10 Commandments of Eternal Youth

In search of eternal youth, we are ready to do a lot: buy expensive creams, take pills and follow a strict diet. But what if I told you that there are ten simple commandments that will help you not only live longer, but also make it more enjoyable?

  1. Don't overeat! Try to reduce your calorie intake to 1,500 per day. In this way, you will provide the body's cells with faster renewal, and your body will become less susceptible to diseases.

  2. The menu should be appropriate for your age. Different foods contain essential nutrients for different age groups. For example, liver and nuts are good for 30-year-old women, while calcium and magnesium are essential for people over 50. Eat in balance, not too much and not too little.

  3. Find a job that suits you. Work promotes youth, the French say. Some professions help preserve youth, such as conductor, philosopher, artist and priest.

  4. Find your partner in life. Love and tenderness are the best anti-aging remedy. Having sex twice a week makes a person look 14 years younger. During sexual intercourse, the body produces the hormone endorphin, which helps strengthen the immune system.

  5. Have your own point of view on everything. A consciously living person is less likely to become depressed and depressed than someone who just passively goes with the flow.

  6. Move! Even 8 minutes of exercise a day prolongs life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after 30 years.

  7. Sleep in a cool room. Those who sleep at a temperature of 17-18 degrees remain young longer. Metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

  8. Pamper yourself from time to time. Sometimes allow yourself a tasty morsel or a new wardrobe item.

  9. Don't suppress your anger. Someone who constantly reproaches only himself, instead of telling what upsets him and exchanging opinions with others, is more susceptible to any disease, including malignant tumors.

  10. Train your brain. Solve crosswords, play chess, learn new languages ​​and skills. Regular brain training helps maintain its functionality and abilities throughout life.

Following these ten simple commandments can help you live a longer and more enjoyable life. However, do not forget that each person is individual, and each may have their own set of rules and recommendations for maintaining health and youth. It is important to listen to your body and find your way to a healthy and happy lifestyle.