Exercises for drying.

Any beginner, and even a fairly experienced bodybuilder, dreams of having an ideal body that attracts attention with its relief and proportions. In pursuit of size, athletes often forget about the visual appearance of their figure. An effective method of creating relief is the so-called muscle drying. What it is?

Exercises for drying.

Drying involves burning the fat layer with minimal loss of muscle mass of the athlete. You should be patient, because gaining weight is much easier than getting rid of it. Therefore, the main component of this method is a sports diet, but no diet will be effective without performing a special set of exercises. Having compiled the necessary menu, you can begin planning exercises for cutting. You must radically restructure your training program, moving from strength training to pumping. Let's give a definition: pumping training is a type of exercise in which priority is given not to the weight of the exercise being performed, but to the number of approaches and repetitions on it, with the performance of more complex techniques and exercise machines. Your sets of exercises should have 15-20 repetitions. Such cutting exercises are a technically complex process, the essence of which is the basic rule - the more calories you burn during training, the more effectively you get rid of unnecessary fat.

An example would be a three-day split.

  1. The first workout that loads the back and deltoids:

    Exercises for drying.

    1. Dumbbell swings 3*20
    2. Pull of vertical (upper) block 3*15
    3. Thrust of horizontal (lower) block 3*15
    4. T-bar row 2*20
    5. Barbell chest press using Smith machine 3*15
Second workout, loading the legs and abs:
  1. Leg bending using a 3*15 machine
  2. Leg raises 2*15
  3. Platform leg press 3*15
  4. Squats on a hack machine 4*15
The third workout, loading the chest and arms:
  1. Push-ups on the horizontal bar or parallel bars with a load 3*15
  2. California press 3*15
  3. Triceps presses on the upper block 3*15
  4. Incline press 4*12

Also, if you have strength in between workouts, don't forget about cardio. In our case, high-intensity cardio training is more suitable, this way you can preserve precious muscle mass and at the same time effectively get rid of the hated subcutaneous fat, which is what we wish for you from our entire editorial team...