Exercises for an ectomorph.

So, you are an ectomorph. You have a thin-boned skeleton, an accelerated metabolism and pronounced problems with weight gain. You shouldn’t think that this is a disadvantage, you are the same person as millions of other “jocks”, and there are a huge number of living examples of how people of your build achieved excellent results. Yes, at the start the mesomorph will definitely take the lead, but there is a very long road ahead to the top, and it is not a fact that he will reach it first, leaving you far behind...

In addition, you have some advantage - you can forget about problems with relief, if the muscles grow slowly, they immediately grow in relief. Why? – read more...

Main body types of athletes.

For those who have forgotten, let me remind you of the three main body types:

  1. An endomorph is a person with broad bones and a tendency to be overweight. Subcutaneous fat and its constant growth are its main problem. He simply fills with fat, and therefore, when he comes to bodybuilding, he must always tilt towards cutting.
  2. Ectomorph – the type discussed in this article – is the radical opposite of the previous body type. He has minimal fat. But the muscles and overall body weight grow very slowly and reluctantly. Due to their anatomical features, representatives of this class of people are forced to forever fight to gain every extra kilogram, hence the corresponding priorities in training.
  3. Mesomorph is the golden mean between the first and second varieties. The most balanced and harmonious body type. He is neither skinny nor fat. His scales on which lie: on the one hand - work on mass, on the other - work on drying, are completely balanced.

So, having understood all the strengths and weaknesses of the body type we are studying here, let’s move on to considering the features of training...

All exercises for ectomorphs are aimed only at increasing strength and, as a result, mass. We do heavy basic movements for each muscle group to deeply impact all muscle fibers. The complex should consist of 6 sets of 5-7 repetitions. No machines or isolation exercises, just pure hardware! Extend the rest between approaches to a minute or more, and between working out different muscle groups to 10 minutes.

Exercises for an ectomorph.

  1. We pump our legs with heavy squats and deadlifts on straight legs. They are your priority target. Leg training gives a powerful boost to the entire musculature as a whole and speeds up your start in bodybuilding.
  2. We work the chest with bench presses, dumbbell flyes and dips.
  3. Shoulder girdle – presses while sitting behind the head and lifting dumbbells to the sides.
  4. For arm muscles, use barbell curls, hammer exercises, French presses, and dumbbell overhead triceps presses.
  5. We pump our back with classic deadlifts, bent-over barbell rows and vertical pulleys to the chest and behind the head.

Forget about aerobics, it's not for you. It is extremely contraindicated for an ectomorph. In general, keep physical activity outside the gym to a minimum. And - food! Without excellent multiple meals, your weight will not move forward, since during the “pumping” the body will burn muscle protein if it does not have excess carbohydrates.