An example of calculating the volume and intensity of the load of masters of sports

We continue to study aspects of planning the training of weightlifters. And in this article we will look at a clear example of calculating the volume and intensity of the load of masters of sports using the calculation tables we previously presented...

Let’s assume that an athlete weighing 90 kg (height 171 cm, age 21 years) by the end of five years of training has achieved the following results: in the snatch—140 kg and in the clean and jerk—190 kg (total 330 kg).

The result in the clean and jerk is 135.7% of the achievement in the snatch, i.e. the increase in the result in the snatch is somewhat behind the jerk. By the end of the 6th year of training, he is planned to achieve the maximum possible increase in results—48 conventional units. units (see the calculation table in the previous article), i.e. achieving 365 kg in the double event (snatch - 157.5 kg and clean and jerk - 207.5 kg). The result in the clean and jerk should be 131.7% of the result in the snatch, i.e. it is intended to somewhat “pull up” the achievements in the snatch, while at the same time not leaving the results in the clean and jerk unattended.

Let's consider training planning in the 1st training cycle, which includes two months of the preparatory period (load volume of 1900 and 2100 lifts) and a month of the competition period (load volume of 1500 lifts). This training cycle ends with the most important competitions for the athlete, where the result is planned: in the snatch—145 kg and in the clean and jerk—195 kg (total 340 kg). Possible achievements in the snatch are: by the end of the 1st month - 141.6 kg and the 2nd - 143.2 kg; in the clean and jerk - 191.6 kg and 193.2 kg, respectively.

The athlete begins training after a transition period, so in the 1st preparatory month the distribution of the load can be relatively even, and its increase relatively gradual. An appropriate option would be 4-2 distribution of the monthly load (23, 26, 21 and 30%). Then in the 1st week 437 lifts will be performed, in the 2nd - 494, in the 3rd - 399 and in the 4th - 570 lifts.

Be sure to include regular cardio exercises in your training plan - after all, your heart also needs to be strengthened, just as much as your muscles. Pedal a bicycle ergometer, run a couple of kilometers on a treadmill, work out on a rowing machine - such work is also of great importance for a weightlifter. After each workout, measure your blood pressure and pulse - all this will protect you from serious health problems, and you have one for the rest of your life!

In the next article we will continue to consider an example of calculating the volume and intensity of loads of masters of sports in weightlifting. Don’t switch gears, there’s still a lot of interesting things ahead...

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