Wrinkles and raw food diet


Today we will talk about important things! About beauty. And, as we know, there is no beauty without healthy and beautiful skin.

It often happens that during the transition to CE, especially if it occurs after 40 years or in combination with significant weight loss, the skin becomes very saggy, loose and wrinkled. Therefore, I often say, if you learned about this type of nutrition at a young age, then don’t put it off, switch as early as possible! Then you won’t have to correct those flaws that have already accumulated in the process of life. Young skin tolerates such changes much easier, and does not give any side nuances, it only improves, gets rid of problems, and remains young and beautiful.

But even if you came to SE at a young age and do not follow the necessary nutrition and care recommendations, you may also experience skin problems.

The skin is the largest organ of our body and has many different functions. Including a protective or barrier function. She is the first (like hair, nails and teeth) to meet all external influences, being exposed to the aggressive influence of the environment, and needs our obligatory and close attention.

For more than eight years of raw food and fruitarianism, I have accumulated a lot of experience on this topic, both my personal experience and that of my students and followers. This is what I want to share with you in this article.

1. First of all, you need to start adhering to the 80-10-10 system in building your diet. Carbohydrates occupy the maximum, and proteins and fats make up 10% each. Moreover, women can have up to 15% fat, since our hormonal system works differently than men’s. This can be expressed in one avocado daily, or in flaxseed porridge two to three times a week, or in a small handful of nuts also two or three times a week. Moreover, I listed fat-containing foods in order of their usefulness and ease of digestion.

2. It is necessary to monitor the intake of vitamin D in the body. Other vitamins are, of course, also important, but problems with them are rare; live food is quite adequate for their supply. But vitamin D needs to be provided specifically. A rare fact: previously everyone believed that this vitamin was 100% supplied by sunlight when it came into contact with our skin. However, it turned out that a serious lack of vitamin D is observed even among those who live for years in the tropics and do not experience a lack of solar energy. I can’t say what this is connected with, since I don’t know of large-scale studies on this issue.

Therefore, the most proven way is to get tested and see how you are doing with this vitamin. If it is not enough, replenish it with natural dietary supplements or other D-containing preparations.

3. Still, sunlight is necessary for the normal functioning of our skin. In addition to producing vitamin D, it creates other benefits. However, it is important not to overdo it. Sunbathe so as not to overuse sunbathing. I will not scare you with cancer, since it is not really known what causes skin cancer, active sun, or sunscreen and tanning creams. But photoaging is a completely adequate and real thing. You need to be wary of it, especially if your skin is dry and thin.

If you live in a place where winter lasts 9 months in a row, and the sun is very bad, then sometimes go to the solarium. It has been verified that the use of this achievement of civilization is completely justified and harmless if used wisely and in doses.

4. It is absolutely necessary to drink enough water. We are not talking about the notorious three liters per day. But a liter and a half is the optimal amount. Skin without water loses its turgor, becomes sluggish and dull. Even such advanced raw foodists as fruitarians also need water. It is important that it is not anyhow, but lively and structured, and simply clean. Not all water meets these requirements, keep this in mind.

5. Sports activity is very important, namely aerobic exercise. Running is ideal in this regard. The circulatory and, more importantly, the lymphatic system comes into motion when running, which is simply difficult to overestimate for skin health.

If for some reason you cannot run (although upon closer examination, 99% of such “I can’t” are in the category of ordinary excuses, let’s be honest), then replace running loads with Nordic walking, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, and the most ordinary jump rope. I don’t guarantee that these types of activities will fully replace running in this function, but it’s better than nothing at all.

6. I highly recommend doing a special massage for the face and neck, which eliminates lymph stagnation. These types of massages can be found on YouTube, one of them is Japanese and very effective. If you do it regularly, the effect is very impressive. The same applies to exercises from the face-building series.

7. Regular fasting, no matter what anyone says about it, is very beneficial for the skin. I would say dry hunger is the best of all cosmetologists. Especially if it is regular. And if you ever decide and take a course of dry fasting for at least seven days, then you simply won’t recognize your skin. In the body, all dirty water is replaced with new clean water, the formation of new stem cells begins and deep cleansing of the capillaries occurs. Each of these factors in itself already gives a great result.

8. I also highly, highly recommend incorporating ice water dousing into your daily regimen. According to Porfiry Ivanov. This will give you armor-piercing immunity, excellent energy levels and, again, amazing cleanliness of blood vessels, of which capillaries are the longest and most capricious. Without their purity, the beauty of the skin is simply impossible, because the freedom of blood flow is disrupted. Gather your strength, cast aside your fears, and... Start pouring one or two buckets of cold water every morning directly on your head and whole body. This is especially great to do after a morning run!

9. It is absolutely necessary for absolutely everyone to cleanse the liver according to Moritz. Read the book by this author, I recommend it! You will understand how important our liver is! The health of the whole body, even its most remote corners, depends on it; you will see completely unexpected relationships between different processes. Well, the skin simply needs this cleansing. I won’t go on and on, I’ll just say: you won’t have beautiful skin with a contaminated liver. Take action!

10. Castor cleansing is also necessary for good skin condition. And especially for her youth and purity. As you know, cleaning with castor oil with lemon juice gives an absolutely inimitable antifungal effect, which can only be obtained by a 40-day fast on water. Of course, we are not talking about one-time cleaning, but about regular and repeated cleaning.

The activity of fungi in the body is multifaceted. As for the skin, all neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and other peeling, cracks and wetting are of a fungal nature. Mycelium also provokes the appearance of wrinkles. So decide for yourself whether to drink this nasty castor mixture or not.

11. Many people ask whether it is necessary to use cosmetics to care for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté or not? And which? Well, I’ll answer right away, the use of cosmetics is highly desirable, since we live in different conditions, when it can be cold, and extremely dry, and windy, and all sorts of other things. However, it is better to immediately discard any industrial cosmetic products; this has been tested many times over the years.

Any cosmetic product that contains even the slightest presence of chemicals does not give health to the skin. I'm talking about REAL health, and not about its appearance, which many products and procedures provide.

Cosmetics can be only one thing: absolutely natural, without the slightest admixture of chemicals, made by hand and stored in the refrigerator. Or, which is extremely rare, produced in special vacuum bottles, such as Millennium gel from Vision.

You can order handmade cosmetics from various craftsmen or learn how to make them yourself if you have talent and diligence.

12. Separately, I will say that it is very, very useful to use natural oils in skin care. Good quality oils cannot be cheap and sold in pharmacies for pennies, this is also worth knowing. And when choosing them, you must take into account your skin type. What is ideal for dry skin is completely unsuitable for oily or normal skin. A lot of good options for oils and ready-made mixtures can be viewed and ordered on my favorite and trusted website of oriental cosmetics, Kajal.

13. Try to apply all the fruits and berries that you eat to your face and neck. With the exception of particularly sour options, such as citrus fruits. All herbal products contain a lot of nutrients, for which your skin will definitely thank you!

14. If possible, try to eat kiwi, pineapple and papaya more often. These fruits contain natural enzymes, bromelain and papain, which help the skin produce its own collagen, which it produces much less as we age than in youth.

15. Stop using soap in skin care. I’m not talking about the face at all; there probably isn’t a single woman who doesn’t know that you can’t wash your face with soap. But I'm also talking about the body. You should not wash your body with soap, shower gels and other similar things. I haven’t used all this for eight years now, and I don’t regret it at all. A hot bath, plain water and a simple exfoliation with a Moroccan massage mitten can do the job of cleansing. And even then not often. This procedure a couple of times a month is quite enough for me, because with pure CE the skin gets very little dirty.

You can wash off makeup from your face, if you use something like mascara or lipstick, with the same natural oils - coconut, jojoba oil or the like. Oils do an excellent job of this task. A few drops on a regular cotton sponge, and everything is wonderfully clean! Then all that remains is to wash your face with plain water, and the cleansing process is complete.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of recommendations, and all of them are important. How much you want and can integrate all these activities into your daily routine is up to you. However, having beautiful skin on CE is quite simple. Much easier than on a regular omnivorous diet! You definitely won't need expensive salon treatments!

© Evgenia Dovzhenko. 2018. All rights reserved

Your life is only in your hands!

I am what I eat

The skin became completely different after just six months of a raw food diet.

The skin of the whole body became very smooth. It wasn’t rough before, but it became unusually soft and smooth.

The skin on my face has improved greatly - the need to make masks to cleanse the pores has disappeared. The pores are not clogged at all, and have narrowed to a minimum size, the overall complexion has become smoother.

Deviations from a raw food diet (happens to us, we are not fans) immediately affect the skin.

Alexander Baskin

Today, one comment on my post made me think, or rather, return to thoughts that have been sitting in my head for a long time. The question was why people on the CE look older than their age, although in theory they should look younger. I started to answer it, but I realized that a lot of things have accumulated in my head lately, I have something to say and my answer already takes up an entire post.

Firstly, I would not say that people on a raw food diet (RE) look older or younger. We all know vegetarians or meat-eaters who look older or younger than their age. This is in any power system, the same with CE. It's just that in my opinion it depends on many factors, and nutrition is no more than one of them.

Secondly, it seems to me, on the contrary, in the CE people usually look younger than their age, they usually do not have excess weight, they are healthier and more energetic. There are many sites on the Internet where people post photos of themselves before and after switching to CE, and most often the person “after” looks younger than the “before”. Just like there are examples of raw foodists who look much younger than their age.

Thirdly, we must not forget that the majority of people who came to a raw food diet came to this system not because they are very reasonable and consider this the optimal diet for humans, but because their problems and illnesses forced them to look for other nutrition systems other than the one adopted by them. us now. And most of these people are very sick, sometimes with very serious illnesses, so it is not surprising that not all of them begin to look 20 years younger, but they can get rid of a huge number of diseases, including chronic and “incurable” ones.

And fourthly, not all of these people are truly raw foodists. An example was given of a “raw foodist” with 30 years of experience; for example, I’m not sure that this person really eats live food, although I don’t argue that this is partially true. And this is normal if it satisfies a person; in any case, it is healthier than a regular diet. Also, for example, other “raw foodists” start doing strange experiments with their bodies, either they eat something unknown, or they drink water with hydrogen peroxide, or something else like that, I’m not sure that such experiments lead to health. For example, for me personally, an example of a healthy lifestyle is Douglas Graham, who has been on a raw food diet since 1978. For example, I look like I’m 30 years old, neither older nor younger. But as people who looked at my photo report correctly noted, before the June 2010 photo, I clearly looked younger and better, and then I began to look worse and older


This is especially true for my face and there are reasons for this. Later in this post I will try to at least briefly examine several of these reasons.

I consider the first and main problem to be a sudden transition to the CE, especially for people of my constitution (ectomorph or cotton wool constitution, I’ll say right away that I’m not a big supporter of constitutions in general, but practice shows that there is still a difference and the difference is significant). We are usually not overweight and when we “take away” food that is familiar to our body (and over 20-30 years, it has clearly become accustomed to it and has learned to digest it quite well and partially reduce the consequences of its bad effects on our body, especially if other factors of a healthy lifestyle) and we give him new food, then he is simply in shock, he does not know what to do with this new food (especially for those of us who previously hardly consumed fresh vegetables and fruits), how to digest it, and The old one is gone, but I want to eat.

Here, many can lose 20-30 kg, and they had, well, maybe a maximum of 10 kg extra (and usually less), so they become like prisoners of a concentration camp. And it’s good if a person’s digestive system is in excellent condition and it can quickly rebuild itself, and new microflora can also quickly form in the intestines, but what if not? It’s just that sometimes we don’t act very “healthily” and wisely for the sake of health.


Personally, in my case, at the moment my face is very thin, that is, just a skull covered with skin, which obviously does not look good, and the wrinkles have deepened and become more obvious and deeper, which is why I began to look older. I have not found an exact explanation for this factor, but this happens when there is a problem with digestion and I believe that this is due to a sharp transition. In just the last couple of months, I’ve talked to three guys whose consequences of a sudden transition were even worse than mine, the weight dropped even lower, which had its consequences. For girls this is less problematic, because dystrophic girls are now in fashion, but for them it also becomes a problem when the weight falls below any reasonable measures.

Over the course of a year and a half, I have seen many such examples, these people then “break down”, they have some kind of eternal “crises”, they return to the old diet, then have a very negative attitude towards a raw food diet, or most often they simply disappear from sight. And partly I understand these people. We can immediately say that more than 90% of these people have an ectomorph constitution. For other constitutions, there are usually no serious problems when switching to CE; most often, the usual symptoms of cleansing the body appear. For people with an endomorph (kapha) constitution and those who are overweight, switching to a raw food diet, even abruptly, is very good. While their body is in shock and is being rebuilt, they lose 20-30 kg of fat, then when the body is rebuilt and the weight stops falling so quickly, the skin tightens and then the weight comes off gradually, in a healthier way. But how much easier it becomes for them when they get rid of this burden, and how many problems can go away literally in the first couple of weeks, because they are associated specifically with obesity, plus the body receives cleaner fuel and a huge amount of energy and the process of treatment and recovery the body is moving by leaps and bounds.

But let's return to us, to the dead


We most often do not observe all this. We lose weight, we look bad, we may have a lot of problems, we may be constantly tired, exhausted, weak, and there may be a lot of other things. I think we have all seen photographs of these “happy” guys and girls, and could read their stories on forums. Personally, when I was interested in a raw food diet for the first time, it pushed me very much away from this topic, and I am sure that not only me, but why there are especially many such raw foodists among the Russian-speaking population. They keep waiting for the weight to return, they keep waiting and waiting, and then when they can no longer bear the pressure from concerned relatives and friends, they move away from this food system, without ever seeing the positive side and advantages of a raw food diet.

And of course you can understand relatives and friends, because from the outside they see how exhausted a person is and worry about his health and it is difficult for them to understand that we are “ruining” ourselves for the sake of health. Yes, there are those who endure for a long time and persistently and wait for everything to more or less return to normal, but how long does it take? 1-2-3 years? How many such people are there? One in a hundred? Does this happen without consequences for the body? Is this really necessary? I personally am not sure that it is worth going this way and that it is good for health, it’s like attacking head-on and killing almost the entire platoon during the attack, it seems to me that this is not reasonable, maybe it would be worth using some other tactics and strategy? I am sure that it is in this case that a smooth transition is needed, which, just like in the first case, may take a year or 2-3 years, but will not have such negative consequences.

Of course, everything is very individual and it’s difficult to advise something specific to everyone, each case needs to be analyzed separately, but still, if we have low weight, a thin constitution, thin bones, and in general we instantly lose weight if, for example, we don’t sleep enough, overwork, or don’t eat enough, then we clearly should not rush to switch to the CE. Remember fanaticism never leads to anything good. Why do we need to verify this from our own experience? There's no need to rush.

You just need to gradually eat more greens, vegetables and fruits, and less prepared food. Then, over time, for example, you can eat only fruits for breakfast, and only vegetables and greens for dinner, and only eat food that is familiar to us at lunch. Even ready-made food can be replaced with something healthier, fried food can be replaced with boiled, boiled with baked or stewed, then you can steam it, some cereals can simply be poured with boiling water. You can remove salt, spices, oils from the diet and everything else, especially chemical and unnatural foods. And slowly add more and more living food, let the body get used to it, let it learn to digest it and take from it more and more of what we need. Likewise, let the flora in the intestines change gradually. Where are we going? For 20-30 years we ate fried meat and French fries, drank Coca-Cola, and now we think that an extra day of eating buckwheat or stewed vegetables will bring us to the grave? And God forbid we don’t become cool 100% raw foodists?

Believe me, we have a MUCH better chance of achieving both a raw food diet and health in general. Let's just be more reasonable and do truly "healthy" things for the sake of health, and not cripple ourselves for the sake of it. Many people think that today I ate my burger and fries, drank my last glass of beer and smoked my last cigarette, and tomorrow I am already 100% raw foodist. And how long will we last until we break? Day ? Month ? Year ? Or maybe it’s better not to break down and do everything gradually? Or is there a fire? Are we in a hurry somewhere? We need to hurry when we have diarrhea, then we really need to run to the toilet as quickly as possible, otherwise it will be too late


I could also understand if we had cancer in a late stage, and we did not have time to procrastinate and procrastinate, all possible and extreme measures would be needed. But this is a rare case isn't it? So let's not be surprised if, in a hurry, we end up with underweight, gray hair, deep wrinkles and dozens of other problems until everything more or less normalizes, but will everything normalize over time? Is not a fact.

The speed of transition to CE, in my opinion, depends on how you ate before, how many years you ate this way, your digestion, your general health, your constitution, your age, the number of bad habits and diseases you have, and even your place of residence.


The same thing comes in handy when switching to vegetarianism, especially if you have an ectomorph constitution and if meat food is the basis of your entire diet. There is no need to once again put your body and yourself into stress and shock, we are city dwellers and we live in stress whether we want it or not.

And I repeat once again, I am not against abrupt transitions. I am for doing everything reasonably and without fanaticism. Each case is individual, I know very good examples of abrupt transitions. When people's diabetes went away within a couple of weeks, etc. But my experience and my observations tell me that people with low weight need to be more careful and should delay the transition for the right individual time, a year, two, or at least five.

The second problem in my opinion is how we eat and that we are one. The motto of raw foodists, eat whatever you want, as long as it is raw, seems to me far from the best option. Many new raw foodists don’t know what to eat and rush into all sorts of different directions, then we eat only cabbage and raw potatoes, then a couple of apples a day, then we just chew all day without stopping, everything in a row, then we sit on some nuts and dried fruits, then we eat everything is mono (one type of product per meal), then we prepare a variety of dishes from many ingredients (not always raw or healthy at all), then we eat only fruits, then only vegetables, some of us do not drink water at all, others absorb there is an incredible amount of it, some people eat sprouted grains and beans, and all this, in my opinion, unfortunately also does not add to our health.

It is better to follow some kind of system or create a nutrition plan for the transition period or for the first time. I know that many of us yesterday ate kebabs and washed them down with vodka, today we switched to a raw food diet and immediately begin to “listen” to our body. Today he tells us that we need to eat cabbage, tomorrow 2 unripe bananas, after tomorrow a kilogram of nuts. And what's next ? Is he telling us again to eat kebabs and drink vodka? Are we sure that our body is so adjusted and that we are so sensitive that we can really know what is best for us to eat at the moment? What food will be our medicine? I'm not sure, I think this at least takes years, not a couple of hours or days.

In general, if you read the forums, sometimes you are simply amazed at what people eat. It seems to me that the main thing in the beginning is to eat enough food, and not for us, but for our body. Many are literally starving, and do not notice it until the body can no longer do this and a “breakdown” or some kind of “crisis” or something else with a strange name occurs.


Understand that even though we are accustomed to a certain “volume” of food, our new food, fresh, ripe, alive, after all, is different from the dried, fried and baked food that we ate before, it contains more water and we need to eat more of such food than what we were used to before. We immediately begin to be drawn to dried foods like nuts and dried fruits, or to fatty foods like the same nuts, seeds, oils and some fatty fruits, but we are just trying to replace one bad thing with another, looking for something familiar to us, but a large amount of fat will not bring us health, we sometimes begin to consume fat many times more than we did on a standard diet, it’s just more familiar to us, it requires less, fills us up faster, takes longer to digest (or rather, tries to digest) and satisfies hunger for a longer period, but this is not a solution, it is better to gradually increase the amount of fruits, vegetables and herbs. Real raw, whole, wholesome food.

Some people, on the contrary, stuff themselves with an excessive amount of food; this also seems to me not to be the best option. We need to understand how much food we need to consume, now, on a given day. And this norm can change over time, just like our lives. Also, don’t chew all day, train yourself to eat a couple of times a day, depending on what your metabolism or constitution is, for some it will be enough to eat 1-2 times a day, for others 3-4 times. By constantly eating, we always have an acidic environment in our mouths instead of an alkaline one, and because of this, at the very least, there may be problems with teeth. And let your stomach rest at least a little.

It’s not bad sometimes to not eat at all, for example, to fast once a week, to observe Ekadyshi or other fasts. Periodically do longer hunger strikes, the main thing is not to overdo it, again without fanaticism. It’s also worth understanding in general, what do we actually want? Eat food similar to what we ate before and simply more raw (I invented a new word


? Or do we want to eat the food that is intended for us by nature and is ideal for us? And these are usually two different things


I already wrote how we can determine what food suits us best here.

If you want to eat something similar to your usual food, just healthier, then this is not a problem, now there are thousands of recipes and hundreds of books of raw food cuisine, but try to make sure that these are low-fat dishes and made from truly raw foods. I think probably 90% of these dishes will disappear immediately. Do the rest for your health. You should also understand that dried fruit or anything cooked in a dehydrator is not alive or raw, and neither are dried nuts. It’s a completely different matter if you want to eat truly living, raw and natural food intended for us to eat. This is usually fruits, vegetables and young greens. And usually there is rarely a desire to mix this food, and this is rather our habit. And there is no problem if you eat salads at the beginning, over time you will want it less and less, and salads will become easier and easier over time, until they disappear completely, I think.

Of course, everything is again individual, some people can eat a lot of fruits at once, others should start with vegetables and herbs, and introduce fruits slowly, this depends on many factors, especially on how you ate before, on the pollution of your intestines ( it never hurts to cleanse yourself if you want), from the microflora of your intestines and the presence of parasites in your body, from the body’s ability to digest fruits, vegetables or herbs, etc. The main thing is to understand the system, eat enough (not undereat or overeat), eat as much truly live and raw food as possible.

And the third problem is not exactly a raw food diet problem, this applies to everyone who is interested in healthier nutrition systems, but the problem is serious. The fact is that we are too fixated on nutrition and do not pay attention to other equally important health factors. A raw foodist who does not play sports, spends half the day in front of the computer, and the other half the day watching TV, walks only to the toilet or to the car, does not spend time in nature or even on the street, goes to bed at 3-4 o’clock in the morning, how can he be really healthy person? My answer is no!

Some still manage to drink coffee, smoke and drink alcohol during the CE. We need to realize that nutrition is an important factor, but not the only one. I have met many people who were sure that if you eat right, then everything else is not important, or the main thing is to exercise, but you can eat anything, or you need to breathe according to Frolov and everything will be fine, or you need to engage only in spiritual practices, etc. Is this reasonable? All these factors are important and there are even more factors leading to health and many examples of how these factors work and really improve health, but why focus on just one?

And in the end I would like to generalize a little. I think if we want to switch to a raw food diet, then we are on the right track. But you don’t need to throw yourself into the sea without knowing how to swim. Let's first study this issue at least a little, find people who will help us understand this topic (but we should not rely on the opinion of one person and it is advisable that these people have a lot of experience and experience) If we have never been interested in healthy eating and ate everything or we are a very short/tall, thin person, or we have only recently switched to vegetarianism/veganism, then perhaps we should not rush and should do everything gradually, especially if we have problems with the stomach or intestines.

We also need to understand what is best for us to eat. This is also worth seriously studying, what food is best for us? How much should I use? When and how many times a day? And in any case, we need to understand that the more raw, fresh, ripe, whole and truly living food we eat, the better for our health. Also, you shouldn’t experiment on yourself, there are many people who have already done these experiments on themselves, maybe it’s worth taking advantage of their experience?


And finally, you don’t need to assume that everything came down to a wedge on nutrition. These are the thoughts that have been running through my head lately


Thanks for reading. I don’t intend to argue or convince you of anything, I’m just sharing my experience and my implementations. I’m also not saying that they are the only true ones.


And I will be glad to receive any feedback, positive or negative. I wish you to do what you think is reasonable, better for you and those around you, and will bring you the best results on the path to health and happiness. I hope you took something useful for yourself. Good luck and good health!
