Guidelines for nutrition in adverse environmental conditions

In this section of our website we have repeatedly drawn your attention to various nutritional features of athletesinvolved in building the body and lifting weights. Today we will focus your attention on another important aspect of nutrition, very relevant in connection with the continuous, increasing deterioration ecological situation all over the world in general and in our native country in particular.

When creating a balanced diet, you need to pay special attention to the purity of products - the absence of chemical additives and radionuclides (especially residents of the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and neighboring regions of Russia, due to the consequences accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

How does the Gomel bodybuilder differ from other bodybuilders? — it glows in the dark.

Belarusian proverb.

Here are some methodological recommendations on nutrition developed by Dr. Gale, Academician A.M. Uglov and Professor N.F. Kotlyarenko, the implementation of which contributes to cleansing the body

Features of the diet and guidelines for eating for athletes living in unfavorable environmental conditions:
  1. Every day, include in your menu various salads from raw fresh vegetables - a) carrots, b) beets, c) cabbage, d) sweet peppers and e) others, seasoned with sour cream or sunflower oil.
  2. Use more fruits and berries in your food - a) red grapes, b) raisins, c) dried apricots, d) chokeberries, e) pomegranates, f) apples. The so-called “red pigment” of fruits and vegetables, as well as sunflower oil, according to N.F. Kotlyarenko, contribute to the rapid removal of a spectrum of radioactive elements from the body, and the consumed iron, contained in large quantities in apples, cleanses the blood. Sunflower oil, in addition, has bactericidal properties and promotes the dissolution of vitamin A. It is recommended to use sunflower oil for rinsing the mouth for disinfection purposes. Foamed oil should not be swallowed.
  3. Vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly before eating. In carrots you need to cut out the core, in beets you need to cut off the root from the bottom, in cabbage you need to separate and remove the top 3 (three) layers of leaves and remove the stalk, in apples you need to cut off the skin and remove the core. A layer of potato peel about 5 mm thick is cut off. To reduce the content of nitrates and pesticides in potatoes, you should wash them several times with water, blanch them twice in well-boiling water, and only then use them for boiling or frying. Boiling or baking potatoes without first peeling them is not recommended at this time.
  4. Regularly include porridge in your menu - buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, rice, millet. Porridges activate the gastrointestinal tract and contain many microelements necessary for an athlete’s body.
  5. Juices containing natural dyes are also useful - grape, tomato, pomegranate; decoctions of flax, prunes, chokeberry, nettle, laxative herbs; bread kvass You should abstain from coffee. Tea should only be drunk freshly brewed.
  6. If there is no guarantee that the milk is “pure”, then it is better to consume dairy products - cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, since radioactive elements are collected mainly in whey.
  7. Among meat products, beef absorbs the most radionuclides. When preparing boiled meat, the first broth should be drained. Lard and pork fat are considered clean products. Rich broths and jellied meat should be excluded from the diet.
  8. It is best to cook scrambled eggs from eggs, since when cooked, radioactive strontium from the shell passes into the protein.
  9. It is recommended to take an activated carbon tablet before meals. It is also useful to take the vitamin complex “Kvadevit” or “Unicap M” (1 tablet 3 times a day after meals), ascorbic acid in combination with glucose - three doses a day.
  10. For prevention, you should rinse your mouth daily with a solution of sea or table salt (consistency: 1 teaspoon of salt diluted in a glass of water) with the additional addition of 2 drops of iodine.
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