Exercises of a local nature with superheavy lifts in weightlifting.

The volume of various exercises with a barbell used by athletes in the weight category over 110 kg in the preparatory and competitive periods is presented in the table of the previous article in this section. From this table it is clearly seen that the number of barbell lifts in the main exercises is approximately the same as for athletes of other weight categories. However, there are still significant differences between heavyweights. Let's look at them in this post...

A smaller number of barbell lifts from the chest is a feature of the training method for athletes in this category. They, as noted earlier, perform less classic chest thrusts (compared to athletes of other weight categories), but use more pressing exercises. They have fewer snatch thrusts.

A larger volume of load is the result of an increase in the number of lifts of the barbell in bench press exercises, bending over with a barbell and other methods of squatting, that is, in exercises of a local nature.

Weightlifters weighing over 110 kg, more than others, should pay attention to developing the strength of the abdominal muscles. To do this, it is advisable to use backward bends with a barbell on your shoulders, sitting on a gymnastic goat and hooking your feet to the support. To a greater extent, they should use jumping up with a barbell on their shoulders and deep jumps, as well as other local exercises for super heavy weights.

To progress, constantly receiving super-heavy loads, do not forget about sports nutrition supplements. In addition to proteins, creatines and gainers, heavyweights would benefit from taking peptides; purchasing them today is not a problem. For example, five milligram ghrp 6 can now be purchased for only $7. Prices are nowhere lower. So be sure to supplement your diet with active supplements and other effective sports pharmacology drugs.

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