Stretching for cellulite at home

As you know, cellulite is the most unpleasant thing in the women's world, which sooner or later upsets every woman who does not take care of herself and is not into sports. Even if you are on a tight diet, you still have the annoying chance of earning that hated orange peel... What can you do? What to do? – stretching will help against cellulite. Just a few simple exercises, but performed regularly, will guarantee you an excellent appearance and, accordingly, a great mood...

How to protect yourself from cellulite? So a couple of simple stretching exercises:

  1. Sit on your butt. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Bend one leg at the knee and twist it back. Reach your hands towards the straightened leg, trying to grab its toes. Then switch legs - a great stretching exercise.
  2. Sit wide on your knees, but so that your butt drops to the floor and your heels point up. Overcoming resistance, slowly lean back using your hands. Excellent stretching of the hip, with all the ensuing consequences.

  3. Sit on your butt, bring your heels together - yoga pose. First, press your knees as deep as possible into the floor. Then, grabbing your socks, pull them towards your chest - five-point stretching.
  4. Classic:  sit on your butt. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Reach towards your left foot, then towards your right, then forward in a central direction.

Now you know how to do cellulite stretching at home - just 15 minutes a day regularly, and your butt and legs on the beach will be impeccable! This is what we wish for you with all our hearts!

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