Seated press

The seated press is a basic bodybuilding exercise aimed primarily at working the deltoid muscles. However, when performing, the following are also involved: triceps, long muscles, and trapezius muscles of the back... Possible execution options:

  1. Barbell from the chest,
  2. Barbell from behind the head,
  3. Dumbbells at the same time
  4. Dumbbells alternately.
  1. How to properly perform the Seated Press?
  2. Barbell chest press diagram
  3. Dumbbell chest press diagram

How to properly perform the Seated Press?

    1. Do not start this exercise without thoroughly warming up beforehand.
    2. For safety, use a weightlifting belt, chalk, or chalk.

  1. Warm up well: rotate your shoulders clockwise and counterclockwise, do a dozen bends in different directions.
  2. Balance the barbell on your chest or rest it on your shoulders (behind your head),
  3. Keep your back straight. Don't hunch over - you risk serious injury.
  4. As you exhale, press the barbell up,
  5. While inhaling, slowly lower the barbell to the starting position.
  6. Follow the correct breathing technique.
  7. This exercise focuses on the middle as well as the anterior head of the deltoid muscle.
  8. The wider the grip, the more the emphasis shifts in general to the deltoids and in particular to their middle fascicle. The narrower the grip, the more the emphasis shifts to the triceps of the arms and the front deltoids.
  9. With the “from behind the head” option, the emphasis is more on the middle and rear beams. With the “from the chest” option, the emphasis is more on the front and middle beams.

Barbell chest press diagram

Dumbbell chest press diagram

For a better understanding and greater clarity, watch the video of professional athletes performing this exercise:


Additionally, we recommend that you read this, an article about how you can pump up your deltoids in a great way right at home. We recommend!

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