How to get firm buttocks: advises Jennifer Lopez

How to get firm buttocks: advises Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez is a dancer, singer, actress and mother of two children. It was she who was one of the first to introduce the fashion for large and elastic buttocks. How Jennifer Lopez maintains her shape - read in our material.

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Jennifer Lopez is undoubtedly the owner of sexy and very beautiful forms. When she was just ascending to the Olympus of popularity, many laughed from her “fifth point”, frankly saying that it would not hurt the singer to lose weight. However, times are changing, and a prominent butt is now a trend. Of course, in addition to shape, the buttocks must have firmness and elasticity.

How to get firm buttocks: tips from Jennifer Lopez

In order to be sexy and catch the gaze of men, a girl must have seductive forms. Fortunately, the fashion for thin figures without a hint of roundness is becoming a thing of the past, and today you can simply pump up those forms that are given by nature. The first and main rule of elastic buttocks is regular training.

“A great type of training for the elasticity of the buttocks is cardio,” says Jennifer Lopez. So, in her opinion, doing cardio exercises daily for 30-40 minutes can work wonders on your butt. It is best to choose an exercise bike, stepper or orbitrack for training your buttocks. Brisk walking on an incline is also great.

Jennifer herself regularly works out on the orbit track and also swims in the pool. Her regimen also includes strength training and dance classes. Of course, an ordinary person who studies at a university or works according to a standard schedule will hardly have enough time for all the necessary workouts, but everyone can afford cardio and exercises that can be done while sitting or in the evening at home.

Lopez advises doing the following exercise whenever you have time: Squeeze your buttocks for a few seconds, then relax. This simple manipulation will allow you to always “keep” your butt in an elastic state.

How to make firm buttocks: nutrition

The shape of your buttocks is also affected by the quality of your diet. So, if you eat incorrectly, then no amount of training will help you achieve the desired result. In order to maintain the elasticity of the buttocks, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein, which is the main building material for muscles. It is also important not to forget about carbohydrates and fats, which are also necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Jennifer Lopez prefers healthy foods rich in protein and carbohydrates. She eats a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken and beef. In addition, she avoids fast carbohydrates and fatty foods, as they can negatively affect her figure.

How to get firm buttocks: the right approach

Finally, in order to achieve the desired result, the right approach is necessary. There is no need to wait for instant results, as they do not come quickly. In order for firm buttocks to become your reality, you need to exercise regularly and do not forget about proper nutrition.

You should also not forget about stretching and massage, which will help improve blood circulation in the muscles and improve their tone. You can use various exercises to stretch your buttocks, such as bending forward with your arms outstretched or squats with your legs wide apart.

In conclusion, to get firm buttocks, you need to exercise regularly, eat right and use the right approach. If you adhere to these principles, then within a few weeks you will notice how your “fifth point” will become more elastic and beautiful.