We choose comfortable shoes for fitness and the right shoes for bodybuilding.

One of the most frequently asked questions from readers to the author group of our site is questions about what kind of fitness shoes and what kind of bodybuilding shoes are best to choose for yourself? What points in this choice should you pay special attention to? And indeed, deciding on the right shoes for the gym or fitness club is a very important point! In this article we will explain why this is so and give practical practical advice...

To begin with, let us draw your attention to the fact that any exercise in the gym consists of two important and interrelated components: strength training and aerobic training. It’s just that in bodybuilding there is more of a strength component, and the working weights are also larger, the main emphasis is on basic exercises, and aerobics is kept to a minimum...

But in fitness, the opposite is true: there is more of an aerobic component, light weights and more isolated exercises with a high number of repetitions. But in any version, both of these components are present. Just somewhere there is more of one, and somewhere else. Therefore, regardless of whether you choose fitness or bodybuilding, we must definitely consider both strength work and aerobic work...

  1. Bodybuilding shoes.
  2. Fitness shoes.
  3. Conclusions.

Bodybuilding shoes.

Strength training, by definition, involves working with decent weights and basic exercises, such as:

  1. Weightlifting snatch and clean and jerk,
  2. Front squats, back squats, sissy squats and hack squats,
  3. Military presses from the chest and behind the head,
  4. Pulls to the waist and chin,
  5. Shrugs and Gak-shrags,
  6. Standing biceps curls,
  7. Calf raises,
  8. and others…

And for all of the above, a barbell is more suitable than ever. That is why weightlifting shoes are best suited for such work: “weightlifting shoes” - weightlifting sandals made of hard leather with a hard sole and the obligatory presence of a small heel. Such shoes completely eliminate the possibility of losing balance when working with impressive weight. Weightlifting sandals are firmly fixed on the foot with reliable lacing or a system of studs. You definitely won’t slip at a crucial moment and, accordingly, won’t get an annoying sports injury that can throw you off track for a long time...  These shoes are highly specific, you won’t be able to use them anywhere except on the weightlifting platform - you have to pay for reliability.

Fitness shoes.

Here, as opposed to bodybuilding, more emphasis is placed on aerobic and cardio training, so you, and your shoes, accordingly, must be prepared for active work that will work up a sweat. And this:

  1. Running on a stadium, rough terrain or on a treadmill.
  2. Pedaling a bicycle or exercise bike,
  3. Walking on an elliptical trainer.
  4. Working on the rowing simulator.
  5. Jumping rope.
  6. Active dancing and step aerobics.
  7. Working on a punching bag or with a sparring partner.
  8. Other options for getting aerobic exercise.

Analyzing all of the above work, we come to the conclusion:

  1. Our shoes should allow for smooth, easy toe-toe cycling.
  2. It shouldn’t be hot in there – we don’t need excessive sweat on our feet. Shoes should be light and well ventilated.
  3. It should be comfortable: it should not press or rub anywhere.
  4. It is also important for us that the shoes are securely fixed on the foot and do not fly off during the work being carried out.

As you can see, weightlifting shoes and weightlifting sandals are definitely not suitable here. All kinds of flip-flops or beach slippers, despite their excellent ventilation, will also not work. And in army combat boots we will definitely steam away. But light moccasins, running shoes or sneakers are great. By the way, the majority of people we interviewed during this study gave their preference to sneakers. Therefore, we undoubtedly award the championship in this category to this class of sports shoes.


If you choose your sneakers wisely, you can find an excellent option for strength training. You just need to choose the most non-slip, stable rubberized surface. Moreover, weightlifting weightlifting bars are actually needed by real professional athletes who have long since left the sandbox and, as we mentioned earlier, work with serious weights. Well, for beginners and the majority of ordinary gray masses filling gyms or fitness clubs, they really have no use...

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