Superfoods and some recommendations for proper nutrition.

I think every bodybuilder who comes to the gym understands the importance of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. After all, all athleticism is built on three pillars: Training, Nutrition and Rest. If you ignore at least one of these aspects, you will not see normal muscles like your ears.

In fact, many beginners simply destroy themselves during training, bring themselves to the wildest level of soreness, while they work so hard almost every day! At the same time, these guys even skip mandatory meals, not to mention additional meals every 2 hours.

Then they come home, but they want to watch TV, because there are so many interesting things! Night comes imperceptibly, but the interesting things never end... And so we go to bed at an unknown time, actually undermining our rest and recovery. And then they wonder: “Why am I not growing?”

It is extremely important for a novice bodybuilder to understand that only with strict adherence to all the rules of nutrition, rest and training is progress in iron sports possible. If two of your three whales are dead and weak, your iron world will collapse like a house of cards.

So, we emphasized the importance of balancing all three components! And now we will pay more attention to our weaknesses in this balance. But in this article I would like to focus on slightly different things...

Did you know that many of our everyday products have very useful features? For example, cocoa! You have no idea how healthy cocoa is!! It would seem: cocoa is practically the same as coffee. But no! Cocoa is cocoa! Coffee is coffee!

And it is cocoa that contains a sea of ​​​​benefits for ordinary people, and even more so for a bodybuilder. Cocoa helps with hypertension and contains many antioxidants. Cocoa lowers blood pressure - and this is very important for an athlete, because working with maximum and sub-maximum weights inevitably lowers blood pressure. Therefore, it is very important to correct this situation at least with nutrition.

In general, cocoa can be considered a real Superfood - a “must have” product in a bodybuilder’s diet. Especially in the form of cocoa powder. Here I would like to dwell in more detail. Why is cocoa powder a “must have” product for an athlete? The thing is that cocoa in the form of cocoa powder is great as an additive to protein or other powdered sports nutrition products.

This is done like this: take a shaker, add 30 grams of protein, add cocoa to taste, shake - the healthy and tasty super cocktail is ready. Well, isn't it cool? Therefore, if there is no cocoa on your table yet, run to the supermarket and buy it.

These are the recommendations... See you in the rocking chair.

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