How to ease menopause at home

The word menopause plunges you into despondency and melancholy. This period in the life of the female body does not pass without consequences. I WANT to tell you how to relieve the symptoms of menopause at home and continue to enjoy life.

During menopause, the entire body is reconstructed, its most important systems - nervous, hormonal, endocrine, metabolism and the functioning of the cardiovascular system are disrupted, libido decreases and osteoporosis begins to develop. These changes are reflected both in the appearance and behavior of a woman, as well as in her mood and well-being.

A woman’s skin loses its smoothness and elasticity, firmness and healthy tone. It becomes thin, vulnerable, wrinkles deepen and the tone of the skin tissue decreases. As a result, the oval and contours of the face “float”, and swelling may appear in the morning and evening.

In a woman’s mood, irritability and nervousness, its sudden changes and swings, begin to appear more and more often. They are followed by unpleasant sensations of a physiological nature - chronic fatigue, drowsiness or insomnia. The menstrual cycle begins to go astray and then stops altogether.

At this moment, everything depends on the woman’s strength of character. Many people accept menopause with dignity and continue to enjoy life and enjoy every day. Some people get very tired emotionally and withdraw into themselves, increasingly falling into apathy, depression and being mopey day after day. It all depends on us and the desire to change what causes us discomfort.

I WANT to tell you how to ease menopause at home, improve and correct the condition of the skin, lift your mood, normalize blood pressure and regain harmony of soul and body.

Start using facial lifting products. They will correct the contours and oval of the face, improve the lines of the chin and cheekbones. Creams, serums, fluids and masks for the neck and décolleté area should become your regular self-care products. Don't forget to change your eye cream to a more active and effective one that will fight deeper wrinkles. And also introduce products into your care program that solve the problem of pigmentation. You must continue to follow the three steps of proper and balanced care - cleansing; toning; moisturizing (we also include nutrition and protection) of the skin.

Watch your diet carefully. Reduce your intake of spices, caffeine, sweets and alcohol. Drink as much plain water, herbal teas and infusions as possible. It is advisable to cool all food to body temperature - 36 or 37 degrees. Too hot drinks and dishes provoke hot flashes and aggravate poor health. The diet should contain a lot of proteins and minerals, as well as soy, which normalizes the general condition of the body and the cardiovascular system. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The latter compensate for the lack of calcium in the body. Introduce vegetable oils into your diet, especially olive and rapeseed, as they contain youth vitamin E. It is very important to take multivitamins, they will strengthen the body and replenish the deficiency of important elements necessary for its normal functioning.

Try to avoid stress, no matter how much of a feat it may seem. Get rid of synthetic clothes, wear things made from natural fabrics, this will make it easier for your skin to breathe.

Many experts recommend keeping a diary of hot flashes, which will help you keep track of when they occur, how long they last, and how you feel at the time. Psychologists also recommend relaxing as much as possible during hot flashes and trying to avoid stressful situations. Such observations of your own body will help you more easily tolerate temperature fluctuations. Vitamin E will also help control the frequency of hot flashes. The recommended dose is 2 tablets per day, 400 IU, daily for a month. Then take a break for 3 months and repeat the dose.

Help ease the symptoms of menopause