Fitness for... the face!

Fitness for... the face!

If you want to look beautiful, take care of the most important thing, your face. After all, facial care is what gives you away in the first place. This is not only what catches a man’s eye when you meet him, but also what shows how much you love yourself and take care of yourself. Caring for the skin of the face and eyelids has long become a necessary cosmetic procedure for ladies of all ages, but treacherous wrinkles cannot be eradicated by creams alone. To delay the appearance of these unpleasant signs of age, it is necessary to prevent sagging skin and keep facial muscles toned. Start the fight for skin elasticity right now!

When we frown, rejoice or talk, the muscles of our face are actively working. They tense and relax, but this happens very unevenly. Even in sleep, our face is not completely relaxed: the eyelids and eyeballs twitch, the muscles around the mouth contract. It is precisely this unevenness in the work of different groups of facial muscles that we owe to the appearance of premature wrinkles. Over time, constant stress on the same muscles leads to overstrain of connective tissues and therefore - hello, wrinkles and a “swimming” facial contour. To avoid this, today, now, you need to take care of your face.

By performing a set of exercises based on alternating tension and relaxation of various groups of facial muscles, we can achieve an amazing effect. After just a month of performing such gymnastics, the facial contour becomes clearer, the skin is more elastic and toned. Of course, this result will only be achieved if you perform a set of exercises every day. But don’t rush to get scared, it takes no more time than morning makeup, only about 15 minutes. If you do facial exercises several times a day, then you will see the result faster.

In the West, this set of exercises is called “face building”. But many of these exercises were known in ancient times, because women always dreamed of attracting admiring glances. The principle of the exercises has remained unchanged over the centuries, but everyone has combined them in their own way. For example, the now popular “self-lifting” system, developed by Camilla Wohler, who selected an effective combination of various exercises. The “face-building” and “self-lifting” systems are called non-surgical facial plastic surgery.

When performing gymnastics, it is important not only to achieve good results, but also not to harm your skin. To do this, there are a number of rules that must be followed strictly:

  1. Before performing gymnastics, do not use face cream. After completing the exercises, you will rinse your face with water at room temperature (which additionally tones it) and lubricate it with your usual cream.

  2. Hands and face should be perfectly clean.

  3. It is better to perform the gymnastic complex while sitting, the back is straight, the neck is straight, without bending.

It will be easier for you to get used to this gymnastics if you do not set yourself a strictly defined time for doing the exercises. Do them whenever you want, tune in to the fact that this is not a hard routine, but the joy of creating your own beauty. You can perform gymnastics in several steps. For example, do all the exercises once in the morning and 2 more times in the evening.

The maximum number of repetitions for each exercise is 10. But start with 2-3 repetitions and add one repetition every day, gradually reaching 10. Perform all exercises without holding your breath, straining as hard as possible and holding the tension for 8-10 seconds.

So, let's start strengthening our muscles:

  1. Gently place your fingers on the inner tips of the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose. We press down on the skin, but very lightly, so that the pressure is even and soft. Continuing to press, we try to move the eyebrows towards the bridge of the nose. We relax the skin, but do not remove our fingers. This overcoming of resistance trains the skin on the bridge of the nose and allows you to avoid wrinkles and folds from stress.