A simple rule: muscles do not grow during training!

Most newcomers who have just entered the world of iron sports have a completely wrong stereotype. They believe that the more they train, the better. What's the end result? – overtraining, stagnation and sore throat... And instead of one step forward we get two steps back! After this, the beginner comes to the gym with even greater enthusiasm and “pulls” even more with triple the strength. As a result, at best: chronic sore throat and chronic overtraining, and at worst: injury for life, and parting with iron sports forever...

The main thing for any beginner is to understand one simple rule: muscles do not grow during training! It’s the other way around—muscles grow while you rest! And even if you have enough nutritious balanced nutrition! In fact, the world of bodybuilding stands on three pillars:

  1. Nutrition,
  2. Recovery,
  3. Training.

Please note: training is in third place, and this is not without reason! Because without the first two points, you, as a successful athlete, are worthless if you ignore them!

Hence the conclusion: we need to put nutrition at the proper level. And how to do it? That you constantly hang out in the kitchen and constantly cook and eat - not at all! There is a better way: now all you have to do is buy protein; we recommend taking large quantities at once so that it lasts for a long time. You will also need to buy a shaker - a sports bottle for making protein shakes. That's all, actually.

Now, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, we add additional meals to our diet. In fact, alternating between regular meals and a protein shake. It’s easy to prepare: throw a couple of spoons of dry protein powder into a shaker, add water, milk or juice - whatever suits your taste. Shake well for complete mixing - that’s it, the cocktail is ready, you can use it internally!

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