A famous fitness trainer from Macedonia and his training secrets.

In this article, he will share the secrets of his successful training. famous Macedonian instructor in fitness, the world-famous founder of the unique theory of comprehensive physical training for athletes is Karlos Vulkic. His invaluable contribution to the development of World Fitness cannot be underestimated, and the number of awards won by his students is simply dizzying. Well, Carlos, please share: what is the success of training using your method, and how does training with you differ from independent training or training with other instructors?

By training using my method, your body will quickly get rid of excess fat deposits, build muscle, and truly become a highly efficient metabolic engine. The essence of my technique is the so-called muscle matrix. This terminology runs like a red thread throughout my training program. My matrix is ​​three-dimensional, and therefore all kinds of movements in it are made in different directions, projections and planes. As an example of an exercise that does not allow for three-dimensional movement, I will use the classic straight line run. But many people do this day after day, kilometer after kilometer. Just don’t get me wrong: running is very useful, but if you do nothing else besides it, then such training can safely be called one-dimensional.

Monotonous typical monotonous movements - this is what I constantly struggle with as an experienced and authoritative fitness trainer! Such movements do not create the necessary load on our muscles. In my method, the muscle matrix forces the athlete to move in all possible directions and thereby ensures holistic muscle development. A variety of exercises are performed: forward and backward, left and right, cyclically, alternately and alternately with one or both legs and arms. They use rotational and diagonal movements. They are intended for both real professionals and amateur beginners. Imagine your body in the form of a ball or sphere, and begin to work it out comprehensively from any angle.

It all starts with a good dynamic warm-up (which for some people can serve as a completely complete set of exercises). Next come complexes aimed at increasing the mobility and stability of joints, muscle strength, improving your balance, general mobility, flexibility, increasing metabolic processes, etc. At the same time, the training must be completed with a mandatory set of rehabilitation measures, which are included in my methodological course as a requirement ok. This, of course: massage, sauna, soda baths, and other progressive methods of losing excess weight and speeding recovery, which are used by all famous trainers. Also an important point is good quality sleep, as an element of passive rest, and of course, well-planned active rest, which allows not only to restore our body, but also our nerves and exhausted psychological state, which, you see, is also important...

My entire program is built on this above-mentioned virtual muscle matrix. All exercises actually follow from real functional movements, during which all muscle groups are involved. Starting from the largest to the smallest stabilizing muscles of our spine. The main goal is that all the muscles of our body are subjected to stress, and not just one, which you “pump up” with stupid, cyclical, monotonous movements in a typical gym. Once you have completed my program, you will no longer break your back lifting a basket of laundry after washing or trying to put a heavy bag in the overhead bin of an airplane. When you come to me, you will train like professionals - that’s what it’s all about secret my methodology for training athletes and many years of work as a coach.

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