Gaucher Disease

Gaucher disease is a rare hereditary disease in which the synthesis of beta-glucosidase is impaired due to a lack of the enzyme in the body tissues. The disease has been known since 1909, and was first described by the French dermatologist E. Boges, but he was given a surname exclusively by the French

**Gaucher Disease**

Gaucher Disease is a deficiency of one of the enzymatic components of the human body - glucocerebrosidase. This type of disease is characteristic of living creatures that cannot synthesize the glucocerebposite enzyme. Attempts to compensate for the deficiency of this enzyme with biological preparations or drugs have not yet yielded positive results. However, hemocorrection can be used for successful treatment. But, you need to know an important condition - there should not be a negative mutation in the genetic passport, which significantly narrows the possibilities for this disease in people. Hemocorrection gives a chance to prolong the life of patients with glucose-ceriburoside deficiency. In addition, the disease can occur due to overload of the liver, kidneys or pancreas. Gaucher disease affects 0.2% of the world's population. All over the world, quite a lot of experience has been accumulated in the treatment and detection of this pathology.