Let “iron sports” become your “bad habit”!

Our editorial office receives the same type of questions from our readers with enviable regularity: “Is it really bad if I smoke a little while doing bodybuilding?”, or “Is it possible, while doing bodybuilding, to sometimes drink a little alcohol?”

It’s good that they don’t ask: “Is it possible to take a drag from a joint while swinging?”...

As you probably already guessed, our topic today is: bad habits and is it worth giving them some slack by plunging into the “iron world” for more than one day?

So, you have made your choice, having come to healthy sports, having come to the world of bodybuilding and fitness, you want to become strong, beautiful, muscular and visually attractive. You build your body, because bodybuilding is nothing more than building your own body. So why lay some negative, pernicious bad habits into the foundation of your architectural creation? Remember: alcohol and tobacco are your step back. Or rather, not even a step, but a leap! How far will you go in your endeavors, constantly moving backwards? – I think it’s unlikely. It is for this reason that it is extremely necessary to give up all bad habits and reconsider your attitude towards life. What is bodybuilding? – after all, this is not just a stupid swing in the gym! Bodybuilding is a system! This is a complex of comprehensive changes in oneself. These are: training, nutrition, recovery, daily routine, planning, self-control, and a healthy lifestyle... Throw out at least one component and nothing will work out for you - the structure will collapse. And only in a complex way, by changing your attitude towards life, by changing your whole self, can you achieve some serious results.

A healthy lifestyle is the cornerstone of iron sports. And, as you know, alcohol, smoking and other bad habits are his worst opponents. So, by taking the side of bodybuilding, you automatically take the side of a healthy lifestyle - so be so kind as to abandon its opponents. After all, you only need to play with one goal. And working on two fronts in this case is a waste of time and effort. So decide for yourself: which side are you on?

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