Strength exercises in the fresh air, as well as in the aquatic environment, as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of the training process.

We all know that man is in continuous interaction with nature and the environment around us: in the course of his life he constantly influences at her and adapts To her. This reveals the pattern of unity between the organism and the environment.

The environment primarily affects humans weather and climatic features (cold or hot, dry or wet soil, pressure and temperature changes, etc.). Weather and climate are created under the influence of solar radiation, circulatory processes in the atmosphere, and local surface properties. Human life is subject to biological rhythms, deviation from which can cause undesirable phenomena.

For example, the leading sign of the physical state of the atmosphere is temperature. In case of serious nervous shock, thermal regulation is sharply disrupted, which is accompanied by severe sweating. Therefore, the harmful effects on humans of non-standard fluctuations in air temperature (early winter, late autumn, etc.) are understandable. These fluctuations go beyond the normal biological rhythm of the body and can cause all sorts of disturbances in it, which leads to colds. On the other hand, judicious use of cold can also be used to benefit humans (for example, in surgery).

An important element of weather and climate is air humidity. Conditions are considered comfortable for humans when the relative humidity is 50% and the air temperature is +16, +18 °C. In the complex influence of climate on the human body, weather variability, which is associated with atmospheric fronts, as well as illumination, plays a significant role. Sunny weather is characterized by a stimulating influence; cloudy weather associated with cyclones and low atmospheric pressure has the opposite effect. A gray, cloudy day has a calming effect, but thick, low clouds are depressing.

Eat factors environments to which a person adapts. This is, first of all, microfauna, as a result of interaction with which infectious diseases can arise that acquire epidemic proportions in society as a whole. Factors that determine the need to adapt to them can be divided into three levels:

  1. climatic and geographical factors that equally affect all people (temperature, solar radiation, oxygen content, etc.);
  2. factors characteristic of certain groups of people: climatic and geographical characteristics of the environment, socio-cultural, everyday;
  3. factors for specific individuals, often determined by their constitutional characteristics; as well as social connections and indicators: gender, age, health status, etc.

The ability to adapt to negative environmental influences is different for people with different levels of psychophysical state. A person’s adaptive abilities generally depend on the characteristics of his nervous system. Melancholic people (weak type) have a harder time adapting and are more often susceptible to psychological breakdowns. Sanguine people (strong type) adapt more easily to new conditions. When the microclimate changes or frequently changing weather conditions, noticeable changes in vital processes occur in the human body.

As confirmed by special studies, in individuals with a high level of psychophysical state, the body’s resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions is much higher than in people with low physical fitness.

In the modern world, due to nuclear weapons testing and the widespread use of nuclear energy, the volume and intensity radiation exposure increased significantly compared to the natural background. In this connection, the question of the possibility of increasing the resistance of human organisms to the effects of penetrating radiation is considered very important.

Numerous experiments carried out on animals, especially rats, have proven that radiation doses that are as close as possible to lethal ones affect them to varying degrees: it turned out that in practice, those rats that were 2-3 times more likely to survive before exposure had regular strength physical activity.

  1. In physically trained radiologists (after several years of work), blood counts deteriorate to a lesser extent than in untrained ones.
  2. A similar phenomenon was seen in studies of people growing up in radium production areas.
  3. During the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was discovered that at an equidistant distance from the epicenter of the explosion, physically trained individuals had an order of magnitude less damage than untrained individuals.

The conclusion naturally suggests itself that with non-critical doses of radiation damage, physically trained people tolerate radiation exposure relatively easier, recovery occurs faster, and overall performance is restored in a shorter period of time.

Physical education classes increase the stability of the human body to unexpectedly changing weather conditions, as well as changes in microclimate, and help accelerate the recovery of physical and mental performance.

This is also facilitated by daily 30-40-minute walks (regardless of the weather), rest in places with a healthy microclimate, and a hardening system.

Outdoor exercise

The use of natural forces in the process of physical education is implemented in two directions.

  1. The natural influence of the forces of nature on the human body creates accompanying factors whose actions are most favorable for physical exercise. They enhance and complement the effectiveness of the effects of movement on the trainee’s body.
  2. The natural forces of nature act as independent means of natural healing and hardening, having a beneficial effect in the form of water, sun and air baths. With an optimal combination and the right effect, these procedures become a form of so-called active recreation and enhance the recovery effect.

When conducting training outdoors, athletes have the opportunity to be more active, increase independence and personal initiative in actions. Cyclic, repeated repetition of exercises in open space in the warm and cold seasons, in different weather, positively contributes to the strong consolidation of motor strength skills and the development of correct technique.

Conducting outdoor exercise, You actively contribute to the implementation of one of the important tasks of physical education - improving functional systems and hardening the body of athletes. The theory and practice of physical education undoubtedly demonstrates that exercises focused on the development of motor ability and endurance (race walking, running, all kinds of jumping, outdoor games, relay races) are of particular importance, contributing to the expansion of the functional capabilities of the organs and their systems of our body: cardiovascular, respiratory, central nervous system, and of course, thereby – general comprehensive health promotion.

It's no secret that during strength exercises, lung ventilation increases almost 30 times. When exercising in an unventilated area, the likelihood of contamination of the lungs, skin, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, eyes, etc. increases.

By exercising outside, we saturate our body with oxygen, which means that oxidative processes improve, toxins are removed faster, and the body is cleansed of decay products. When exercising outdoors, the energy consumption for performing physical exercises at positive temperatures increases by 5-6%, and at minus temperatures by 10-12% compared to exercises conducted indoors. Physical training in the fresh air in any weather increases the body's resistance to negative environmental factors, as well as pathogenic bacteria.

It should be especially emphasized hardening effect such activities: in the observed groups, the frequency of acute respiratory infections infections decreased by half, the health index, i.e. the number of people who never got sick during the year increased by 1.5-2 times.

Constantly changing meteorological conditions in combination with strength exercises have a global hardening effect on the body. High physical activity of athletes in the air improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lungs, increases the delivery of oxygen to internal organs and tissues, stimulates and improves the activity of the central nervous system.

Hardening - a set of measures aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to the effects of negative factors: excessive cold, heat, solar radiation, high or low atmospheric pressure. In general, hardening the body is based on thermoregulation - the ability of the human body to adapt to changing environmental factors. The hardening effect is produced by systematic exposure to various factors (cold, heat, etc.).

Adaptation of the body to the environment and dramatically changing weather conditions must be combined with the main hardening factors - sun, air and water.

sunlight. The sun's rays affect almost all physiological functions of the body: the overall body temperature rises, breathing deepens and becomes more frequent, blood vessels dilate, sweating increases, and metabolism is optimized. Regular (but in moderation!) solar irradiation improves the functioning of internal organs and strengthens the body's resistance to diseases. A person can improve their health, improve their immunity, and even prolong their life under the warm rays of the sun, which are a powerful bactericidal agent. Our skin absorbs the sun's rays and stores bactericidal energy. The sun also gives us energy, which is transformed into human activity.

Fresh air. Physical exercise in the air, deep breathing, walking - all this helps improve health. In frosty, dry air, the oxygen saturation is greater than in warm air, which is why a person who breathes it has an unusual feeling, as if he is drinking a kind of “drink of vivacity,” a kind of natural, natural, health-improving cocktail.

Frosty air has another most valuable property: when inhaled, it increases the combustion of high-energy metabolic products, in particular cholesterol, the accumulation of which on the walls of blood vessels is considered one of the main causes, for example, of such a serious disease as atherosclerosis. Acting on naked skin, cool air, due to its physical properties (temperature, humidity, wind speed), creates conditions for the so-called training of blood vessels, as well as sensitive nerve cells (called thermoreceptors) of the skin.

The need to use the training properties of frosty air is also caused by the fact that with a modern lifestyle, when people spend most of their time at room temperature, the functional state of the lungs deteriorates - they need a certain cold load. Hardening with cool, cold, or even better, frosty dry air can qualitatively increase the protective capacity of the lungs both as a respiratory organ and as an organ involved in chemical heat production and actively regulating heat exchange.

Air hardening, like all kinds of other methods of healing (running, swimming), requires taking into account the body’s existing reserves. To identify the nature of responses to a hardening load, it is necessary to widely use the usual methods of self-observation, measuring pulse rate, and respiration. In addition to air temperature, wind has a huge impact on a person’s state of thermal sensation. As wind speed increases, the magnitude and intensity of human heat transfer increases sharply. When carrying out various types of air hardening, this feature must always be taken into account.

The benefits of strength training exercises in the air indisputable. Carrying out the educational and training process outdoors is associated with certain difficulties: with the organization of educational activities of students (ensuring safety during the transition to the place of training), with the psychology of the attitude of students to weather conditions, which is associated with special (windproof, insulated) clothing and wearing it in during the school day; increased physical and vocal stress for the teacher. However, it is possible to develop adaptation to the weather and climatic conditions of human habitation only by using nature as a means of adapting the body to the real climate and preventing morbidity. Therefore, despite all the organizational difficulties, most physical education classes should be conducted outdoors.

Recreational swimming

Conducting the educational and training process in the aquatic environment (health swimming) is an excellent universal method of multi-faceted effects on the body, especially for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and poor posture. Bodybuilders do not have any health conditions that would make swimming contraindicated. On the contrary, it has hardening And relaxing impact, strengthens the body.

In the process of swimming, the following tasks are solved: improving the function of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system; emotional relief and prevention of overload; unloading the spine and restoring the natural position of the body; increased strength and muscle tone; correction of flat feet; improved coordination of movements; hardening of the body; resistance to colds and acute respiratory viral diseases: acquisition of swimming skills.

Swimming lessons can be conducted as an independent integral complex, fully practiced in the aquatic environment, and also be part of a complex of physical education classes. Practice shows that it is best when one lesson is held in a hall or stadium, and the second is a complex lesson, which includes rhythmic and athletic gymnastics, aerobics, fitness, running, individual exercises in water and swimming. Exercises are carried out from various starting positions: standing, lying, in a semi-squat, with movable and fixed support, as well as in an unsupported position, with and without all kinds of objects. Such classes use swimming training exercises, so-called local impact exercises on various different muscle groups, as well as jumping, stretching and relaxation exercises aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

One option is circuit training in water. Another option for organizing hydroaerobics classes is to have part of the class in the gym and part in the water. The lesson is structured in accordance with the generally accepted (three-part) training structure. Physical education classes in the hall serve as an introductory part of the lesson, but can also have their own three-part structure.

The use of traditional and non-traditional means of conducting training in an aquatic environment gives grounds to assert that systematic training in water has a beneficial effect on the health of those involved, improving the psychophysical state and increasing the body’s performance.

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