Pull-up on the horizontal bar

Pull-ups are a basic exercise, one of the main ones for building a wide, impressive, massive back.

There are the following pull-up options:

  1. Pull-up on the horizontal bar to the chest.
  2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar behind the head.

Pull-ups also vary in grip width:

  1. Narrow grip.
  2. Medium grip.
  3. Wide grip.
  4. Maximum permissible wide grip.

The grip option is also of great importance:

  1. Grip.
  2. Pickup.

For this exercise, there are a large number of alternative special simulators and adapters that provide broad functionality to load specific local areas of the muscle, avoiding potential ligament injuries and sprains. The exercise mainly affects the latissimus dorsi, biceps, and posterior deltoid muscles. The correct breathing technique is carried out according to the principle: when pulling up, we exhale sharply, when lowering, inhale slowly. When performing regular exercises on the horizontal bar, in order to increase the effect of the exercise, professional bodybuilders recommend doing the positive phase approximately two to three times faster than the corresponding negative phase. That is: the rise to the crossbar lasts two seconds, and the descent, at least, lasts four seconds. For example, Boer Ko extended his lowering phase for a full minute or more.

There is an alternative way to increase exercise intensity. These are weighted pull-ups. Here, as always, help: belt hooks for discs, weighted backpacks, special vests and other weighting devices. For example, Joe Cardillo - “Mr. Canada”, did 7-8 pull-ups with a weight of more than 50 kg, after which the partner removed the additional weight, and Joe continued to do pull-ups as much as he could - so to speak, until complete failure.

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