Training of first-class athletes and candidates for master of sports in the barbell during the competitive period.

In the competitive period (in preparation for the most important competitions and subsequent ones) you can use option 2 (28, 33, 26 and 13%). Then the monthly load will be distributed as follows: 4th month, 1st week - 336, 2nd - 396, 3rd - 312 and 4th - 156 lifts; 5th month - 280, 330, 260 and 130 lifts, respectively.

Next, the load is sequentially planned for each month.

In the 1st preparatory month (1st month) 1350 ascents are planned. Let's say that an athlete has difficulty getting up from a squat after lifting the barbell to the chest - therefore, he needs to include more squats with the barbell in his training. To do this, increase the share of squats with a barbell (from 23 to 28%) due to snatch and push rows, reducing their share to 3 and 4%, respectively (see the calculation table of the previous article).

Then in a monthly training, on average, there can be the following number of lifts: in the snatch - 121 (9%), in other snatch exercises - 149 (11%), in the classic clean-up - 81 (6%), in other clean-ups -121 (9%), in the classic chest clean - 95 (7%), in other chest lifts - 68 (5%), in squats with a barbell on the shoulders and chest - 378 (28%), in the snatch deadlift - 40 (3%), in push deadlifts - 54 (4%) and in other exercises (press presses, bent overs, other methods of squats) - 243 (18%).

The athlete needs to pay more attention to the chest push, so about 23 more lifts can be added to this exercise, leaving 220 lifts for pressing exercises, bent overs and other squats.

During this period, do not forget about enhanced nutrition, as well as rest and full recovery. It is worth remembering the most important rule: lifting a barbell of maximum or sub-limit weight is not like jumping over a gymnastics goat - here the body has to give all 100. So do not forget about a thorough preliminary warm-up and stretching. Well, a mandatory cardio warm-up should prepare your heart, respiratory and circulatory systems. Without this, don’t even approach the impressive barbell!

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