Acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation video

A targeted effect on special reflex zones of the human body activates internal vital energy, directing it to the healing of specific organs or systems. Acupuncture facial massage demonstrates an impressive effect, restoring former beauty and health. This will be discussed in this material.


The procedure, created by healers of the Ancient East, consists of local exposure to biologically active areas with fingertips. The main goal of the technique is to relieve tension and relax the facial muscle frame as much as possible. But besides this, massage has a positive effect on other aspects.

The acupressure technique is used along with classical, lymphatic and other rejuvenating methods of manual therapy, popular among women.

Worth knowing: acupuncture massage for facial wrinkles is additionally used for healing and treating certain diseases. It is practiced during the fight against pain, migraines and angina attacks.

Operating principle

Stimulation of reflex zones activates the circulation of vital energy, which, according to the creators of the method, occurs in a person along with other systemic processes.

  1. slowing down body aging;
  2. metabolism stimulation;
  3. accelerating the removal of lactic acid from muscles;
  4. stabilization of blood circulation in problem areas.


The positive effect is on the condition of the skin and organs, so don’t be surprised to find an improvement in your overall health.

The regularity of sessions and their correct implementation guarantee:

  1. muscle strengthening;
  2. smoothing wrinkles of any depth;
  3. slowing down age-related changes;
  4. normalization of sebum secretion;
  5. increased skin turgor;
  6. improvement of the color and condition of the epidermis.

To move on to the practice of acupressure facial massage, you should first study the layout of biologically active areas and their projection on the body.

Location of reflex zones

The face is the center of active points (more than 114). The diameter of each varies depending on the physiological characteristics - from 1 mm to 1 cm. To put it simply, their map is a collection of nerve appendages, the impact of which causes aches, mild pain and mild “electric shocks”.

Area around the eyes and cheekbones:

  1. Between the inner ends of the eyebrows, 1 cm above the bridge of the nose.
  2. In the inner corners of the eyes, closer to the bridge of the nose*.
  3. The middle of the brow arch, guided by the pupil*.
  4. 1 cm from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples*.
  5. Under the cheekbones, along the line of the pupil, guided by the lower edge of the nostrils*.
  6. Under the lower eyelid, 1 cm from the eye, towards the cheekbone*.



  1. Under the lower lip, in the hollow of the chin.
  2. 1 cm from the corners of the mouth*.
  3. In the center of the nasolabial fold, above the upper lip.



Temporal and frontal areas:

  1. Near the outer ends of the eyebrows, 1 cm closer to the temple*.
  2. Above the middle of the eyebrow arch, 1 cm from the hairline*.
  3. 3 cm above the outer corner of the eyes*.

When performing acupressure at home, you can influence reflex points with your fingers.

But other methods are also known in cosmetology:

  1. thermal;
  2. acupuncture;
  3. laser: infrared, ultraviolet;


  4. magnetic;
  5. vacuum.

The duration of exposure to each point depends on the chosen method, but ranges from 3 to 5 seconds.

Important! Proper nutrition and skin care with cosmetics will enhance and prolong the effect

Projection of internal organs

In addition to the face, acupuncture points affect several organs. Back in the last century, the famous neuropathologist Ged identified areas of the skin on the head and neck that signal pain in diseases of the internal organs. Later, doctors appreciated their diagnostic significance. It is not practical to describe each of them now, so we provide only a brief graphical map.


If you identify any area that gives off unusual sensations, you should take care of your health.

Types of acupressure techniques for facial massage

Based on the rules of specific practice, clicks are carried out with an acceptable error or require clarity. It can be performed with the index, middle or thumb, and paired reflex zones are processed synchronously.

Dynamic Chinese massage is aimed at getting rid of age-related signs on the face and improving health. Over the history of the practice, results of getting rid of chronic diseases that could not be overcome by traditional treatment methods have been recorded. Depending on the severity of the problem, some patients only need a couple of sessions to obtain the desired result, while for some, a full monthly complex is not enough.

Zhong implies a simplification of classic acupressure and consists of stimulating only the points necessary to activate the function of specific organs.

The session is carried out slowly, in a calm atmosphere. The technique is quite simple and you do not need long training to master it.


The practice involves a number of movements to stimulate reflex zones, but the most commonly used are tapping with the tip of the index finger or circular stroking with the bent thumb. In addition to the selected point, it is recommended to massage the area around it. The massage therapist himself determines the treatment time by how quickly the skin temperature rises in the massaged area.


Japanese massage used along with traditional medicine. The technique is safe, effective and accessible. Masters assure that the only reason for the lack of effect is the incorrect use of the technique.

Su-jok techniques are available at home and do not require special skills other than knowledge of the correct impact and location of reflex zones. In the practice of su-jok, there is a separate technique for the face, which is designed to rejuvenate not only delicate tissues and facial wrinkles, but also the entire body in particular.


The simplest and most accessible set of movements aimed at rejuvenation and natural lifting of the skin. One of the few techniques that can be performed daily, and not a couple of times a week. Therefore, a significant result will be noticeable after just half a month of regular sessions.

Shiatsu is divided into three types:

Zen - based on bioenergetic flows and intuition; classical - practiced by followers of Tokujiro Namikoshi (the creator of the technique); Western - an improved, more modern method, based on scientific facts proven by practice.

The reason for which the patient came in plays a major role in choosing the intensity of pressure and localization of the impact.

Important: during the session it is unacceptable to feel any discomfort or pain

The impact is on tsubo points, which trigger self-healing and self-rejuvenation of the body.


Please note that the maps of reflex zones in the photo are similar to maps of other methods. The fact is that the roots of all types of acupressure go back to the era of the Ancient East. Now the methods of influence are being modified, but the map of points itself does not change significantly, except for the location according to the individual physiological characteristics of the facial structure, which allows for a displacement of up to 1 cm.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for acupressure, from the point of view of traditional healers of the East and masters of manual therapy, is an imbalance in the energy field. Since few people believe in this, and people are increasingly basing their needs on the actual state of their health, it turns out that this type of massage has no direct indications or contraindications. Acupuncture is equally effective in combating serious ailments and cosmetic problems. Patients turn to specialists as soon as the first wrinkle appears, sinusitis worsens, or swelling of the facial tissues manifests itself. The latter generally has many reasons for its appearance.

Acupressure is compatible with:

  1. elos-rejuvenation;
  2. masks made from cosmetics or folk remedies;
  3. comprehensive rejuvenating physiotherapy.


Procedures are prohibited for:

  1. infectious damage to the body;
  2. congenital pathologies of internal organs;
  3. bone fractures;
  4. intestinal obstruction;
  5. peptic ulcer;
  6. oncological neoplasms;
  7. tuberculosis;
  8. AIDS;
  9. pregnancy;
  10. mental disorders;
  11. toxic poisoning, including drug or alcohol poisoning;
  12. patients over 75 years of age or children.

It is permissible for children to undergo acupressure, but strictly for medicinal purposes.

Since the simplest acupuncture technique is shiatsu, and it is aimed primarily at getting rid of cosmetic problems, we will consider it in more detail.

Acupressure facial massage at home

The goal is to awaken the body’s strength and direct it towards rejuvenation.

Preparing for a massage

Start the session by cleansing your skin with any product you are used to using. In extreme cases, it can be dry white wine diluted with purified water in a ratio of 3:1.

Then warm up the skin with steam treatments - from 2 to 3 minutes at temperatures up to 50 o C.


Perform the massage in conditions that are comfortable for you - aromatic candles, calm music, silence, etc.

To enhance the effect, apply a moisturizing vitamin cream immediately before the session.

Carrying out the procedure

Recommendations for implementing shiatsu acupuncture practice at home:

  1. According to the sequence of diagrams in the pictures, act on the points.


  2. Press and hold for up to 7 seconds. Move from the center of the forehead to the temples with three fingers simultaneously, synchronously in both directions, to the temples (point No. 1).
  3. At the same time, lower your fingers to the areas of each eyebrow arch (points No. 2) and hold for 7 seconds. Then release and click on points No. 3 and 4.
  4. For 5-7 seconds, press three fingers on points No. 5. If you feel discomfort, reduce the time of the appointments, increasing it gradually with each subsequent session. It is this area that is prone to the greatest manifestation of wrinkles, so the impact should be stronger.
  5. Points on the eyelids, below the eyebrows (No. 6). Avoid touching the apple and massage the area with your eyes closed. Pressure for no longer than 5 seconds. Make sure that your fingers do not move the skin towards the bridge of your nose.
  6. The lower eyelid area (No. 7) is treated according to similar rules.
  7. Area No. 8 on the cheekbones is massaged for 7 seconds.
  8. Using your thumbs, press on the areas near your nostrils (#9) for 5 to 7 seconds.
  9. Point No. 10 is also massaged with the thumb for 7 seconds.
  10. Gently press on the points near the corners of the mouth (#11). Feel the muscles first and do not go beyond it. You'll have to get more skilled, it may not work out the first time.
  11. No. 12 is located under the lower lip in the hollow of the chin. Press for 7 seconds on the gums, not on the teeth.
  12. Raise your head slightly, but do not tense your shoulders too much. Set the “working trinity” for 5 seconds at the points of zone No. 13.
  13. The lateral areas of the neck (No. 14, 15) are processed simultaneously and extremely carefully so as not to suddenly “turn off” yourself - the carotid artery is located there.
  14. Press your thumb into the jugular cavity and hold for no more than 3 seconds, gently releasing (#16).
  15. Complete the procedure in zone No. 17, synchronously pressing on the points at the base of the ears for 7 seconds.

Everything is processed in 4 consecutive steps.

Video tutorials from the authors

A kind of facial gymnastics and point massage will only bring benefits, but only if performed correctly. These lessons will help you gain practice and learn more about acupuncture massage.

Galina Dubinina

Face lifting from a fitness instructor is extremely popular. The procedure is not original and is a modified set of exercises invented by Carol Maggio.

Margarita Levchenko

A non-surgical facelift using lymphatic drainage massage will restore skin elasticity at home. It is especially effective in combination with shiatsu.

It is impossible to reveal all aspects of age-old skills in one material. Consult with practicing masters and study additional materials, and then share your achievements with us.


In pursuit of elusive youth, modern European women are increasingly turning to Eastern methods of preserving the beauty and freshness of their skin. A toned oval face, the absence of even a hint of wrinkles - by the age of 40, Japanese women manage to maintain youthful freshness and slimness. One of the secrets is Japanese shiatsu acupressure for facial rejuvenation. It mobilizes the body's own resources, has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves mood.

About the benefits of acupressure

Massage of active points is called the cheapest method of treatment. Studying the ancient oriental techniques of acupressure of the face, a doctor from Japan Tokujiro Namikoshi created a qualitatively new technique of shiatsu (translated as finger pressure).

Today, shiatsu massage is an independent therapeutic method used by Japanese official medicine. It is widely used in European cosmetology as a rejuvenating procedure.

The popularity of acupressure facial massage is due to its double effect. Therapeutic effects of shiatsu:

eliminates runny nose, pain due to otitis media and sinusitis; treats headaches, migraines, neuralgia; improves vision and relieves eye fatigue; relieves chronic fatigue; normalizes sleep; relieves depression.

As a cosmetological procedure acupressure:

  1. smoothes wrinkles;
  2. stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin;
  3. eliminates facial swelling;
  4. restores the skin around the eyes, eliminates swelling and dark circles;
  5. opens pores;
  6. tightens the facial contour;
  7. refreshes and evens out skin color.

“Your own hand is the best healer,” says Eastern wisdom. The Shiatsu technique includes self-massage techniques that are easy to learn and can be done at home as part of your beauty routine. The cosmetic effect of massage is to strengthen facial muscles and improve capillary blood flow.


Shiatsu can help solve many problems of aging skin

The principle of massage is based on the activation of regenerative processes in the dermis. Pressing a finger on an area of ​​skin causes short-term bleeding. Nerve endings are irritated and lymph flows out. At the same time, bioenergy zones are activated. Muscle tone is normalized by replacing lactic acid with glycogen, a muscle energy reserve. When the pressure on the point stops, blood intensively flows to the skin area, microcirculation and local metabolism increase.

When massage is contraindicated

Shiatsu is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  1. decreased blood clotting;
  2. tendency to bruise;
  3. skin diseases;
  4. vascular network;
  5. low intracranial pressure;
  6. inflammatory processes on the skin, furunculosis;
  7. unhealed wounds on any part of the body.

You should not do massage during exacerbation of chronic diseases and acute infectious diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Experts talk about several advantages of the shiatsu technique for rejuvenation:

  1. the ability to solve local and general cosmetic problems by affecting only certain areas or the entire face;
  2. the effect is felt after the first procedure;
  3. During the massage, stress and depression are relieved;
  4. it is easy to implement.

By applying pressure on a bioactive point (BAP), you can provide yourself with emergency help - relieve pain, reduce blood pressure, and improve your overall well-being.

The disadvantages of shiatsu massage are very arbitrary and are usually the result of violation of the rules for its implementation. If you apply too much pressure, your skin may bruise. Swelling of the face is possible after the massage, but it goes away on its own.

How to prepare for a shiatsu massage

To be more effective, you need to prepare your face for massage:

  1. Treat your skin with toner.
  2. Steam your face for 10 minutes. You can do this with a hot towel or over steam.
  3. Apply a nourishing, non-greasy, preferably fortified cream, and after a few minutes you can begin the massage.

Preliminary procedures will relax your face and make the massage more effective.

Self-massage technique for facial rejuvenation

The vector of influence on the active point must be strictly perpendicular to the surface. For a cosmetic effect, pressing on the points for 5–7 seconds is enough. The therapeutic effect lasts longer - up to 10 minutes. The pressure force is medium, until slight pain, numbness and warmth appear. The thicker and denser the skin, the more intense the pressure.


Pressing on the point is carried out only with the fingertips

You cannot twist your finger or move the skin while pressing, as this can stretch it.

A facial massage involves simultaneously using the index, middle and ring fingers or the pad of the thumb.

Cosmetologists recommend doing a massage in the morning. It is believed that at this time it is most effective.

Bioactive points are located symmetrically, so the massage is carried out simultaneously with both hands. The procedure requires a strict sequence.

You cannot twist your finger or move the skin while pressing, as this can stretch it.

A facial massage involves simultaneously using the index, middle and ring fingers or the pad of the thumb.

Cosmetologists recommend doing a massage in the morning. It is believed that at this time it is most effective.

Bioactive points are located symmetrically, so the massage is carried out simultaneously with both hands. The procedure requires a strict sequence.

Table: area of ​​influence and expected result

Target Area of ​​influence and rules of implementation
Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead There are four vertical massage lines on each side of the center of the forehead. The first is at the base of the eyebrow, the last is at its tip. The massage begins from the midlines simultaneously with three fingers of each hand. Holding on each of them for 5–7 seconds, the fingers sequentially move to the temples. The pressing movements are slightly upward. After finishing the exercise, the skin on the forehead is smoothed from the middle to the temples with light pressure
Getting rid of wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles around the eyes
  1. Three points on the eyebrows are massaged - at the base, in the middle and at the tip. The points are pressed with three fingers at once.
  2. The index finger massages the point on the outside of the eye. The pressure is directed upward and sideways.
  3. Pressing on the inner corner of the eye is also done with the index finger. But you only need to put pressure on it for 3 seconds in three approaches.
  4. The following points are located just below the eyebrow line on the eye muscles. Again, the massage is performed simultaneously with three fingers. Make sure that the skin does not move while pressing.
  5. There are three more points located 15 mm below the edge of the eye socket; they are mirrored in that they are located under the eyebrows
Getting rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose Pressing on three points located above the bridge of the nose exactly in the center between the eyebrows is done simultaneously with three fingers. Massaging them in a circular motion is allowed. This is where wrinkles most often form, so the pressure can be increased a little
Firming cheeks
  1. Massage the subzygomatic part of the face with pressure simultaneously on three points on each side.
  2. To massage the wings of the nose, the pads of the thumbs are located on the pits, the pressure should not be painful
To eliminate purse-string wrinkles (around the lips) To treat the lip area, the middle or thumb is placed on a point above the upper lip exactly in the middle, then the thumbs are placed on points in the corners of the lips. The last point to be massaged is the central point under the lower lip (pressure should be on the gums, not on the teeth)
To tighten the face contour On either side of the chin, there are three more points on the lower jaw bone. They are operated with three fingers of each hand simultaneously. The thumb is located under the jaw bone. In four steps, the entire edge is passed towards the ears.
To tighten the skin on the neck Three working fingers are placed vertically on the side of the neck. Light pressure lasts no more than 3 seconds so as not to squeeze large vessels.
The thumb of the left hand is placed on the upper extremity of the sternum in the jugular fossa. Pressure - no more than 3 seconds.

Finally, the active points at the base of the ear are massaged - two on each side. After finishing the massage, the face is again wiped with tonic and moisturized with serum or cream. It is advisable to rest for 10–15 minutes.


Five-point massage relieves swelling, eliminates wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes

Massaging the points near the wings of the nose will eliminate a runny nose and relieve pain from sinusitis. And pressure on the point above the upper lip relieves toothache.

"Royal Points"

There are three “royal points” in Shiatsu massage. Their massage can be performed separately or combined with a general one:

  1. Tenyo's point is located 1.5 cm below the earlobe between the jaw bone and the large vertical muscle. Her massage eliminates swelling and evens out the complexion;
  2. The Koryo point is very easy to find - it is located along the pupil line directly under the cheekbone. Pressure on it tightens sagging cheeks and eliminates wrinkles;
  3. At the height of two fingers above the upper tip of the ear, in a small depression there is the Sokkoku point. She corrects the oval of the face.

You can massage each of them separately, or you can massage all three at the same time by placing your thumb on the Koryo point, your index finger on Tenyo, and your little finger on Sokkoku. The exposure time is the same as for other BAPs - 5–7 seconds.

Together with preparation and rest after the procedure, a home massage takes about 40 minutes.

Video: Korea's point of youth

Salon treatments

The technique and pattern of massage in a salon is no different from what you can do at home. Procedure steps:

  1. Cleansing the skin of makeup.
  2. Light peeling and warming of the skin with massage and thermal treatments.
  3. Impact on bioactive points.
  4. Apply serum and collagen mask to the area around the eyes.

The massage time depends on the number of areas being treated and additional care procedures. It can last 30–40 minutes. The approximate cost is from 1 to 4 thousand rubles per session.

Number of sessions and visible results

Depending on the condition of the skin, any area requires 8 to 12 daily massage sessions. If necessary, the course is repeated after a month. At home, you can do it every day for a month, then reduce the frequency to 1-2 times a week. Visible results appear after the first session - the complexion becomes fresher and swelling subsides.


Salon shiatsu massage course includes 8–12 sessions

Shiatsu facial massage is completely safe for health and does not cause complications.

Video: rejuvenating shiatsu massage - how to find active points


Actually, pressing on biologically active points is the principle of Shiatsu massage. Due to this, restoration processes are launched in the human body. I want to talk about facial massage. Pressing on certain points helps relax muscles and smooth out facial wrinkles, which are often caused by muscle hypertonicity. Massage prevents age-related wrinkles and sagging skin. The complexion also improves, the face becomes more toned after the first procedure. There is no risk of stretching the skin, as with other types of self-massage and facial gymnastics. Another bonus is emotional relaxation. It's really very nice. I do it before bed and fall asleep once or twice.


I did the massage in the morning, in the evening, and on weekends during the day for greater effect, although once in the morning is enough. It only takes 1–2 minutes. The skin does not need to be stretched, but just pressed for 5-7 seconds at the right points. Muscle tension should go away, blood should flow to the skin and nourish it. There were no visible changes within a month. I will continue in the same way.

Olga V

The ability to self-massage shiatsu eliminates the need to spend money on expensive salon treatments. You can achieve rejuvenation on your own if you include facial massage in your daily beauty care.

Recently, specialists in medicine and cosmetology have been intensively adopting oriental methods of rejuvenation and healing. Massage of biologically active points of the face can easily be considered the most affordable and effective. Just 5 minutes of daily exercise - and within a few weeks the first visible results are noted. The skin literally transforms with each new session, becomes more elastic and smooth, and takes on a blooming appearance.

The principle of the rejuvenating effect of acupressure facial massage

The secret to the success of acupressure facial massage lies in its special impact on acupuncture points - certain areas on the body measuring 1-3 mm in which energy accumulates. They can be called magical, since each is connected with the work of an internal organ and interacts with the others through energy channels - meridians. With proper and regular stimulation of these points by pressing with the fingertips, the circulation of vital energy in the body improves, which is harmoniously redistributed throughout the body. Thanks to this, blood circulation increases and metabolism is normalized, tissues are saturated with oxygen and muscle tension is relieved, which together leads to a slowdown in the aging process and overall health. However, to obtain a lasting effect, it is necessary to complete a full course lasting at least one month.

There are various techniques for massaging acupuncture points:

  1. Chinese dynamic massage zhong;
  2. Su-jok - Korean therapy;
  3. Indian marma therapy;
  4. Shiatsu is a Japanese health system.

The history of the listed methods goes back to ancient times and is closely connected with the healers of the East, who, several centuries ago, realized that through special touches they could return youth and health to people. Modern researchers have long studied the phenomenon of biologically active points and have come to the conclusion that they actually have a number of features: they have an increased temperature, low electrical resistance compared to neighboring areas of the skin, and a higher electrical potential. In addition, they are more sensitive to pain and absorb oxygen more actively.

Today, acupressure has gained great popularity, since practice has shown that it has many advantages:

  1. there is no pain during the procedure. Symptoms such as numbness and aching occur only with strong pressure, and they also indicate that the points are being massaged correctly;
  2. a wide range of effects allows you to use massage for a runny nose, headaches and toothaches, sleep disorders and decreased performance, high blood pressure, to rejuvenate the body and strengthen the immune system. With its help, you can regulate not only your well-being, but also your mood, at the same time restoring the impaired functions of internal organs and systems. It is also an excellent prevention of colds and gastrointestinal problems;
  3. the high effectiveness of the method in the field of cosmetology manifests itself in the form of positive changes after the first session. Impact on biologically active points of the face allows you to tighten the oval and improve skin color, get rid of jowls, double chin, fine wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  4. Carrying out this type of massage does not require costs or additional equipment. All you need to have on hand is a mirror and hygiene products.

Features of the procedure

The name of the acupressure technique translated from Japanese means “finger pressure” (shi - finger, atsu - pressure). Shiatsu is a simplified version of the traditional Japanese ammi massage, which has been successfully used in Eastern medicine for centuries.

The main distinguishing feature of Shiatsu is the combination of diagnosis and therapy. That is, this type of acupressure is designed not so much for treatment as for restoring the body’s protective reaction. With its help, experienced Shiatsu practitioners are able to diagnose diseases with high accuracy, and also use skillful manipulations to launch a program of self-healing and self-rejuvenation. Another characteristic feature is that only fingers and palms are used. And the system was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the Japanese physician Tokujiro Namikoshi, who at one time treated statesmen, film and sports stars - Marilyn Monroe and Muhammad Ali.

One of the wise Eastern sayings says that a person’s best healer is his own hand.

How to do Shiatsu massage at home

Independently influencing biologically active points through acupuncture or moxibustion without professional training and experience can cause serious harm to health. However, Shiatsu acupressure does not require long training and can be performed by anyone at home without fear for their safety. Provided that there are no contraindications to massage. These include:

  1. decreased intracranial pressure;
  2. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. infectious and viral diseases;
  4. bad feeling;
  5. damage, inflammation or allergic reactions to the skin;
  6. rosacea

It is preferable to perform any acupressure massage in the morning or before bed, starting the procedure by cleansing the face and hands with the usual cleanser, followed by moisturizing the skin with a light cream. Try to create a favorable atmosphere - turn on relaxing music, light an aroma lamp and only then get down to business.

Location of points, technique, instructions

The Shiatsu pressure technique involves three methods of influence:

  1. Place the pad of your thumb on each point.
  2. Simultaneously pressing three points in a row with the pads of the next fingers - index, middle and ring.
  3. Palm.

The pressure force is directed strictly perpendicular to the skin surface, and is dosed depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat and the sensitivity of the area. For example, in the area of ​​​​the eyes, ears, neck and décolleté, the impact on a thin surface should be gentle and short-lived - three seconds is enough, but the skin of the forehead, cheekbones, chin and wings of the nose requires more noticeable and prolonged pressure. It is unacceptable to use movements that displace, rub and stretch the skin.


Having studied the location of acupuncture points, proceed to massage:

  1. Run two fingers along the surface of the forehead, starting from the middle towards the temples, and then back to both sides. You can work with three fingers, making point movements in the same direction, but with a 7-second delay for each movement.
  2. Position both hands so that the pads of your middle fingers rest in the middle of your eyebrows, your ring fingers in the area at the inner corners of your eyes, and your index fingers in the outer corners. Press for 5-7 seconds.



Video: facial acupressure technique


By being patient and spending just 10 minutes a day, any woman can achieve lasting rejuvenation of her facial skin and forget about expensive cosmetic procedures for a long time.