The most optimal position for sleeping during pregnancy.

A woman's sleep during pregnancy worsens, becoming more sensitive and anxious. As your belly grows, it’s difficult to get comfortable in bed, and a comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy is extremely important for a woman’s health.

The first weeks the stomach does not create problems, and women who prefer the position on their stomach may not change their habit. Difficulties during this period can be caused by toxicosis, accompanied by nausea, as well as breast enlargement and soreness. In the third month, the tummy position becomes undesirable for the baby, so a safer position should be chosen.

A safe and comfortable position is on your back. However, the growth of the baby leads to increased compression of the mother's blood vessels while sleeping in this position. The position on the back, starting from the fourth month, leads to difficulty in blood circulation and oxygen starvation of the brain. It can provoke hemorrhoids, tachycardia, and numbness. From now on, a woman can only get a full night's sleep and rest by turning on her side.

The most suitable position for sleeping during pregnancy can be considered the position on the left side. The baby does not experience oxygen deficiency, large veins and arteries are not compressed, and the free flow of blood in the vessels is not disrupted. This position makes it possible to get a good night's sleep; the woman does not experience heaviness in the lower back or back after sleep. When the baby is positioned transversely, the woman should prefer the side that coincides with the direction of the baby's head. Of course, it is impossible to sleep without changing position. The position can be changed by turning over, taking a semi-sitting position in recent weeks.

Special pillows help correct body position during pregnancy. There are several varieties: horseshoe pillows, letters “C”, “I” or “G”. You can take a few regular pillows and sit comfortably in the bed. A signal that the position is chosen incorrectly and the baby is experiencing discomfort is the kicking of the legs. The child is thus the best indicator of the correctness of the chosen position.

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