Cress Salad.

Watercress: Description, cultivation, use and medicinal properties

Watercress is an annual plant of the cabbage family, with a height of 30 to 60 cm. Watercress has a highly branched stem, the lower leaves are petiolate, pinnately dissected or entire, and the upper leaves are sessile and entire. Watercress flowers are numerous, white, and the fruits are small round-ovoid pods. Watercress seeds are small, smooth and reddish brown.

Watercress has been widely known and valued since ancient times. The Egyptians and Romans highly valued its taste and medicinal properties. Currently, watercress is cultivated in Central Asia and the Far East, and in Transcaucasia it is known as tsidman.

The watercress crop is early ripening and cold-resistant, so it can be grown on a windowsill. For the germination of watercress seeds, it is necessary to maintain the temperature from 6 to 8°C, and with the emergence of seedlings it is necessary to increase it to 15°C. On the 10-12th day, watercress is ready to eat. It is used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, and it tastes pleasant and spicy-bitter.

Watercress is especially useful in early spring when mixed with sorrel. Watercress leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus salts. They also contain iodine, protein, thiamine, riboflavin and essential mustard oil. Watercress seeds contain 50-60% edible oil.

Watercress also has medicinal properties. Watercress juice and leaves are used as medicinal raw materials. Watercress juice is used as a diuretic and for cholelithiasis. It improves digestion, sleep and helps lower blood pressure. Watercress is prepared in the same way as nettle juice. It is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day with meals.

In the old days, crushed watercress grass mixed with lard or ghee (1:5) was used to treat scalp and scabies, and for sluggish and long-lasting ulcers. Purple spots on the skin can also be successfully treated with watercress juice lotions, while taking it orally.

Thus, watercress is not only a tasty and healthy plant, but also an effective medicine. It can be used as a seasoning for dishes, as well as to decorate dishes. Watercress can be grown both in open ground and on a windowsill. It does not require special care and can be harvested within 10-12 days after sowing.

If you want to enrich your diet with beneficial substances, as well as use the natural medicinal properties of plants, watercress is an excellent choice. It is easily available, does not require special preparation and can be used for a variety of purposes. You can add watercress to your dishes, use it as a supplement to your healthy diet, or use it as a remedy for various ailments.