help of it that bodybuilders bring the rear to perfection. An extremely effective exercise, despite the fact that it is not the easiest to perform.

  1. How to properly perform bent over dumbbell swings?
  2. Scheme of the exercise “Dumbbell Swings”
  3. Similar exercise on blocks
  4. Bent over block exercise
  5. On a simulator of a similar orientation

How to properly perform bent over dumbbell swings?

    1. The exercise should be performed standing in an incline, sitting in an incline, or lying with your chest on a horizontal or inclined bench.
    1. Instead of dumbbells, the use of weights, disks, spring expanders, and block devices is allowed as a load.
    2. Keep your hands with dumbbells together below you in front of you.

  1. Bend over - your upper body should take a horizontal position.
  2. We exhale, raising our slightly bent arms up through our sides as high as possible.
  3. Concentrated, feeling every centimeter of movement, inhaling, we lower our hands down.
  4. The grip of the projectile should be carried out so that at any point in the movement the little fingers are higher than the other fingers.
  5. We keep the body in a motionless position.
  6. We avoid rocking and other types of assistance with jerks, kicks, and others.
  7. When performing standing, do not hunch your back. We bend our legs slightly at the knees.

As mentioned above, all modifications of this exercise come down to changing the angle of impact on the deltoids, which is achieved through different positions of inclined benches and the positions of the athlete on them.

Scheme of the exercise “Dumbbell Swings”

Similar exercise on blocks

Bent over block exercise

On a simulator of a similar orientation

In addition to what is discussed here, most exercises with dumbbells are available for you to implement at home - read more about this here - a comprehensive review of homework on the deltoids.


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