Fitness for face and neck

Many of us are concerned about the problem of how to rejuvenate our face. Fitness for the face, as well as for the body, is aimed at creating an attractive, fit appearance. The direction of face fitness was created precisely to teach everyone exercises that will keep our beautiful faces in good shape.

Hello my dear! Svetlana Morozova is with you. According to its developers, you need to start doing facial fitness as early as possible, then by the age of 80 you won’t look like a Shar Pei, whose entire skin hangs in folds.


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So, what is facial fitness?

Components of success

When and why to start?

It is especially important for a woman to take care of her face and body, keep herself in shape and remain young and beautiful as long as possible. It is believed that to maintain tone, combat skin aging and stimulate good blood supply, you need to start doing face fitness as early as possible. Best of all, at 18 years old.

Why at 18? After all, the feminine principle matures in us much faster.

Hormonal changes in our body begin earlier. During it, the first real problems appear - juvenile acne, rashes. These are not yet prerequisites for future wrinkles, but theoretically, if we improve blood flow and stimulate our skin to more actively renew itself, we will get rid of the problems of pimples and acne.

This means that you need to start classes at the age of 14-15. Although, according to reviews, no age is an obstacle to starting to improve yourself.


Where and how long to study?

Shaping your appearance is an intimate process. If you are shy, do it at home, behind closed doors, in front of your mirror.

Regular exercise gives the best results. Make it a rule to carry out the entire selected complex at least twice a day, for about 10 minutes. It’s best to do it twice: in the morning and in the evening. And you will get the effect - minus 10 years. At least, that’s what face fitness promoters promise, along with colorful photos.

When you exercise, do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, catch the sensations of what you are doing.

To avoid the formation of additional folds, do not overstretch the skin.

Whatever complex you choose, it should cover the entire face, and not just the problem area.

Gradually, your new activity will become a habit, and if you keep it until old age, there will be no harm.

It is believed that if you regularly perform any of the selected complexes, it will help:

  1. keep your face toned, without sagging cheeks, even in old age;
  2. smooth out existing defects and wrinkles;
  3. get rid of “bags” under the eyes;
  4. your cheeks will become more rosy and firm;
  5. it is possible that you will be able to get rid of a double chin, but remember that excess fat folds and rolls will not go anywhere without overall weight loss throughout the body.


Fitness for the face: common exercises

In general, the formula of the complex should look like this:

  1. a visit to a dermatologist who will advise you on what you can and cannot do, based on your individual characteristics;
  2. mandatory warm-up: scratching and rubbing the scalp and open areas, pinching and pulling the ears in different directions;
  3. start from the upper third, train the muscles of the forehead by frowning and pressing the skin to the skull with your fingers;
  4. for the eyes - press the lower eyelids with your fingers and close your eyes tightly;
  5. for the middle part of the face - the area of ​​the cheeks, the nasolabial triangle, press your palms to your cheeks and puff out your cheeks as much as possible, then pinch every centimeter with your fingers;
  6. for the lower part - the lips, stretch them into the letter “o” and hold it like that for several seconds;
  7. for the bottom and chin - press your fists from below onto the chin and resist so that the head does not move from its place.

Another complex suggests getting rid of wrinkles as follows:

  1. blink your eyes vigorously for 10 seconds;
  2. turn your head right and left;
  3. “draw” the number 8 and the infinity sign with your gaze;
  4. pressing the outer corners of the eyes with your fingers, open and close them;
  5. open your eyes as wide as possible and remain in this position for 15 seconds - in order to make your eyes larger;
  6. slap your lips as if you were saying the letter “p”;
  7. holding the corners of your lips with your hands, make movements as if you were kissing someone;
  8. in the same position, imitate the movements of the mouth of a fish, which closes and opens its jaws.

All exercises are repeated at least 20 times.


Don't forget that massages with aromatic oils and special scrubs will perfectly complement your sessions. Just like natural masks and using a suitable cream.

The authors of facial fitness advise finding something to reward yourself at the end of the session. For example, drink a glass of your favorite drink and take an aromatic bath.

Short afterword

Fitness is a set of gymnastic exercises aimed at correcting your body. It may also include a sports nutrition system. Let's be honest: what is called “face fitness” has only an indirect relation to fitness. If a set of measures is aimed at improving physical fitness, then it can be called fitness.

However, the proposed complexes do not always resemble physical exercises. They are closer to massage or grimacing. The first is certainly useful, the second does not always give the desired results.


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I also want to offer facial fitness, but approach the issue from a slightly different perspective.


I invite everyone who is concerned about their appearance to take my course. "Facial modeling and rejuvenation BEAUTYVITA" .I carefully selected a set of exercises and tested it on myself. By doing just 5-10 minutes a day, you can not only correct your oval shape, but also get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes, enlarged pores and pimples, stimulate metabolic processes and acquire a blooming appearance.

I tried all these exercises on myself and can share the results, as well as answer any questions you may have. You only need 5 or 10 minutes a day to get noticeable results.

Subscribe to the blog, recommend it to your friends and acquaintances, share links.

By visiting gyms and working on our body, we forget about the most important thing - our face. Special exercises for the muscles of the face and neck will help prolong the youth of the skin, get rid of wrinkles, correct shape and improve complexion. We offer you the best exercises for facial fitness.

The presented complex must be performed two to three times a week near the mirror. Before starting a workout, clean your skin, but do not apply cream, thereby ensuring the free secretion of the sebaceous glands.

When performing exercises, fix the areas prone to wrinkles with your fingers.

At the end of the complex, apply a nourishing mask to your face and neck, and then moisturizer.

Gymnastics will be performed correctly if afterward you feel pleasant fatigue in the muscles of your face and neck.

A set of exercises for facial fitness

Exercise 1

The shape of the eyes is corrected and wrinkles are reduced. The ring muscle of the eye is trained, the upper and lower eyelids are strengthened, and blood flow is stimulated. The swelling above and below the eyes also decreases, and the eyes become larger.


Place your middle fingers between your eyebrows above the bridge of your nose, and place your index fingers, lightly pressing on the skin, on the outer corners of your eyes. Look up. Squint your lower eyelid, while feeling the beating of the muscle at the outer corners. Squint and relax 10 times in a row. Focus on the beating of the muscle all the time. When you're done, squint your eyes tightly and count to forty. Then lower your arms and exhale through your lips.

Exercise 2

The third exercise is to consolidate the tightening effect of the annular muscle of the eyes, as well as to reduce the infraorbital space.


Place your middle fingers on the bridge of your nose, pointing at the outer corners of your eyes, press lightly and look up. Squint your lower eyelids tightly and feel the muscles on the outer and inner sides of your eyes. Squint your eyes like this 10 times, while trying not to close your upper eyelid. Finally, squint your eyes and look up as if you are thinking about something. Count to 40, relax and exhale through your lips.

Exercise 3

Prevents the formation of wrinkles when frowning, and also smoothes existing ones.


Place your index fingers in the middle of your forehead so that they are parallel to your eyebrows. Pull your fingers, without lifting them from the skin, down to your eyebrows, stay in this position and look up. Pressing your fingers to your forehead, push your eyebrows upward. Push and relax your eyebrows 10 times. Then place your fingers on your raised eyebrows and raise your eyebrows until you feel a slight burning sensation. Leave your eyebrows raised, but press them down with your fingers. Count to 30. Relax and massage your eyebrows in a circular motion. This will help your muscles relax and increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

Exercise 4

Lifts and widens the cheeks and prevents the eyes from drooping.


Mentally imagine the first point in the middle of the upper lip, the second in the middle of the lower lip. Open your mouth and stretch imaginary points in different directions, forming an oval. The lips should be pressed against the teeth. Place your index fingers on the top of each cheek. Don't press. Smile from the corners of your mouth. Do 35 times and exhale through your lips.

Exercise 5

Energizing your face. It relieves tension accumulated over the entire working day, increases blood circulation and improves complexion.


Mentally imagine the first point in the middle of the upper lip, the second in the middle of the lower lip. Open your mouth and stretch imaginary points in different directions, forming an oval. The lips should be pressed against the teeth. Place your index fingers on the top of each cheek. Don't press. Smile and tense your cheeks. For the tenth time, forcefully pull your upper lip away from your lower lip, as if your cheeks were moving from your face to the ceiling. Then they fly away like two balloons to the ceiling.

Raise your arms up and tilt your head a couple of centimeters back, without moving your neck, but only your head. Continue to imagine your cheeks moving upward. Count to 30.

Exercise 6

Shortens and narrows the nose. Stimulates blood circulation in the upper lip and nose area.


With your index finger, press the tip of your nose from below. Use your nose to push your finger down, applying slight resistance with your finger. Do 35 times.

Exercise 7

Raises the corners of the lips. Strengthens and returns the corners of the mouth to the correct position.


Close your lips, smile slightly and tighten the corners so that they become tight knots, as if you were sucking an orange slice into your back teeth. Place your index fingers, without pressing, on the corners of your mouth. Continue to tighten the corners of your mouth while lifting them into a tiny smile. Now lower the corners of your mouth. So raise and lower the corners 15 times. Then tap the corners 35 times with your fingertips and exhale through your lips.

Exercise 8

Forms the contour of the lips. Enlarges lips and smoothes wrinkles above the upper lip.


Purse your lips, but do not purse them, do not clench your teeth, slightly raise the corners. Tap the middle of your lips with your index finger 35 times. Concentrate the energy in the center of your lips and continue tapping 30 more times. Finally, exhale through your lips.

Exercise 9

Smoothes nasolabial folds. You can smooth out the deepest wrinkles from the nose to the corners of the mouth.


Mentally imagine the first point in the middle of the upper lip, the second in the middle of the lower lip. Open your mouth and stretch imaginary points in different directions, forming an oval. The upper lip should be pressed to the lips. Imagine that the energy follows lines from the corners of your mouth to the wings of your nose. Use your index fingers to follow this imaginary line up and down. Continue moving your fingers until you feel a burning sensation. When this happens, tap the line with your fingertips for a count of 30. Exhale through pursed lips.

Exercise 10

Strengthening the neck. Tones the muscles in the neck and smoothes out wrinkles.


Squeeze your neck with your palms as if you want to strangle yourself. Pull your head a couple of centimeters forward, leaving your neck in place. Feel the neck muscles bend and push upward under your palms. Relax.

Exercise 11

Strengthens the jaw. Helps tone the drooping sides of the cheeks, as well as remove sagging skin on the oval of the face.


Open your mouth and roll your lower lip back, resting it comfortably on your bottom teeth. Pull the corners of your mouth towards your back teeth and roll them tightly inside your mouth. Keep your upper lip pressed tightly against your teeth. Place your index finger on your chin, providing gentle resistance. Open and close your jaw with a slow scooping motion, while tightening the corners of your mouth. Move your jaw until you feel a burning sensation on the oval of your face. At this point, tilt your head back, chin up and count to 30, and then blow through your lips.

Exercise 12

Widens the face, improves the long, haggard oval of the face.


Open your mouth and pull your lips back, rolling them over your teeth. Imagine large, plump cheeks extending from the corners of your mouth. Think how those cheeks fill out the bony part of the face. Place the tips of your index fingers at the corners of your mouth and make small circular movements across your face. When you feel the muscles expanding, slowly move your hands away from your face and make quick circular movements. Do the last 30 times.

Exercise 13

For facial slimming. Narrows, lifts and tones a wide face.


Open your mouth and forcefully roll your lips over your upper and lower teeth. Place your hands on either side of your jaw. Then move your palms up along the sides of your face. Mentally imagining how it rises. Use the brain part of your mind to imagine the lines of your face rising towards the top of your head. Look up and continue doing the exercise until you feel a lactic acid burning sensation on the sides of your face. After this, remain in the same position, but raise your arms above your head and count to 30. Then relax and exhale through your lips.

Exercise 14

Tones the neck and chin. Helps remove double chin.


Lift your chin and smile energetically. Place your hands at the base of your neck above your collarbones and pull the skin of your neck down. Look up and concentrate on a strong tension in your chin and neck. Tilt your head back slightly, count to 3 and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 35 times.

Top 6 exercises for curvy figures. Photo


Facebuilding (literally “face” - face, “build” - to build) is a set of exercises for the face. It restores the elasticity of this muscle group. The complex is aimed at correcting the oval of the face and tightening the skin. Simple gymnastics will help restore youth, beauty and health to aging skin.

Exercises for facial muscles

A priori, the name makes it clear what Facebook building is. The author of this type of fitness is Reinhold Benz. He came up with special facial exercises to keep his favorite ballerina's skin young and toned for many years. Benz's aerobics proved effective. It received a great response among specialists from different countries and began to acquire new techniques that “build” the face no less effectively.

Facebuilding (facelifting) exercises are conventionally divided into groups. Each category is responsible for correcting a specific area, for example, face-building for the forehead, eyelids, nose, cheeks, lips, neck, jaw, chin. Below are basic exercises for strengthening facial muscles and improving skin condition, which do not require special conditions to perform.

  1. Place three fingers of both hands evenly on your forehead up to your hairline. Place your thumbs on your eyebrows. Slowly pull the skin up and to the sides at the same time. This exercise will help you get rid of horizontal facial wrinkles.
  2. To correct the brow ridge, stretch your eyebrows with your middle fingers.
  1. Keep your eyes open, force your lower eyelids up, hold, then lower them down.
  2. Make fists with your hands and place your thumbs at the outer corners of your eyes. Gently stretch the skin around your eyes.
  1. Widen your nostrils and wrinkle your nose tightly. Take a deep breath and exhale. Hold the skin with two fingers on both sides: middle and index.
  2. Place your middle fingers on the bridge of your nose. Alternate closing and opening your fingers, while stretching the skin.


  1. Place your index fingers so that they form a perpendicular to the line of your lips. Press your fingers, slightly stretch the skin to the sides. Breathe through your nose.
  2. Raise the corners of your mouth and lower your lower lip. Hold this position for several seconds. Alternate static exercises and relaxation.
  1. Raise your chin as if you were offended. Perform the exercise while holding your breath.
  2. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, lower it down, and rest. Repeat the exercise several times.

For the chin and jaw:

  1. Support your chin with your hands and open your jaw against resistance. Perform several repetitions.
  2. Tilt your head back, stretch your neck, protrude your lower jaw. You can scream, it will help relax the muscles.

Revitonics – facial exercises

It is known that revitonics are exercises for a youthful face. They are based on osteopathic principles. The set of exercises has a lifting effect on all groups of facial muscles. This technique is an alternative to plastic surgery. Gymnastics for the face revitonics is effective in matters where plastic surgery is powerless, for example, adjusting the angle of the jaw, lengthening the neck, restoring the shape of the chin.

A major specialist in the field of revitonics is Natalya Osminina. She is the author of more than 20 unique techniques aimed at improving the tone of the facial muscles. The author focuses on the fact that the maximum result is achieved with an integrated approach. Do facial gymnastics from Osminina help? Yes, thousands of Slavic women were convinced of this. Osminina’s technique includes rules for facial skin care and sculptural gymnastics.


Alena Rossoshinskaya – facial fitness

Gymnastics for the facial muscles of Alena Rossoshinskaya have become popular on television and on the Internet. Many women, having seen one video from Alena, begin to diligently “build” their faces. The trainer insists that women approach this type of fitness wisely, because it is easy to harm the skin while doing the exercises. To make sure that you press correctly and forcefully, you can take training courses led by Alena. Facial fitness with Alena Rossoshinskaya allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. Non-surgical rejuvenation (getting rid of crow's feet, double chin, puffiness under the eyes).
  2. Evens out complexion due to improved blood circulation.
  3. Acquisition of lively, aesthetic facial expressions.

In order to achieve a positive effect from exercises, women aged 30-40 years old need to regularly do the Alena Rossoshinskaya facial fitness complex for one month. Women aged 40 and above will need about 3 months. The duration of fitness classes per day is 10 minutes. It is advisable to do 5 workouts throughout the week.


Facial fitness with Evgenia Baglyk

The facial fitness system with Evgenia Baglyk is a unique video work. In them, the author demonstrates the effectiveness of exercises by his own example. From the videos you will learn about the physiology of the muscles involved during fitness classes. Facebuilding by Evgenia Baglyk is a free, universal complex for men and women, regardless of age, which helps eliminate defects on the face and acquire an attractive appearance.

Video: face fitness


Ekaterina, 35 years old After celebrating my 35th birthday, I started thinking about methods to combat the signs of skin aging. I studied information in books and the Internet, but found my salvation in a TV show with coach Alena Rossoshinskaya. The exercises are easy and fun to do, the effect is obvious: the bags under the eyes are gone, the contour of the face is tightened.

Lyudmila, 50 years old My main problem is loose skin on my neck. I’ve long heard that facial gymnastics from Alena Rossoshinskaya is beneficial, but I didn’t dare try. Alena explains in detail how to do each exercise correctly. By regularly performing a few simple exercises, you can achieve tremendous success. I've been doing 1-2 exercises daily for a year now.

Irina, 47 years old My daughter showed me a video of Facebook building from Evgenia Baglyk. In her videos, she talks about the structure of the facial muscles and what exercises can be used to restore their elasticity. I wanted to get rid of nasolabial clefts, and thanks to Evgenia’s exercises, their depth clearly decreased. I will definitely continue to do the whole complex.