Off-season and preparation for competitions. Learning to live in a spiral...

Do you know, our dear newbie readers, that the approaches to training and nutrition of a bodybuilder at different periods of their preparation for competitions are radically different?

It is about the specifics of training, growth, rest and nutrition that we will talk to you in this short review, which may change your understanding of the training algorithm for modern bodybuilders.

In the off-season, when there is still a lot of time before competitions and all kinds of tournaments, athletes are concerned about maximizing muscle mass and volume. They lift mainly in the strength mode, like powerlifters, mainly with basic exercises, almost completely excluding isolated movements from their training plan. They also devote much less time to aerobic training, sleep and rest a lot, practically without worrying about subcutaneous fat and water, which accumulate in large quantities in their bodies. In general, they practice the so-called mass training, and accordingly, nutrition, rest and other aspects of preparation are focused on gaining positive quality weight. A typical nutrition strategy for this period requires the athlete to take large quantities of Sports Food: proteins for mass, creatine and almost completely excludes the use of drugs such as gainers and fat burners.

When only a few months remain before the competition, the strategy of preparation, nutrition and behavior changes radically. Strength training in the powerlifting style almost completely stops and “work on relief” begins and a tough, irreconcilable fight against subcutaneous fat by all available means. A large amount of aerobics in all its variations is added to the training plan. In other words, the emphasis from strength training is shifting towards aerobic training. Cardio equipment and work with isolating exercises, completely excluding basic ones - this is the motto of this period. The main task: to emphasize, sharpen and polish every bend of the muscle relief. Naturally, this matter cannot be done without a strict, strict diet, the emphasis of which is now shifting from proteins and creatines towards taking gainers and fat burners. The amount of fluid taken is minimized as much as possible. Every calorie counts. The lifestyle at this moment also undergoes changes: we sleep less, don’t lie down at all, move more, activity and more activity. It is precisely this comprehensive approach, even more exaggerated in the last days before the competition, that gives a positive result - the athlete, upon entering the platform, should be in ideal, honed shape, so to speak, at his peak...

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