Annual planning for athletes of the 1st sports category and CMS.

As for weightlifters of a serious preparatory level, the annual planning of athletes of the 1st sports category and CMS is usually somewhat different than that of the beginners whom we examined in the previous two articles. They also have a different competition calendar. For example, the first important competitions are planned at the end of the 4th month, the second - on the 10th and the third - on the 11th month. Two more major competitions are held at the end of the 5th and 7th months. This calendar allows you to divide the athlete’s training into three training cycles.

The annual load, which is, for example, 15 thousand lifts, can be distributed as follows:

  1. duration of the 1st cycle—5 months (3 preparatory and 2 competitive with a load of 1350, 1500, 1650, 1200 and 1000 lifts);
  2. 2nd - 2 months (1 preparatory and 1 competitive with a load of 2000 and 950 lifts)
  3. and 3rd - 4 months (2 preparatory and 2 competition with a load of 1500, 1650, 1200 and 1000 lifts). The last month is an active holiday.

On average, category I athletes and masters of masters perform 1650 lifts in the preparatory month and 1200 lifts in the competitive month; this is taken into account when preparing for extremely important competitions. In annual planning, most of the load (8,700 lifts) falls on the first half of the year and the rest (6,300 lifts) on the second.

Distribution of the annual training load for a MC (for example, 18 thousand lifts), who is scheduled to compete in 5 major competitions (at the end of the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th months) and 3 of which (at the end of the 3rd, 5th and 11th months) 1st and 9th months) - the most responsible for him, may look like this. The competition calendar determines the distribution of yearly training into four training cycles: 1st-3rd - lasting 3 months, 4th - 2 months.

The optimal number of lifts when preparing for the most important competitions for MS is considered to be: 2100 in the preparatory month and 1500 in the competitive month. Therefore, in the 1st training cycle, it would be appropriate to distribute the number of lifts by month as follows:

  1. 1st (preparatory) month - 1900 (training after the break),
  2. 2nd (preparatory) - 2100 and 3rd (competitive) - 1500 lifts.
  1. 4th month (preparatory) - 2000 lifts,
  2. 5th (competitive) - 1400
  3. and 6th (competitive) - 1200.

And remember: by regularly training your body, muscles and spirit, every day you become one step closer to your cherished dream of becoming a star! Become a real Champion! And, maybe someday, your photo will show off on some glossy magazine in the “naked stars” section, attracting the eyes of fans with a first-class tan, prominent muscles, and lack of subcutaneous fat. No amount of plastic surgeons or expensive liposuction will give you this. All this will be given to you only by sport, perseverance, determination and patience. Well, and of course the liters of sweat poured out during daily training. So - go for it! Well, let the stories of real celebrities from our special section become an example and a good motivator for you in these endeavors!

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