Is it possible to go to the gym during menstruation?

Moderate exercise in a fitness club during menstruation eliminates blood stagnation in the organs of the reproductive system and promotes the secretion of endorphins, which are responsible for overall well-being. Women who regularly exercise and do not suffer from gynecological disorders slightly reduce the load during menstruation and do not stop training. With gynecological diseases, it is difficult to decide on your own whether you can go to the gym during your period. Most often, discomfort and poor health are associated with illness. When making the final decision on classes, they proceed from the nature of the pathology and the recommendations of the gynecologist.

  1. Features of menstruation.
  2. Sports for dysmenorrhea.
  3. Physical activity for hypermenorrhea.
  4. Exercise for hypomenorrhea.
  5. Features of hormonal changes during menstruation.

Features of menstruation.

It should be noted that menstruation disorders and discomfort are also noted:

  1. in childless women;
  2. when using intrauterine contraceptives;
  3. with blood stagnation caused by lack of movement.

But more often the discomfort is explained by health problems. According to statistics, cycle disorders occur today in almost half of all women of childbearing age. Deviations may be of the following nature:

  1. painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea);
  2. heavy discharge (hypermenorrhea);
  3. scanty discharge (hypomenorrhea).

Sports for dysmenorrhea.

Pain is caused by inflammatory gynecological diseases, anatomical features of the position of the uterus, and increased excitability of the nervous system. Provoking factors are:

  1. excess weight;
  2. smoking;
  3. stress;
  4. lack of sleep.

Improvement of the condition, in addition to therapeutic measures, depends on the woman’s lifestyle. Compliance with a proper diet, sleep, and physical activity with such violations of the monthly cycle come to the fore.

Visiting the gym and fitness classes within reasonable limits are allowed during menstruation, with the exception of exercises associated with twisting, bending, and weights. It is recommended to reduce the load, spend more time on stretching, you can do Pilates and yoga. Perform exercises to feel better without forcing the load.

Physical activity for hypermenorrhea.

Almost a third of women experience prolonged heavy menstruation, lasting more than a week. A woman loses a large amount of blood; exercising with hypermenorrhea in the gym is not recommended. Physical stress increases blood circulation in the uterus. This may cause:

  1. increased discharge;
  2. anemia;
  3. deterioration in performance.
  1. with the work of the press;
  2. straining;
  3. lifting weights;
  4. loads on the diaphragm;
  5. jumping.

In addition, some physical exercises with weights can independently cause heavy discharge. It is recommended to refuse training during menstruation, not to go to the gym, reduce the load on other days, and not strive to set a record at any cost. When deciding whether you can go to the gym during your period, you need to coordinate your opinion with your gynecologist and not draw a conclusion on your own.

However, you cannot completely give up playing sports. Movement is a necessary condition for proper blood circulation, the key to a healthy heart, and a stress-resistant nervous system. With such features of the cycle, it is recommended to exercise on all days except menstruation, review your load with your trainer, eliminating dangerous exercises and exercises with weights.

Exercise for hypomenorrhea.

Intensified fitness classes combined with a reduced diet can cause hypomenorrhea and even provoke their complete disappearance - amenorrhea. If your discharge is scanty, it is recommended to rest, go for walks, and supplement your diet with vitamins. We must not forget about fats, since to build sex hormones the body needs cholesterol, which is completely absent in low-calorie dietary products. On the remaining days of the cycle, sports that do not involve the use of weights are recommended; you can do:

  1. swimming;
  2. shaping;
  3. water aerobics;
  4. stretching;
  5. yoga;
  6. Pilates.

Features of hormonal changes during menstruation.

In terms of the amount of sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, a woman’s body during this period is closer to a man’s than on other days of the cycle. According to research by Stacy Sims, a sports medicine specialist at Stanford University, during menstruation:

  1. pain threshold increases;
  2. metabolic rate increases;
  3. tissue regeneration is enhanced.

And if the discomfort of “critical days” is not caused by a real illness, you need to pull yourself together and, getting up from a comfortable chair, go to the gym for training.

Stacy Sims proved the effectiveness of exercising during menstruation with her own experience, winning the triathlon championship on these very days.

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