Leg muscles

The legs are actually basisthe foundation of an athlete's body, therefore they must be not only massive and voluminous, but also quite powerful and strong.

Leg muscles can be divided into the following groups:

The upper part is the thigh muscles, which include two component subgroups:
  1. Quadriceps - hip extensor or quadriceps,
  2. Biceps - hip flexor or biceps.

Thigh muscles are the most massive muscle group person. In terms of volume, only the back muscles can compare with them. Most famous champion athletes take their training very seriously. hips, because it’s no secret that exercises such as squats effectively work not only the hips, but also effectively use the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.

Among the bodybuilders who have achieved phenomenal success in developing thigh muscles, it is worth highlighting Tom Platz.

The lower part is the muscles of the lower leg, the bulk of which is the triceps muscle, located on the dorsal surface, which is also divided into:
  1. calf group,
  2. Soleus group.

Many athletes ignore lower part, without paying any attention to it during training. Then, in the end, they remember about her only after losing in competitions.

When working through shins It is recommended to use different positions of the feet: toes apart (outward), inward and parallel position. With such an integrated approach, you will be able to influence all its areas.

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