Split bodybuilding – separate training for each muscle group

Split program in the training process makes it possible clearly regulate the load on certain muscle groups. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the sequence of exercises. So, after the biceps, the triceps are best trained; after working the pectorals, you should load the back muscles.

The split program in all variants of its planning requires the use of creative, individual approach, taking into account the characteristics of the constitution, the reaction of muscles to load, recovery time and other decisive important factors and indicators of the athlete.

We offer several ways to separate training...

Four-time split workout:

1.       Monday, Thursday - upper body muscles, abdominal muscles;

Tuesday, Friday - legs, abdominals.

2.       Monday, Wednesday - upper shoulder girdle, abdominals;

Tuesday, Thursday - legs, abdominals.

3.       Monday, Thursday - back, pectoral, shoulder girdle, abdominals;

Tuesday, Friday - thighs, biceps, triceps, calves.

4.       Monday, Thursday - thighs, pectorals, forearms, biceps, lower legs;

Tuesday, Friday - back, shoulder girdle, biceps, triceps.

5.       Monday, Thursday - thighs, pectorals, forearms, biceps, lower legs;

Tuesday, Friday - back, shoulder girdle, forearms, abdominals, triceps, lower leg.

Lee Haney used four days of training before winning the competition "Mr. Olympia" 1981. He believes that four-day split training is a great program that allows you to train intensely while still recovering well.

One of schemes Lee Haney:

Monday, Thursday - abdominals, back, pectorals, deltoids, lower legs;

Tuesday, Friday - abdominals, legs, biceps, triceps, forearms.

Five day split planned out of four days. Any of the options proposed above is taken and compiled in such a way that the first and second workouts alternate. For example, for Monday and Thursday - the first training session, for Tuesday and Friday - the second training session, with rest on the weekends.

  1. with an emphasis on one muscle group per day (Monday - deltoids, Tuesday - biceps, Wednesday - triceps, Thursday - back, Friday - pectorals, Saturday - legs);
  2. with an emphasis on one group twice a week (Monday, Thursday - pectoral and deltoid; Tuesday, Friday - arms, back; Wednesday, Saturday - abdominals and legs);
  3. with an emphasis on one group three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday - chest, back, abs, deltoids; Thursday, Saturday - legs, arms, deltoids).

The strongest bodybuilders in the world often use the principle in training double split - training twice a day. An approximate scheme of such training:

1)       Monday, Wednesday, Friday: in the morning - chest, back, lower leg; in the evening - arms, deltoids, abs.

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: in the morning - legs, forearms; in the evening - rest.

2)       Monday: in the morning - arms, neck; in the evening - deltoids, shoulders.

Tuesday: in the morning - pectorals, abs, lower legs; in the evening - back.

Wednesday: morning - rest; in the evening - legs, abs.

Thursday: in the morning - arms, abs; in the evening - deltoid, lower leg.

Friday: in the morning - chest, neck; in the evening - back.

Saturday: morning - rest; in the evening - legs, abs.

The choice of one of the proposed training options depends on individual characteristics, level of preparedness, and period of training. Based on your experience and analyzing the results achieved, you can find the most suitable training system for yourself, which is what we sincerely wish for you!

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