We train our legs. Exercises for the buttocks and thighs.

Beautiful, slender, curly female legs are the pride of their owner, the envy of girlfriends, and the object of desire for the entire male half of humanity. With their help, you can break any man’s heart, and even the most demanding “macho man” will lie at your feet...

However, it is worth keeping in mind that your legs are very treacherous not only towards men, but also towards you! And all because the leg muscles are very stubborn muscles. Even famous experienced bodybuilders admit that training legs is not so easy. Compared to the legs, training the chest, back, abs and arms is just childish pranks. And if your legs are initially in a neglected, deplorable state, and the process has reached the stage of excess fat, cellulite or sagging, then your path to slender legs will be delayed, and will also be very thorny and long.

Because of the nasty “orange peel”, most women and girls, having good natural characteristics and fairly smooth and pretty legs, prefer to pack them in trousers and long granny dresses. But all you need is nothing: a couple of basic exercises a day - and after a while you can safely head to the store for short shorts and a miniskirt.

Well, then, who knows - maybe one day you will receive a bouquet of 101 roses, ordered on the website for holiday flower delivery by your secret admirer. Well? Have we lit you up? Do you want to receive such bouquets? – then you’ll have to work on yourself a little...

So, if you have not yet decided to go to the gym, thinking that your legs will not be able to handle even the slightest load, try to start with light exercises - and you can do them even at home:

2) Lunges – for women this is one of the most important exercises. We stand straight, if necessary we hold on to a chair to maintain balance. Bend the knee of one leg, lifting it towards the chest. Then with this leg we take a long step forward - a lunge. We monitor the position of the knee of the front leg. It should not go forward further than your foot. After performing light rocking back and forth on your extended leg, raise your knee back to your chest. Perform 3 to 15 lunges on each leg.

3) “Pistol” is an extremely effective exercise that effectively uses almost all muscle groups of your legs. Squat on one leg with the other leg extended forward. Two, three dozen “pistols” every day on each leg, and in a few months you won’t recognize them. The single leg squat is not an easy exercise for beginners. If you find it difficult to technically perform a pistol correctly, do regular squats, then squats with additional weights until you develop the necessary strength for one-leg squats.

On the next page, read the continuation of the article “Exercises for the buttocks and thighs.”

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