Buttocks Like a Nut? Easily!

The buttocks are one of the most attractive and desirable body parts for women. But they are not only aesthetic, but also important for maintaining an upright body position. The gluteal muscle plays an important role in this, and strengthening it is necessary for proper posture.

In addition, strong and toned buttocks define sexuality and captivate the eye. But how to achieve the desired results? There are many exercises for developing toned buttocks, and we suggest one of them - “deadlift”.

To perform this exercise you will need dumbbells or a barbell. Stand shoulder-width apart and keep your hands with dumbbells in line, imagining that it is a bar. In the starting position, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, the head is always raised, and the gaze is directed forward.

Take a breath and begin the exercise. Keeping your back straight, bend over, keeping your lower back arched, and keeping the dumbbells as close to your legs as possible. Bend over with a straight back until you feel a stretch in the back of your thighs, bringing the dumbbells to knee level or slightly below. As you exhale, return to the starting position, squeezing your buttocks as you rise and especially in the upright position.

This exercise creates a beautiful smooth transition from the buttock to the thigh, and engages the muscles of the back of the thigh. But it should be noted that sensations in the muscles depend on the individual structure of the back, especially on the deflection of the lumbar spine. So first evaluate your back, the arch of your lower back, and don’t be upset if, even when doing the exercises correctly, you feel your back. As soon as your back muscles become stronger, you will do “deadlifts” by tightening your buttocks.

Avoid the following mistakes: do not round your back under any circumstances, your knees should not be fully straightened, and your head should not be lowered. If you perform the exercise incorrectly, you can harm your back or overstretch the muscles in the back of your thigh.

Perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions. And try to be patient right away - only with repeated practice will the technique become flawless. But the results won’t take long to arrive! So give your butt a chance and start training now! In addition to the “deadlift,” there are many other exercises for the buttocks, such as lunges, side plank leg raises, bridges, and others. Choose the ones you like best and include them in your workout. But do not forget that regularity and correctness of exercises are important for achieving results. Happy training!