Technical devices and training devices for training athletes.

In this review, we will look at training devices, devices and technical solutions used by trainers in the physical training of their players. The article will cover various sports disciplines, but mainly: athletics with all the variety of elements it includes, such as race walking, jogging, hurdles, vault, throwing and others...

Let's get started...

  1. The combined device is a gymnastic apparatus.
  2. Gymnastic apparatus for performing exercises related to shoulder stands.
  3. We train vault.
  4. A device for improving the starting technique of runners.
  5. Hurdling and devices for its training.
  6. An adaptation to shoes for children and teenagers that makes running and jumping easier.
  7. Jumping platform.
  8. A device for developing the strength of shot putters.
  9. Protective sports cap.
  10. Manual exercise equipment for training arms and hands.
  11. Shock absorber.
  12. Stand with stops.
  13. Block device for speed skaters.
  14. Stand for training balance and spatial orientation.

The combined device is a gymnastic apparatus.

The device is designed for teaching handstands and headstands.

The device (Fig. 1) consists of:

  1. metal rectangular frame 1,
  2. vertical stands with inserted forearm holders 2,
  3. vertical stand with platform 3,
  4. metal rod 4,
  5. metal plates 5.

Three vertical posts are attached to a metal rectangular frame made from scraps of pipes with a diameter of 3 cm. Two of them with inserted forearm holders are used for teaching handstands and headstands. At the top of the third rack there is a platform with a surface covered with porous rubber. A metal rod is attached below to serve as a hand rest.

Gymnastic apparatus for performing exercises related to shoulder stands.

This gymnastic device (Fig. 2) usually has two horizontal frames 1, which rest on the floor. They have supports for the shoulders 2. The other end of the horizontal frames is connected to a vertical frame 5, at the upper end of which there is a support element 3. A bracket 4 with a stop at the end is connected to the vertical frame. Thus, the support can be grabbed by the feet of the legs bent at the knee joint.

We train vault.

Using a device for training vaults, you can perform complex rotations (authors V. M. Smirnov, V. V. Stepanov). The device (Fig. 3) consists of a pommel horse 1, a stretcher 2, pieces of skis 3, and transverse slats 4.

A device for improving the starting technique of runners.

The device makes it possible to quickly develop the basic motor skills of getting off the start line and running step in starting acceleration. The device helps to eliminate incorrect placement of the foot on the support (by impact), forward movement of the foot (which causes “pushing” on the foot), premature removal of the foot from the support during push-off and high lifting of the shin, incomplete movement of the foot, etc.

The shoulder strap (Fig. 4, a) is made of strong fabric (canvas, canvas, tarpaulin) and is a rectangle measuring 50 cm x 35 cm. A cutout for the neck 1 is made in the rectangle and harnesses 3 are sewn from a belt or strong braid with a width of 2... 2.5 cm, 45 cm long, to which are attached 2 slings 150 cm long (made of rope or round rubber 1 cm thick). The strap has a fastener with a buckle at the back (Fig. 4, b). The exercise is shown in Fig. 4, c.

Hurdling and devices for its training.

The device is designed for more effective training in hurdles.

Additional “superstructures” are attached to the barrier with a height of 60...70 cm, which help to increase the obstacle. In Fig. 5, a shows additional “add-ons” for the barrier depending on the training objectives, age and qualifications of the athlete. In Fig. 5, b shows a barrier with posts and a crossbar attached to the sides, forming a “window” through which you need to jump.

An adaptation to shoes for children and teenagers that makes running and jumping easier.

The device is designed to train coordination and practice technical elements in jumping and running.

The device (Fig. 6) is a sports shoe 1 with a springy elastic filler 2. The device is used in athletics and sports games to create easier conditions when teaching technical techniques in running and jumping.

The platform serves as a place for individual jumping training. It can be used for landings in high jumps, acrobatic exercises and also in long jumps.

Device 1 consists of several simple parts (Fig. 7):

  1. wooden platform 2 in the form of a rectangle 2X3 m,
  2. the same size metal base on four roller wheels 3,
  3. bearing on which the axis is placed to rotate the platform 4.

A device for developing the strength of shot putters.

The device is designed to develop the strength of shot putters. The device allows you to perform exercises in isometric mode.

The design of the device (Fig. 8) includes: two fixed boards 1 with gutters on them 2, a metal pipe 3 or a rubber shock absorber 4.

The exercises are performed in the following order:

  1. a — in the “capture” position — 5 s of maximum tension;
  2. b — in the “piling” position — 5 s of maximum voltage;
  3. c — in the “whip whip” position — 5 s of maximum tension.

Protective sports cap.

A sports cap is designed to protect the head from impact when falling.

The cap (Fig. 9) is made of wool, acrylic or other similar material. Small cushions (made of rubber) at the bottom of the cap absorb shock. In addition, the hat is comfortable, has an attractive appearance and protects the head from the cold. A protective cap is used when practicing any sport, especially skiing and cycling.

Manual exercise equipment for training arms and hands.

The training apparatus is an element that is elastic in bending, stretching and torsion with stable handles at the ends.

The projectile (Fig. 10) consists of handles / having the shape of an isosceles triangle, the sides and base of which can be used for gripping with a hand or foot. The handles are connected to spring 2.

Shock absorber.

The device (author E. Bobrovich) is designed to improve the speed of movement and develop strength in conditions of counteraction.

The device (Fig. 11) consists of a leather belt 1 and a rubber band 2 10 m long, 1...1.5 cm in diameter, connected to each other. The rubber band is attached at one end to the belt, and at the other to a bracket in the wall.

Stand with stops.

The device is intended for teaching handstands and one-arm stands, horizontal supports on the elbows, and one-elbow stands.

The design of the device is as follows (Fig. 12):

  1. 1 — clamps for the shoulder;
  2. 2 - wooden blocks;
  3. 3 — device for adjusting the height of the support;
  4. 4 - racks;
  5. 5 — metal plates;
  6. 6 - wooden platform.

When moving the stand vertically upward, the arm support lever increases, and downward, it decreases. As you master the exercises, the clamps are gradually lowered.

Block device for speed skaters.

The device is intended for special and general physical training of speed skaters. The training device can be used by athletes in various sports.

The device (Fig. 13, a) consists of three blocks 1, a metal cable 2, on which a load 3 is attached. A thick rubber sheet larger than the load must be placed under the load. The pull of loads through the block is shown in Fig. 13, b...e.

Stand for training balance and spatial orientation.

The stand serves for research and training of athletes' sense of balance and spatial orientation.

The stand (Fig. 14) has a cross base 8 with a vertical stand that rotates around an axis. A double hinge with an axis 6 is mounted on the rack, on which a panel 2 with counterweights 4 is mounted. The panel is equipped with movable supports 3, 7 for arms and legs, as well as straps 1. The position of the panel is recorded by a recording device 5.

During training, the athlete, moving along the panel, achieves balance. To study the coordination of movement before and after irritation of the vestibular apparatus, the panel is rotated both manually and using an electric motor.

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