Athletes' teeth – is it possible to keep them healthy?

I think all bodybuilding fans are familiar with this name: Shawn Ray is an American bodybuilding star, an idol of millions of aspiring athletes around the world. His muscles are simply perfect, he is perfectly built. The proportions of his body arouse the admiration of even the most demanding judges. He is a true Champion. But the question is why? What sets him apart from hundreds of other TOP bodybuilders? Why is he so attractive to all of us? – the answer is simple: it’s all about his stunning and bewitching smile. When Sean is on stage, she shines, charging absolutely everyone with a great mood and positivity!

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? – a smile is an important moment in the arsenal of a professional bodybuilder! Of course, it is not paramount; first of all, judges look at your body and the quality of your muscles. However, all other factors being equal, it can play a decisive role. What do you need for a beautiful and effective smile? – healthy and attractive teeth! This is what our conversation will be about...

Only thanks to teeth, crushed food enters our body, and it becomes a good product that will help the digestion process. It is important to know that poorly chewed food will certainly cause overload of the intestines and stomach, as well as increased stress. Teeth are an important element of the entire digestive system.

Having suffered damage, no one can recover on their own, so it is extremely important to protect natural data. To keep your mouth clean, you need to brush your teeth for 4 minutes in the morning and evening. The process is simple, but you can get fresh breath and clean teeth for the whole day. If tooth restoration is required, you should contact only professional doctors.

There are situations when it is difficult to manage even without prosthetics. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor in time to learn about all the modern possibilities that exist in modern prosthetics.

Of course, calcium will protect you from temperature changes and mechanical damage. If the body is deficient, the teeth begin to crumble. Athletes must consume figs, sesame seeds, broccoli, and soy.

Phosphorus is required to preserve enamel. It is found in beef, milk, fish and eggs. Without fluoride, it is also difficult for enamel to resist acid. Perhaps professional bodybuilders will be able to avoid tooth decay, but only if their diet contains walnuts, red fish, and black tea. As soon as the body experiences iron deficiency, blood circulation in the gums begins to be disrupted, which is why periodontal disease develops. Red meat, liver, buckwheat, beans and apples will save you.

Be sure to take vitamins as well. For example, D will help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and if there is a lack of it, you can observe the formation of stones. In chicken eggs, herring, mackerel, mushrooms. Sunlight also becomes the best helper. The body must see the natural luminary and synthesize it.

How important are B6 and C? According to information from the fitness portal, both of these vitamins are responsible for gum health. If without B6 you can observe wounds and ulcers on the mucous membrane, then C affects the body as a whole. Cabbage, beets, carrots, green peas, potatoes, apples, currants, citrus fruits, onions, as well as rose hips and wheat - all foods are rich in vitamin C and even protect against scurvy. And to replenish B6 you need to eat nuts, spinach, cauliflower, tomatoes, strawberries and carrots.

Complement your chic, muscular look with a spectacular, impressive smile and victory will be guaranteed. Moreover, victory is not only in bodybuilding and fitness, but also on the personal front, believe me. After all, it has long been known that nothing brings halves closer to each other than mutual smiling. Smile more often, and people will be drawn to you!

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