Massage for figure correction

Massage is an amazing invention of mankind. For what purposes is it not used:

  1. for the treatment of osteochondrosis;
  2. to tone “tired” skin;
  3. to eliminate myositis and other muscle ailments;
  4. to normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  5. to ease the “critical days” of the fair half of humanity.

This list is only a small part of the massage options. Massage can be of great help to people who want to get rid of extra pounds. Massage for body shaping is carried out in several ways.

Vacuum for the figure

Massage cups

The benefits of vacuum massage have been known for a long time. Previously, in order to work out muscles in this way, ordinary jars were used - simple glass or special pharmacy ones. Then devices were invented to make the massage therapist’s work easier and provide a deeper effect on muscles and fatty tissues.

This subtype of therapeutic effect has a number of contraindications, so before signing up for a session, remember about any existing chronic diseases. You cannot perform this type of massage:

  1. people with stage 2 and 3 hypertension;
  2. patients suffering from thrombophlebitis;
  3. those who have gallstones;
  4. having some skin diseases.

Any tumor is an absolute contraindication (if the tumor has been removed long ago, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required).

The massage is carried out with a device that not only creates a vacuum effect, but also enhances it with the help of rollers. The most common of these methods of influence is LPG massage. In the 20th century the device was invented by a Frenchman who had a serious accident and was forced to undergo a long course of treatment. Trying to make the work of his massage therapist easier, patient Louis Paul Guitet came across the idea of ​​​​creating a special device. Since then, LPG massage has been used not only to eliminate the consequences of injuries, but also to combat excess fat deposits.

The principle of vacuum action is as follows: the deep layers of the dermis are “sucked” into the device, and the rollers slightly roll them over. This ensures deep penetration of the fat layer, blood flow in the massaged area increases many times over, the fat seems to “break”, separates and then leaves the body.

This kind of massage can be done at home on your own, although the effect will be less. To do this, you need to purchase jars (they are most often sold in pharmacies, 2 pieces per set). Having placed the jar on the “problem area”, you need to carefully move it along the direction (up and down). Typically this massage is performed on:

  1. hips;
  2. buttocks;
  3. shoulders (that is, on the arms above the elbow).

Home massage with cups has some disadvantages compared to salon vacuum massage:

  1. does not provide uniform impact;
  2. may be painful;
  3. may leave bruises on sensitive skin.

But if you don’t have enough money to visit beauty salons, it can be used.

Hands are the best “tool”

Despite the obvious advantages of hardware massage, many people prefer the experienced hands of a specialist to any instrument. Massage for figure correction is performed not only with the help of a vacuum, but also with simple “old-fashioned” methods known since ancient times. It should be said right away that manual massage should not leave obvious marks on the body in the form of bruises.

If he is righteous competently, then there will either be no bruises at all, or they will be small, barely noticeable. The presence of bruises does not indicate a good effect - it may indicate either insufficient skill of the specialist, or that the patient has very sensitive skin.


The contraindications here are the same as for hardware massage.

The session begins with preliminary preparation: the muscles should be well warmed up by the time the main movements begin: rubbing and kneading. This is necessary in order not to provoke the appearance of spasms: unheated muscles, when subjected to strong impact, are compressed with force, resulting in pain and reduced benefits.

First, using warming creams, the massage therapist will warm up the “problem areas”, after which he will begin rubbing and kneading. The last one is the main technique. Having deeply captured the tissues, the specialist thoroughly crushes them, “breaking” the fat cells. “Rolls” are often used: the skin, capturing the muscle layer, is collected with rollers, which the massage therapist “rolls” in the direction from top to bottom (classic technique) or from bottom to top (used along the spinal column). It is necessary to ensure active blood flow so that there is no stagnation in those places where excess fatty tissue accumulates.

This massage helps normalize lymph flow, increase tissue plasticity, and relieve swelling. Over the course of several sessions, the figure becomes more rounded, elasticity appears, and the appearance of cellulite decreases.

Is it possible to lose weight with massage?

Is it really possible to lose weight from massage?

Women who have already experienced the effects of vacuum (or manual) massage leave mostly positive reviews. If you conduct sessions not from time to time, but in courses of 10-15 procedures with breaks of a month to three, weight loss will be noticeable. So, in a couple of weeks you can already get rid of 3-4 kg. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to strictly monitor your diet, do not eat fatty and sweet foods, and do not eat at night - that is, follow the usual recommendations of nutritionists.

A massage will not only help you say goodbye to those annoying pounds, but will also make your figure beautiful. Postpartum stretch marks will be significantly reduced, the skin will be elastic and smooth, and the “orange peel” will remain only a memory.

But do not forget that massage will not become a panacea that will save you from all misfortunes without the slightest participation of the person losing weight. Exercising (at least daily exercise) is absolutely necessary for the effect to be better expressed and last longer. A sauna can also enhance the effect, regular visits to which activate the metabolism.

When planning to sign up for a massage, be sure to find “your” master. It will help remove small “excesses” and always keep your figure in order in the future.