Food Storage

Food storage

Proper storage of food products ensures the preservation of their nutritional and biological value, protects them from spoilage, and is also of great importance in the prevention of food poisoning of a bacterial nature.

Microorganisms that cause these poisonings can multiply abundantly in products when stored indoors; at the same time, for some time, food products and ready-made dishes contaminated with microorganisms and their metabolic products (toxins) do not change their appearance and taste, thus giving the impression of being benign and quite suitable for consumption.

Measures to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms in food products are limited to storing them in the refrigerator, selling them within the recommended time frame and complying with sanitary and hygienic requirements for storage areas.

Cold prevents the vital activity of microorganisms, and rapid implementation reduces the possibility of abundant accumulation of microorganisms and their toxins. Of course, food poisoning does not always occur if the terms and other storage conditions are violated.

However, it must be remembered that a person who violates the conditions of proper storage exposes himself to great danger, since food poisoning, as a rule, is severe, fraught with serious complications, and sometimes ends in death.

Storage conditions and periods depend on the type of product and the method of its processing. In addition, storage conditions in the city in the absence of a refrigerator are less favorable than in rural areas, where residents can equip special premises (underfloors, glaciers, etc.) for long-term storage.

Storing ready meals. Many ready-made dishes (broths and first courses in meat, fish or mushroom broth, second courses of meat, poultry, fish, stewed vegetables, mushroom dishes, cold dishes - jellies, jellied meat and fish, vinaigrettes, salads, as well as confectionery with cream) are perishable products.

Meat, fish, mushroom strong broths, frozen decoctions of jellied dishes, vinaigrettes and salads seasoned with butter, sour cream or mayonnaise, creams are a good breeding ground for microorganisms that multiply in them very quickly. Therefore, after cooling, the listed dishes should be stored on the bottom or middle shelf of the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-6°C; After 4-6 hours of storing these dishes at room temperature, eating them is dangerous.

It should be remembered that first and second courses can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 72 hours. If dishes are prepared for future use, then before serving, you should not boil or heat in a frying pan the entire prepared dish, but only the part that will be sold. However, it must be taken into account that with each boiling and heating, vitamins are partially destroyed.

In this regard, preparing food for future use in large quantities is not recommended. Jellied dishes should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours, jellies and mushroom main courses are recommended to be sold within 24 hours, pastries and pies (prepared at home or purchased in a store) with egg white whipped cream or fruit finishing can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 72 hours, with butter cream - 36 hours, with custard - 6 hours.

When storing prepared food, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary requirements: maintaining the cleanliness of the storage area, storing in clean containers and packaging, avoiding contact of prepared dishes and products eaten without additional processing (sausage, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.) with raw and semi-finished products, as well as contaminated products (vegetables, etc.).

Storage of meat, fish, meat and fish products. Of the meat and fish products, the most perishable are semi-finished products (with the exception of dumplings, which can be frozen) and offal (except for tongue, which can be stored like regular meat). There is no need to purchase semi-finished products for future use and they should be stored only in