Why are there many wrinkles on the face?

The first thing we associate with aging is wrinkles.

We directly associate their appearance with age.

Whether it’s nasolabial, eyebrow or so-called crow’s feet around the eyes, we attribute all these wrinkles to age-related changes.

Indeed, as our skin ages, it loses its elasticity and firmness, which leads to the appearance of hated wrinkles.

Causes of wrinkles

But there are also physical signs of aging that have nothing to do with age at all.

Other lifestyle and environmental factors can also negatively affect your appearance. These include poor diet, poor diet, lack of sleep and chronic stress.

Unfortunately, negative factors actually contribute to the appearance of early wrinkles. The wrinkles you see in the mirror may have more to do with your daily habits than you think.

To turn back time and slow down the appearance of new wrinkles, be sure to take into account the main reasons for their appearance:

Everyone knows that the main enemy of healthy skin is the sun. Ultraviolet rays, penetrating into the deepest layers of the skin, not only cause sunburn, but also lead to premature aging, sagging and wrinkles.

By avoiding the sun, you protect yourself from cancer and also prolong the youth and beauty of your skin.

According to dermatologist Jerome Polozkin, the most common cause of wrinkles is the sun. By damaging our skin, it provokes the appearance of wrinkles.

The thing is that exposure to the sun on our skin leads to loss of collagen and elastin, which, in turn, contributes to skin wrinkling.

To protect your skin and prolong its youth, be sure to use sunscreen (at least SPF 30).

When you go out in the sun, especially if you plan to swim in the water, be sure to reapply high-protection sunscreen. It will protect the skin from sunburn and also prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

You may not have thought too much about the benefits or harms of the environment in which you live. However, it has been proven that it can have a significant impact on the appearance of deep and fine wrinkles.

Pollution is another factor that contributes to free radical damage, explains Maral K. Skelsey, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and director of the Dermatologic Surgery Center in Washington.

A 2010 study published in a scientific journal found that women who lived in urban areas had more wrinkles and age spots than women who lived in rural areas for 24 years or more.

If you live in a densely populated city (large metropolitan area) and take good care of your skin, be sure to wash your face at night before going to bed to remove pollutants.

Harm to facial skin

Sleep plays a very important role in how good we look.

You've probably heard that healthy and adequate sleep is essential to feeling better, and it can even help you lose weight.

But did you know that good sleep also helps your skin stay smooth and beautiful longer? “Lack of sleep leads to the development of wrinkles because the pH of the skin changes and it loses moisture,” explains Skelly.

“Additionally, it is during sleep that harmful toxins are flushed out of the body.”

Be sure to try to get enough sleep. Adequate sleep should be at least 6-8 hours a day. By getting enough sleep, you bring maximum benefits to your health; remember: sleep is not only good health, but also fresh beauty.

A busy work schedule or personal drama not only takes a toll on your mental and emotional well-being; they can also affect you physically, making you look worse.

"Stress increases cortisol levels, which reduces the skin's ability to retain moisture," says Skelly. “In addition, elevated blood sugar levels damage collagen and elastin fibers in the skin.

These two main building materials provide support to skin cells and prevent sagging and the development of wrinkles on the skin."

Try to reduce the level of stress present in your life. An ordinary walk after dinner and simple communication with friends help fight stress.

Everyone knows that sugar causes weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. By giving up sugar, you will begin to notice improvements in your figure.

But there is another reason to give up sweets - sugar causes your skin to age.

"Consuming too much sugar will undoubtedly lead to premature aging. Once sugar enters the body, it undergoes a process called glycation, which affects the quality of our skin," explains Christina Goldenberg, MD, a dermatologist at one of the scientific centers of dermatology.

“Unfortunately, sugar, as well as sugar-containing foods, destroys collagen and elastin, killing the beauty of our skin.

When sugar binds to these building blocks of skin (collagen and elastane), it weakens them and causes fine lines and wrinkles to appear. When glycation occurs, the body also produces toxic products that cause premature aging."

To reap maximum health and beauty benefits, try eliminating sugar for at least 2-4 weeks and you will see results very soon.

You'll have more energy, lose weight, and start to notice how your wrinkles become less pronounced.

If you've been wearing the same old pair of glasses for years and are desperate for a new prescription, you're not only harming your eyes, but also worsening the condition of your skin.

"Squinting and other active facial expressions are the result of muscle contraction. The more we use our muscles, the stronger and more developed they become," explains Goldenberg.

"These muscle movements cause skin cells to shrink, resulting in wrinkles. Therefore, excessive squinting will lead to deeper wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity."

So stop squinting, feel free to wear glasses, and be sure to visit your eye doctor to get the right prescription as soon as possible. And one more piece of advice: don’t neglect sunglasses; be sure to wear them when in direct sunlight.

7. Drinking through a straw

Some people really like to drink liquids through a straw.

Of course, using a straw when drinking drinks like tea or Coca Cola can protect your teeth from stains, but there is another, negative side to using a straw.

It can cause so-called nasolabial wrinkles around the mouth.

Just as squinting causes wrinkles around the eyes, drinking with a straw creates fine lines and creases in the skin around the mouth.

This is due to contraction of the muscles around the lip area. If you drink through a straw frequently, your muscles will become stronger and your wrinkles will become deeper, more pronounced, and more obvious, explains Goldenberg.

Dry skin isn't just a nuisance; it can add several years to your life at once.

"Unfortunately, chronically dry skin is more susceptible to wrinkles," explains Skelly. "A drying environment can lead to a loss of skin tone as well as some skin changes, including the appearance of wrinkles."

Make sure to keep your skin well moisturized both day and night, especially paying attention to your facial skin.

Buying a nourishing eye cream is also a good idea; the skin under the eyes is thinner and more sensitive and more susceptible to negative factors, so it needs careful care.

The nicotine in cigarettes causes the blood vessels in the skin to constrict, making it more prone to wrinkles because vital nutrients cannot reach the epidermis,” explains Skelly.

In addition, smoking is associated with lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. But you've probably heard this before. Therefore, we advise you to definitely quit smoking as soon as possible!

The appearance of wrinkles always upsets every woman. The first small folds appear in places where the skin is thinnest. Many representatives of the fair sex want to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. You can fight the signs of aging both at home and with salon treatments.

Causes of wrinkles on the face

The appearance of wrinkles on the face is associated with age-related changes occurring in the body. At the same time, skin turgor decreases. The epidermis becomes less elastic and loses elasticity. The first wrinkles appear at the age of 26. They are subtle and are characterized by slight grooves in the corners of the eyes. By the age of 30, wrinkles appear on the forehead, but they become noticeable only when moving the eyebrows and with active facial expressions. By the age of 40, the problem becomes more pronounced.

The main reason for the formation of wrinkles is a decrease in hyaluronic acid contained in skin cells. Additionally, the production of elastin and collagen, which make the epidermis elastic, is reduced. Provoking factors for the early appearance of wrinkles are:

  1. smoking;
  2. poor nutrition;
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. presence of chronic diseases;
  5. genetic predisposition;
  6. dry skin.

An additional cause of wrinkles is prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as a large amount of decorative cosmetics used in everyday makeup.


Types of wrinkles on the face

Wrinkles are classified depending on their location. They can appear in the following areas:

  1. on the forehead;
  2. around the lips;
  3. on the bridge of the nose;
  4. on eyelids;
  5. in the corners of the eyes;
  6. on the chin.

Wrinkles are also divided depending on the cause. They are:

  1. static - occur due to dry skin due to insufficient hydration;
  2. facial expressions - appear with active movement of the facial muscles during conversation, laughter, anger, etc.;
  3. age-related - occur due to hormonal deficiency after menopause.

The very first wrinkles may appear at the age of 20. This is due to the active work of the facial muscles. Emotional people develop small grooves before everyone else.

Why wrinkles occur - video

How to get rid of wrinkles on your face

Today there are a sufficient number of ways to get rid of wrinkles. Which one will be most effective depends on the age and depth of the grooves. Popular methods currently used:

  1. Home methods for getting rid of wrinkles. This approach is used by almost all women because it is one of the most accessible. At home, you can use masks, peelings, nourishing creams, as well as traditional methods.
  2. Surgical intervention. Used for deep wrinkles. In this case, the most often used method is to tighten the epidermis through a small incision. The effect lasts for many years, the appearance is literally transformed. The woman looks 7–10 years younger. However, the operation is very difficult and traumatic. Minor scars may remain at the suture site.
  3. Salon services. Currently, the most effective way of rejuvenation is the use of laser, peeling and injections. Injections of hyaluronic acid and Botox are considered most effective in the presence of medium-depth wrinkles. The effect lasts up to 6 months.
  4. Massage and special exercises. Facial gymnastics is used quite often and can be used both at home and in group classes. Massage, in turn, improves blood flow in the affected area, preventing skin aging.

Hyaluronic acid is similar in composition to the fluid found in the cells of the body. Injection of this substance slows down the aging process and improves the appearance of the skin.

The best way to get rid of deep wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, near the ears and in the neck area is a circular facelift using gold threads, which help stretch the grooves. This technique is safe, but the effect does not last long, since the skin is subject to repeated changes due to the aging process.

How to make your skin look younger - video

Features of the fight against wrinkles at different ages - table

Age Way to get rid of wrinkles How often should the procedure be repeated?
25 years Use of acid and chemical peels. The procedure can be performed in a salon or at home. In this case, special compounds are applied to the face, which lead to a slight burn of the epidermis. As a result, skin cells are renewed. This way you can eliminate small wrinkles. Every few months
40 years Mesotherapy and Botox injections (analogues). In the first case, drugs are injected under the skin at a shallow depth to help saturate the cells with moisture and nutrients that prevent it from aging. In this case, hyaluronic acid is most often used, both in pure form and in combination with other drugs. Botox helps to immobilize the causative muscle, thereby eliminating facial wrinkles. Every 6 months
50 years Laser rejuvenation. In this case, special equipment is used to help control the length of the radiation. The laser penetrates the skin, affecting the dermis and triggering metabolic activation processes in it. After the procedure, a small crust forms on the surface of the skin. When it peels off, a renewed epidermis remains in its place. 1 time per year
70 years old Lift surgery. In this case, the surgeon removes excess skin by applying sutures. The face is noticeably tightened, expression wrinkles, including very deep ones, are eliminated. Once every 10–15 years.

Ways to get rid of fine wrinkles

Getting rid of early wrinkles is much easier than getting rid of age wrinkles. Therefore, in this case, you can make do with home methods.. At the same time, a combination of peeling and nourishing masks gives a good result. The most effective recipes:

  1. Exfoliating peeling. You will need the juice of half a lemon. Squeeze it into a glass bowl and add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. The resulting composition must be applied to cleansed facial skin with patting movements. After 5-10 minutes you can wash it off. During the procedure, tingling and slight burning may be felt. This is the norm. This is how fruit acid affects the skin. Peeling should be done once every 2 weeks.
  2. Nourishing mask. You will need 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream. Additionally, you need to add 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil and 1 tsp. wheat germ. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face, leaving for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. The procedure must be repeated 1–2 times a week.
  3. Moisturizing and rejuvenating mask. You will need 1 tbsp. l. cosmetic clay, which must be diluted with warm water until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Then add 1 drop each of lemon and orange essential oils. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with water. Repeat once a week.

Cocoa has a good rejuvenating effect. You can pour it with hot water to the consistency of sour cream and, after waiting for the mass to swell, apply it to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Ingredients for products that help get rid of fine wrinkles - gallery

Methods for eliminating medium and deep wrinkles

Medium and deep wrinkles must be eliminated using more radical procedures. Biorevitalization produces a good effect. In this case, together with hyaluronic acid, a complex of vitamins is injected under the skin. The injections are performed with a small needle. Manipulations are performed by a specialist with a medical education. Immediately after the procedure, the face is treated with an antiseptic composition.

The effect of biorevitalization is to stop the aging of skin cells, thanks to their intensive rejuvenation with the help of hyaluronic acid.


Laser, acid and chemical types of peels also give good results. The first of them is the most effective. In this case, the doctor can use topical anesthesia to reduce discomfort from the procedure. During laser exposure, the skin heats up. The top layer is evaporated. At the same time, the epidermis is renewed. However, this procedure requires rehabilitation. The skin recovers within 1–2 weeks.


Chemical and acid types of peelings give results only in the presence of medium-depth wrinkles. The epidermis is exposed to acids and special chemical compounds, which lead to burns of the top layer. As a result, it peels off and new skin forms in its place.


Getting rid of age wrinkles

If this type of wrinkle is present, measures will be required to tighten the epidermis that has lost its elasticity. Currently, a non-surgical method of rejuvenation called Elos is very popular. In this case, with the help of special equipment, two types of flow penetrate into the deep layers of the skin: light and electric. Cell stimulation occurs. Elastin and collagen fibers begin to be produced. The effect of the procedure is gradual. The result will be noticeable within a month.


If we talk about age-related wrinkles, the best way is a facelift. At the same time, you can effectively get rid of saggy and sagging skin and transform yourself literally in one approach. The operation requires preparation. It is performed under general anesthesia. Excess epidermis is pulled up from different areas (forehead, ears and chin) and cut off. Then stitches are placed in places invisible to the eye. Unfortunately, these types of surgeries also have side effects. If the surgeon is inexperienced, he may move the skin in the wrong direction, causing constriction, which will lead to distortion of facial features.


A surgical facelift allows you to get rid of age wrinkles in the shortest possible time.

Eliminating wrinkles at home

You can also get rid of age-related skin changes with the help of special facial gymnastics, which has become very popular today. It consists of the following exercises:

  1. Place your index fingers above your eyebrows. In this case, they need to be slightly moved down. Then raise your eyebrows up, overcoming the resistance of your fingers. Do this 50 times.
  2. Place your index finger on one corner of your eye and your middle finger on the other. Strain your eyelids, trying to squint your eyes. Do this at a fast pace 30 times.
  3. Pull out your lips with a tube. Try to tense and relax them in this position. 30 reps total.

Facial gymnastics was invented by Carol Maggio. She demonstrated the effect of the exercises on herself and released a number of teaching aids.

Massage has an excellent effect on skin imperfections. It can be performed using special cosmetic oils (apricot kernel, wheat germ, peach). The massage does not have to be intense. All movements must be made along massage lines, stroking and lightly patting.


Exercises for wrinkles Carol Maggio - video

Proper nutrition to get rid of wrinkles

To slow down the aging process of the skin, it is important to monitor your diet. It is necessary to exclude everything that negatively affects the condition of the body and clogs the intestines. These foods and drinks include:

  1. semi-finished products;
  2. fast food;
  3. fat meat;
  4. fried foods;
  5. soda;
  6. alcohol;
  7. baking.

The menu should include more plant fiber and natural vitamins. These foods and drinks include:

  1. fruits;
  2. vegetables;
  3. berries;
  4. fresh juices;
  5. dried fruits;
  6. nuts;
  7. cereals;
  8. mineral water;
  9. herbal teas;
  10. whole wheat bread.

To maintain the beauty of your skin, it is recommended to drink more clean water. It is best to drink it on an empty stomach in an amount of at least 1 glass. It is good to additionally consume wheat bran with kefir. They perfectly cleanse the intestines and help maintain youthful skin, as they contain a complex of useful vitamins.

Useful products - gallery

Prevention of wrinkles

To prevent new wrinkles from appearing on your face, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Try to sleep in the correct position. If you constantly lie on your side, wrinkles appear near your nose.
  2. Make nourishing masks from natural ingredients 2 times a week. In this case, you can use fruits, berries, oils and other useful ingredients.
  3. Eat healthy foods. It is advisable to have as many plant ingredients in your diet as possible.
  4. Exercise. You can run, swim or go to the dance section. Stretching exercises and yoga, which speeds up metabolic processes, are very useful.
  5. Spend more time outdoors. Walking helps improve the condition of the body and skin.
  6. Protect your face from ultraviolet radiation using special creams.

It is necessary to protect the skin from exposure to strong winds and temperature fluctuations. Constant use of a solarium contributes to premature aging.

Reviews about getting rid of wrinkles on the face

I’m far from 20 and quite noticeable wrinkles have begun to appear on my face. I came to a cosmetologist for a consultation and they recommended laser rejuvenation.. At first I doubted it, because... the procedure is not cheap (9 thousand), but then I finally decided... And now, I’ve already had two procedures, I’m very pleased with the result, I don’t regret it, I think I’ll have one more and I’ll look more youthful and aesthetically pleasing! And at work everyone noticed and asked why I had changed. I feel like I'm 10 years younger! The skin is healthier, the pores have become less noticeable, and the wrinkles have smoothed out! Yes, it’s painful and you can’t go anywhere with such a red face and a crust, but where to go beauty requires sacrifices!



I don’t do light enzyme peeling as often as I’d like, but I always like the result after cleansing. The skin becomes softer, tighter, smoother, and pores are reduced. The cosmetologist recommends doing this peeling once a month, but due to the fact that it costs about a thousand rubles, I do it whenever possible. After peeling, it is not advisable to stay in the sun for a long time or sunbathe. Despite the fact that I have sensitive skin, there was no severe redness after the procedure, since this type of peeling gently cleanses dead skin particles and does not damage it. The procedure itself lasted about 15–20 minutes. The cosmetologist first prepared the skin by treating it with a special solution, then applied the peeling itself. They wrapped my face in film and a terry towel, then after about ten minutes they took it off and let it dry.



About a month ago I decided that it was time to get ready for summer. I was inspired by flax seeds, I eat them both whole and in powder. I feel much better. I won’t talk about their benefits; I’ll rather share my own experience. I haven’t made homemade masks for a long time; I think that cucumbers and strawberries from the market can also be harmful. But somehow I forgot about such masks as those made from oatmeal, kefir, and flax seeds. I have already done it 10 times, there will be 15 in total and I am very impressed with the result. You won’t see the effect the first time, be patient, do it at least three times and you won’t be able to stop, unless, of course, “laziness was not born before you.” It’s true, we often give up useful procedures and activities as soon as we start because of our own laziness. I’m like that myself, but the desire to look good won out. The skin is lighter, pigment spots are less noticeable, pores are narrowed, and a clear lifting effect is visible. Feels smooth, fresh, moisturized, tightened.



The process of skin rejuvenation takes a long time. Caring cosmetic procedures will help prevent the occurrence of deep wrinkles. Proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits will help maintain youthful and beautiful skin. Preventive measures will help prevent premature aging.

In this article you will learn how and why does the face age, as well as where wrinkles, folds, swelling and other unpleasant changes on the face come from.

Why do you need this information?

  1. Firstly, so that you clearly understood, which rejuvenation methods work and which don’t, which ones are dangerous and which ones won’t harm.
  2. Secondly, so that you don’t just mechanically perform gymnastics exercises for the face, but do it consciously, understanding how every movement rejuvenates your face.


Let's start with wrinkles, because these are the most common age-related changes that women experience.

How and why do wrinkles appear?

To understand the causes of wrinkles, we need to understand how the facial muscles work.

Why are we talking about muscles? Do wrinkles form on the skin?

It's simple. The fact is that almost all areas of the facial skin attached by tendons to muscles, and there are more than 55 of these muscles on the face. If the muscles under the skin are healthy and relaxed, the skin is in an excellent toned (tight) state.

But when we experience some emotions, we tense our muscles, for example:

  1. We smile - the zygomatic muscles, the muscles of laughter, and the muscles responsible for squinting the eyes contract.
  2. We frown and raise our eyebrows - the frontal muscles contract
  3. We squint our eyes - the orbicularis oculi muscles contract

When muscles contract, they decrease in size. But our skin can’t do that; it can’t shrink several times in size. And the only thing left for her is to gather into small folds, which we call wrinkles. This is how most facial wrinkles appear. Here's a simple illustration:

This is how horizontal wrinkles appear on the forehead

If, after such tension, the muscles relax and return to their original position, the skin straightens out again, and no unwanted changes occur on the face. That is, we frowned - wrinkles appeared on the forehead; we relaxed our forehead and the wrinkles on our forehead disappeared.

However, often, for a number of reasons, the facial muscles do not relax and are fixed on the face in the form muscle spasms and tension. That is, the muscles in this case are in constant overvoltage. And the skin, accordingly, is also constantly in a wrinkled state. It is in this case that both fine and deeper wrinkles appear on the face.

As a rule, the situation is complicated by the presence bad facial habitsSuch as pursing your lips, squinting your eyes, frowning your forehead... And such constant actions only strengthen wrinkles in the corresponding areas of the face.

For example, if we have poor vision, we constantly squint, as a result the orbicularis oculi muscles become overstrained - and this is the main reason for the appearance of “crow’s feet” and other small wrinkles in the eye area:

This is how crow's feet appear

How to remove wrinkles?

To remove wrinkles in an environmentally friendly way, you need to eliminate causes their appearance, namely:

  1. Relax tense and spasming muscles
  2. Ideally, to prevent overstrain of the facial muscles in the future

The working algorithm here is as follows:

  1. Activating tight muscles. First, using specially designed exercises, we set the spasmodic, overstrained muscles in motion in order to pump blood through them and warm them up. This way we prepare them for relaxation and stretching, and also ensure the safety of all subsequent actions.
  2. Relaxing the muscles. After activating and warming up overstrained muscles, we relax them using special relaxation practices and self-massage techniques. Even if you only perform relaxing practices, you can already remove wrinkles from many areas of your face. But it is much more effective to perform all the practices in combination.
  3. Stretching the muscles. Finally, we stretch the warmed and relaxed muscles, thereby restoring their natural state and position and helping them to free themselves from toxins and lactic acid that have frozen in them.
  4. We tone antagonist muscles. If we work with muscles for which there are antagonist muscles (performing the opposite movement), to consolidate the effect, we tone these antagonist muscles with the help of strength exercises in facial gymnastics.

The techniques from the last point are necessary to completely remove wrinkles in some areas of the face. For example, drooping corners of lips and the resultingfolds of sorrow“appear due to chronic overstrain of the triangular muscles, which pull the corners of the lips down. To remove such folds and raise the corners of the lips, we first activate, relax and stretch the triangular muscles, and then we make sure to tone those muscles that are responsible for raising the corners of the lips:

Causes of drooping lip corners and the appearance of “folds of sorrow”

One last point: if the skin has been in a wrinkled state for too long (too long we haven't done anything with our muscle clamps), it could lose its elastic properties. In this case, after removing the muscle tension, the wrinkles may not be completely smoothed out.

This indicates that the skin lacks nutrition and oxygen, and also that the skin is poorly cleansed of waste and toxins. What to do in this case, read on...


P Why do bags, bruises and swelling occur?

The main cause of swelling on the face, loss of skin tone and deterioration of complexion is lymph stagnation and other liquids. These fluids are naturally removed from the edema area primarily through the lymphatic system: through the lymphatic capillaries and vessels to the lymph nodes. This is how lymph removes toxins, waste, decay products...

But there is one problem here: the movement of lymph through lymphatic vessels and capillaries is carried out mainly due to the work of muscles, because the lymphatic system, alas, does not have its own heart.

What state should the facial muscles ideally be in to ensure sufficient lymph flow:

  1. On the one hand, the facial muscles must be sufficiently work actively, thus acting as a kind of pump that pumps lymph through the lymphatic system.
  2. On the other hand, the facial muscles should relax, because overstrained muscles compress the vessels - and the movement of lymph slows down or stops altogether.


How muscles work as a kind of “pump” for pumping lymph

And for most people, as a rule, things are in the most unfavorable way: some facial muscles spasm, while others are practically don't get the load, weaken or even atrophy.

Thus, somewhere there are vessels pinched, and somewhere, on the contrary, understimulated. In both cases lymph movement is disrupted. As a result, the skin is not cleansed enough and becomes flabby, dull and dry. Due to the stagnation of toxins and decay products, blackheads, pimples, spots and other signs of aging appear on the skin. Due to loss of elasticity, the skin sags, swelling, jowls and double chins appear.


Such phenomena occur if the skin lacks nutrition or oxygen, or if skin cleansing deteriorates due to disruption of the lymphatic system.

We discussed the reasons for the disruption of lymph flow above. But the deterioration of nutrition and oxygen supply to the skin is caused, oddly enough, by exactly the same factors.

Nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the skin through blood vessels and capillaries, which (like lymphatic ones) first pass through the muscles and only then reach the skin. Therefore, overstrained muscles partially or completely block the blood flow through the capillaries passing through them. Weakened and atrophied muscles, on the contrary, do not provide sufficiently active work.


How to remove swelling and return the skin to its natural color, elasticity and tone?

I think you already understand everything perfectly:

  1. Weak muscles on the face we train and tone with the help of specially designed gymnastics exercises for the face.
  2. Overstrained muscles first we activate, then we relax, and then we stretch, returning them to their natural state.


If facial asymmetry is not congenital and is not caused by injury, its cause is always that symmetrical muscles in the right and left parts of the face are in different states.

For example, if the zygomatic muscles on the right are more tense than on the left, a curvature of the mouth appears:


This is how facial asymmetry appears

To get rid of such asymmetry, it is necessary to tone weakened muscles and relax overstrained ones.


Why do deep folds and sagging form?

Almost our entire face under the skin is covered with muscles. And the skin not only covers the face, but is also attached to these muscles by tendons. In other words: the facial muscles hold the facial skin in the necessary tension.

If the facial muscles are not used, they weaken And sag. Along with them, the skin sags in those places where it is attached to weakened muscles.

Thus, for example, when the zygomatic and cheek muscles weaken and sag, shaved, better known as “bulldog cheeks.”

The problem, as a rule, is aggravated by the fact that in places where the muscles are weakened, blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, as well as its cleansing, are disrupted. As a result, stagnation occurs in this area, and they, in turn, lead to the formation of excess fat deposits, which further tighten the skin and make the face even more plump.

How to get rid of sweetness and sagging on the face?

Well, here, I hope, everything is already clear for you: we activate and tone weakened facial muscles with the help of facial gymnastics exercises, and also enhance lymphatic drainage with special self-massage techniques.


To restore or maintain the natural youth and beauty of the face, it is necessary to train the facial muscles. In this case, it is necessary to comply balance: on the one hand, give the muscles dosed loadto keep them in good shape, and on the other hand - relax And pull out them, preventing the formation of muscle tension.


The problems with the facial muscles described above are the direct causes of facial aging. But there are a number of factors that worsen the condition of the face as a whole. Here are the main ones:

  1. Poor posture, problems with the spine (stooping, overstrain of the cervical spine, shoulder trunk, spinal diseases). Any problems with the spine, especially in the cervical region, lead to pinching of blood vessels and deterioration of the nutrition of the facial skin, deepening of wrinkles on the neck, formation of a double chin, deepening of the nasolabial lips, jowls, sagging of the oval, swelling on the face. In addition, any curvature of the spine causes uneven distribution of the load on almost all muscles of the body, including the facial muscles. And this can cause muscle spasms and asymmetry.
  2. Stress, overwork. If a person constantly experiences a lot of stress, lacks sleep and is overtired, this increases fatigue, and therefore overstrain of the facial muscles and aging of the entire face.
  3. Chronic habits (wrinkle forehead, frown, squint eyes, clench teeth...). Everything is simple here: in the corresponding areas, the facial muscles are even more overstrained, with all the ensuing consequences.
  4. Psychological factors (restraint of emotions, depression, frequent bad mood, dissatisfaction with oneself, and so on). There is a common misconception that supposedly too active facial expressions lead to the formation of wrinkles. In fact, it’s just the opposite: exactly suppression of emotionsincreases overstrain of the facial muscles. So smile and laugh to your health!
  5. Aggressive illiterate skin care (selection of cosmetics that are unsuitable for the characteristics of the skin, abuse of products with surfactants, alcohol, soap; frequent peelings, and so on). All this leads to a violation of the integrity of the skin (for example, it washes away the outer hydrolipid layer) and its imbalance (dryness, oiliness, sensitivity), skin diseases, loss of elasticity, and deepening of wrinkles.
  6. Unhealthy food (abuse of fatty, fried, salty, sweet foods, flour, dairy; insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits, etc.). This clogs the body, leads to intestinal dysfunction, disruption of the lymphatic, hormonal systems, other internal organs and ultimately to skin diseases (dryness, oiliness, sensitivity, acne), swelling on the face, hernias under the eyes, “painting bags”, deepening of wrinkles and folds.
  7. Insufficient or illiterate consumption of clean drinking waterleads to the fact that the skin does not receive sufficient hydration from the inside. As a result, dry skin, swelling occurs, and all aging processes are accelerated.
  8. Lack of sleep patterns, often sleeping on the side, face into the pillow. This leads to poor posture, deepening of wrinkles, folds, sagging, swelling (especially under the eyes); hormonal imbalance (the production of the hormone melatonin is disrupted) and skin aging.
  9. Sedentary lifestyle is the cause of a slowdown in metabolism, as a result the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, the body as a whole and the face in particular age faster.
  10. Frequent work at the computer, eye strain from reading leads to deepening of wrinkles in the eyes, eyebrows, forehead, sagging eyelids and other changes in the face as a whole.
  11. Problems with internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, endocrine system; lymphatic system, etc.) lead to skin aging, skin diseases, facial swelling, sagging, deepening folds on the face.
  12. The habit of sleeping on one side, chewing on one side leads to asymmetry in different areas of the face.
  13. Injections and some cosmetic procedures (for example, chemical peeling, mesoscooter, ultrasound, etc.), tattooinglead to a violation of the integrity of the skin, disruption of the inner layers of the skin, changes in the functioning of the facial muscles, swelling, sagging, deepening of wrinkles and folds.
  14. Age-related changes can also be aggravated by skull injuries, respiratory problems, malocclusion, dental problems, smoking, alcohol consumption, excess fat deposits, sudden weight loss, illiterate performance of certain massage techniques (for example, Asahi massage), and illiterate exercise. gymnastics for the face (for example, abuse of strength exercises).


Here are some useful links:

  1. If you want to know what results can be achieved without Botox by performing only environmentally friendly exercises for facial rejuvenation, click on this link.
  2. If you want to find a lot of high-quality and free materials on natural facial rejuvenation, take a look here.

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