Home massage for the whole body

For each of us, massage is a very useful procedure. Today it can be called a part of our daily life. Therefore, everyone needs to master a few simple massage techniques. Home massage will help you achieve the desired result with simple and effective techniques.

The main benefit of a home massage is relaxation, so that during the procedure the partner can completely relax and feel comfortable. With complete relaxation, the massage will be more effective.

Home massage

Execution Features

To perform the procedure correctly, certain conditions must be met.

Working surface

The surface on which the massage will be performed must be hard. A table or floor is suitable for this. When performing a massage on the floor, you can lay out several towels or a blanket to make your partner comfortable. The room temperature should be warm and comfortable. The lighting is best soft for greater relaxation. When massaging your back, place a pillow under your chest; when working on the front of your legs, place a pillow under your knees.

Massage Oil

You can make your own massage oil. To do this, you need to take any plant-based oil, for example, sweet almond oil, and add a few drops of any essential oils. This ratio will be extremely effective for massage. Alternatively, olive oil or regular talcum powder will do.

The prepared massage oil should always be at your fingertips so that you can use it at any time. Before use, warm the oil in your hands and then apply to your body. If you are performing a full body massage, do not lubricate the entire body with oil at once, but only the massaged area.


It is important to maintain energetic contact with your partner. Try to be in the same mood. Not only the partner should be completely relaxed and calm, but also the massage therapist himself. Your hands should be as relaxed as possible, your breathing should be even, your posture should be straight. If you need to increase the pressure during the massage, use your body weight, applying full pressure without straining your fingers.

Partner massage

With the help of a massage procedure, you can strengthen your relationship with your partner, establish spiritual intimacy, share your feelings, and relieve tension. For the procedure to be most effective, you need to be well prepared for the massage. Here are some tips:

  1. The massage must be carried out on a hard surface; a bed is not suitable for this. It is best to perform the procedure on the floor.
  2. Clothes should be loose and should not restrict your movements. You should feel comfortable and comfortable.
  3. Make sure your partner is warm and comfortable.
  4. You must be completely focused on the massage. If you don't know how to massage properly, start with soft strokes, gradually moving to overstressed areas.
  5. Never pour the oil directly onto the body; it should first be warmed in your hand and used as needed.
  6. Massage techniques should be soft and rhythmic. Balance the force of pressure based on your partner’s reaction.
  7. All movements should be directed towards the heart.
  8. You cannot perform a massage if a person has infectious skin diseases, inflammation, chronic diseases, or pregnancy.

The “pulling” technique is the main one in this massage. We represent the direction of movement.

Pull area

Back massage

Back massage is one of the most effective ways to relax. A properly performed massage will relieve tension and fatigue that has accumulated throughout the day. Make sure your partner is warm and everything is at hand: massage oil, napkins, towels, etc. Once you are sure, you can start the massage. Don't forget to warm the oil in your palm first.

Benefits: This massage is very useful for pain in the lower back and muscles. Massage on the upper back helps with coughs, pain, and colds.

Execution technique

  1. Start by gently stroking the entire surface of your back. You need to run your thumbs along the sides of the spine, run your hands along the sides and again move up to the shoulders. Repeat this exercise several times.
  2. Then, with your open palm, walk up and down your partner's side several times. Repeat this movement on the other side of your partner.
  3. Let's move on to kneading. Squeeze the muscles that go from one arm to the other, and gently pull back the muscles of your back and shoulders. With this technique you will relieve your partner of accumulated fatigue and tension.
  4. Stretch your back a little. To do this, move your forearms in different directions.
  5. Finish the massage with a soothing stroke.


Back massage

Foot massage

A foot massage is ideal for relaxation and stress relief at the end of the working day. Most of us spend a lot of time on our feet. This procedure will relieve fatigue, pain, and tension. Movements should not be intense, and you should not press on varicose veins.

Benefits: this massage will eliminate leg cramps, pain, swelling, and sprains.

Execution technique

  1. We begin movements to the back of the legs, while stretching the muscles of the calves.
  2. The area behind the knee is not warmed up, just run your palm over it and proceed to kneading the back of the thigh.
  3. We move on to stroking the entire leg. To do this, use both hands to stroke upward. This will improve blood and lymph circulation. After performing this technique several times, switch to the second leg.
  4. Then stroke the back of the leg and thigh.


Foot massage

Abdominal massage

Abdominal massage is a very delicate and soft procedure that does not include pressure or intense techniques. The massage proceeds without any pressure. It is recommended to perform the procedure 1 hour after eating.

Benefits: Massaging this area helps with nausea, constipation, indigestion, and menstrual pain.

Execution technique

  1. We begin to perform slow circular movements clockwise. This technique will help improve digestion. During the massage, the partner should feel comfortable and relaxed.
  2. Then apply light pressure, but without any pain for your partner.

Face massage

Many people don’t even think about how useful and effective facial massage is. In a few minutes you can transform your face beyond recognition: smooth out fine wrinkles, improve your complexion, give a healthy glow to your cheeks.

Before you begin the massage, make sure your partner feels comfortable: place a pillow under your head.

Benefits: a massage procedure will help get rid of a runny nose, relax tense facial muscles, improve complexion, and stimulate blood circulation.

Execution technique

  1. We start the massage from the forehead area. To do this, place your thumbs in the center of the forehead and begin moving to the sides, symmetrically working the facial muscles.
  2. Use your thumb and index finger to lightly pinch your chin. Gently knead it, relieving tension.
  3. Finish the massage with light stroking.


Soft facial massage

After the massage, cover your partner with a warm terry towel, let him rest, and then offer him aromatic tea.