Aerobic physical activity outdoors and at home

Did you know that aerobic physical activity has an extremely positive effect on our health and well-being? It’s men who need strength training to develop all their biceps, triceps, and quadriceps, but for us women it’s cardio exercise of moderate intensity that’s more beneficial. In fact, this is physical work aimed at increasing the heart rate, or in other words, work in which we have to breathe hard. A large amount of oxygen enters our blood, metabolic processes are accelerated, increased burning of fat occurs, and, accordingly, subcutaneous fat that we hate so much. But how and where can you get such loads? And is it necessary to pay for a fitness club and go to exercise equipment?

As a popular women's online magazine tells us: “Yes, cardio equipment has not been canceled yet!” They are certainly very useful and effective, but high-quality aerobic physical activity can easily be obtained both on the street and at home! Let's look at the most available options.

While in your apartment, you can:

  1. Jump rope.
  2. Dance to the music.
  3. Kick big brother's punching bag.
  4. Do aerobics or shaping.

Accordingly, on the street you can:

  1. Go for a short run.
  2. Ride a bike or rollerblade.
  3. Go on a hike or take regular walks.
  4. Play team ball games such as volleyball or basketball.

Remember: the faster you move, the more effective your cardio training, and even after you have completed physical work, burning calories will continue for several more hours - it’s like a train that cannot be stopped instantly!

Train your body regularly, and may beauty and health be with you!

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