
**Yoga** is one of the most ancient and most studied systems of practice aimed at achieving harmony with the world through improving the inner world of a person. They note the importance of its origins, which came from Northern India. Yoga is given to people as a “guide to life”, and not just an aphorism as a simple set of physical poses of “static body stretches”. With this practice, not only is the body in deep joy and peace, but it also controls the mind and purifies the emotions. According to legend, yoga was born to a sage named Parikshit. Panikshit first of all wanted to understand all the intricacies of life and tried to find the truth in everything. Legend has it that Panikshit took a vow of enlightenment, which will be achieved after 16 years. This debt had to be paid. Panyawadi ruled his entire empire and somehow he dreamed that his son became evil, and the king himself turned into a donkey. Later, the king realized that this was a waking dream and his son needed to be saved. Panikshit woke up, rushed to look for his son and discovered that this was so - he had not dreamed of this when at night, with great love in his son’s eyes, he made a promise. The meaning of the existence of yoga was immediately realized and the ability to move only in the way