Weekly planning in weightlifting. Distribution of workload by week.

The monthly plan should reflect: the volume and intensity of the load by week; volume of various exercises with a barbell and general physical training by week; timing of the competition. The task of weekly planning is to optimally distribute exercises by volume and intensity in individual classes. The load planned for the month is carried out unevenly: weeks with a large volume of load should alternate with weeks including small and medium loads.

As a rule, there is less variation in load between weeks and individual classes with significant volumes of monthly load. A relatively even distribution of monthly and weekly volume can occur in beginner athletes or after a long break in training. Of course, in the off-season and preparatory period, we do not forget about sports nutrition: proteins, creatines, BCAA, vitamins, minerals and other modern sports pharmacology drugs designed to make you stronger and more resilient.

The competition month is characterized by a decrease in load in the last week - it amounts to 11-14% of the monthly volume. The diet and use of special equipment are also special for this period - read more about this in our following articles.

The distribution of the load by week: both in the preparatory and in the competitive month can be very diverse, however, in the first case, option 1 is most common; 2; 3—1; 1—3; 2—4; 4—2; in the second - 1; 2; 1—3; 3-1 (according to A.V. Chernyak, N.S. Atanasov, A.D. Ermakov).

Designating an option with one number (1, 2, 3) means that the maximum load value occurs precisely in this week of the month. Before this, it gradually increases, and after that it gradually decreases. If the option is indicated by two numbers (3-1), then the first indicates the week with maximum load, and the second - with slightly less. For example, option 1-3 is characterized by a maximum parameter value in the 1st week, a decrease in the 2nd week, a further increase in the 3rd week (but slightly less than in the 1st week) and a subsequent decrease in the 4th week .

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