I choose the treadmill instead of the usual classic jogging outside - find out why...

And now it’s Saturday again on the calendar - a day off - an excellent reason to go for a run somewhere in a park, a forest road or a health path... But what if it’s drizzling outside? Or is it raining all the time? Or maybe a prolonged, multi-week, never-ending downpour? I have to cancel the workout and get out of my training plan... And I really wouldn’t want that... What should I do? Is there really no worthy alternative?

Well, of course there is! A treadmill will help you out of rainy troubles. This is a special cardio machine that will allow you to have a great run in even very cramped spaces. A working area of ​​2 by 2 meters is sufficient. Electricity is also required. Because the load is created by an electric motor, without which the simulator cannot function. And, in fact, that’s all. Nothing more is needed. Well, except perhaps for your desire to train.

But the simulator allows you to vary the load - increase or decrease it, specifically break the rhythm - either increase the load or decrease it. Simulation of running uphill and other interesting programs are also available.

Another significant advantage of the treadmill is total control over your condition. Not only does the simulator always show you:

  1. Your speed
  2. Your rhythm
  3. Distance traveled
  4. Number of calories burned.

Modern treadmills have facilities for connecting all kinds of cardiac sensors to you, which also allows you to monitor:

  1. Your heart rate
  2. Heart rate,
  3. Arterial pressure
  4. And other anatomical indicators.

As we can see, with this arsenal, the treadmill simulator simply more than puts ordinary classic runs under the belt, which are devoid of all these statistical data and analytics.

Another significant advantage is that the cardio machine is able to accumulate your indicators from training to training, to display your dynamics, progress in training and, accordingly, the growth of your training indicators.

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