Close grip press

Narrow bench pressbasic fitness and bodybuilding exercise to gain strength, mass and volume of your triceps. In addition to the “triceps brachii muscle”, this exercise also takes an active part breast And deltas. The smart move is to leave this press until the very end. training programso that relatively fresh shoulders and chest will help “bomb” with heavy weights someone who is already pretty tired and exhausted from other exercises triceps.

The grip in this press varies: from minimumwhen the thumbs and index fingers touch each other until the grip shoulder width apart. It makes no sense to grab the barbell with a wider grip, since in this case the main emphasis of the load shifts from the triceps to the chest muscles. The optimal grip width is about 15 cm.

Also important in performing this exercise is the movement of your shoulders. If your shoulders move during the exercise perpendicular the body of your body, which means that the chest is more involved in the work, and not the triceps at all, which is not correct. If at close grip bench press shoulders move parallel to your body, which means you are as isolated And concentrated impact specifically on your triceps muscles. It is also important to understand that for correct technique the main plane of movement should not be located at chest level, but much lower - approximately in the upper part of the abdominal area.

The breathing technique, as in other pressing exercises, is carried out according to the principle: exhale when squeezing, inhale when lowering. Don't hold your breath!

The negative phase (descent) can be performed much slower than the positive (ascent). Also, many famous bodybuilders actively practice the principle: “partner's help" In this version, a partner helps you lift the weight, and you lower it yourself.

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