What is muscle fascia? And what is their role in fitness and bodybuilding?

By learning what fascia is and working on it carefully, you will greatly improve your flexibility. What is fascia? In my opinion, this is precisely the part of any system of our body that is most undeservedly ignored. Fascia is a three-dimensional formation of connective tissue that surrounds any muscle, ligament, tendon, nerve and bone and is tightly intertwined with them. All of us, in fact, from head to toe, are one continuous huge plexus of fascia.

We look at the picture: Muscle bundle:
  1. muscle fiber nuclei;
  2. contractile filaments of muscle fiber;
  3. integumentary membrane of muscle fiber;
  4. connective tissue membrane (fascia), uniting a group of muscle fibers acting in one direction;
  5. blood vessels.

So, fascia is nothing more than a sheath of connective tissue surrounding on all sides:

  1. any muscles,
  2. ligaments,
  3. tendons,
  4. nerves,
  5. veins and arteries in our body.

Our fascia holds all the internal organs and joints from head to toe, actually playing a role shock absorbers, and also protect our nerves. All your strength, flexibility, endurance and performance depend on their quality condition.

To make it clearer to you what the story is about, the next time you are at the grocery store, go to the meat counter and take a good look at the tendon-like film that surrounds skinless chicken, or take a closer look at a piece of meat fillet. This white film is the fascia. In fact, human fascia is practically no different. When your lower back, or hip, knee, neck or shoulders begin to hurt, the cause most often lies in the fascia. Over time, they thicken and become slightly lumpy. The body tries to correct this condition, but actually does not know how. As a result, some parts of the body try to compensate for the shortcomings of others. Hence painful sensations.

I also simply believe that, in addition to physical pain and discomfort, muscle fascia can also be responsible for mental, emotional and spiritual injuries. I have repeatedly seen how healthy men, and of course women, cry while lying on a massage table when a competent massage therapist works on their fascial system. All these tears are explained not by physical pain at all, but by the long-awaited deliverance from the mountain of garbage that we, alas, accumulate in our body throughout our lives.

What follows from all of the above? The fascia needs to be addressed. If a chiropractic course is required, then it is advisable to supplement it with a good dynamic warm-up from our training program. It makes it possible to activate our nervous system, improves the overall mobility of our body and has a direct, qualitative effect on our fascia. Not many people start their workouts this way these days. However, we guarantee that this approach will help you get rid of all kinds of chronic pain and the consequences of past injuries.

You should also get used to another important concept: "Do a little more". In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, this is the main seasoning for the main dish. Do the entire set of exercises planned, and then a little more. Master the entire program, and then do a little more, and then feel free to say to yourself: “I Feel Strong.” And it doesn’t matter: whether we are talking about a diet, a task entrusted to you at work, your family relationships, raising children, always do a little more than is expected of you, and then success is guaranteed. This way you will get rid of many restrictions. Consider this your ticket to excellence, no matter what you do. Let the expression: “Do a little more” become your motto for every workout, and in life in general!

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