Pumping Triceps

How to pump your triceps correctly: exercise “Triceps extensions on a vertical block with a rope”

The triceps are a group of muscles located at the back of the upper arm. They are responsible for extending the arm at the elbow and are one of the largest muscle groups in our body. Well-developed triceps not only make your arms beautiful and strong, but also help in everyday life, such as lifting heavy objects.

One of the most effective exercises for developing triceps is the Triceps Arm Extension on a Vertical Block with Rope. In this article we will look at the technique of performing this exercise and give some tips on how to perform it.

Performing the exercise “Triceps extensions on a vertical block with a rope”

  1. Stand in front of a vertical pulley with a rope and grab it with a neutral grip (palms facing in).

  2. The feet should be parallel, one leg may be slightly in front.

  3. Lean forward 10-15 degrees, elbows slightly in front of the body, hands shoulder-width apart.

  4. Fix your elbows in one position, take a deep breath, hold your breath and straighten your elbows, pushing the rope down.

  5. When your arms have straightened to a right angle at the elbow, begin to turn your hands inward so that your palms face the floor.

  6. Straighten your arms completely, exhale and return to the starting position.

  7. Throughout the entire trajectory of movement, the hand at the wrist should not bend, the hand and forearm should be on the same line.

  8. The torso and shoulders should not move during execution.

Work of muscles and joints during exercise

At the elbow joint, the forearm moves forward, away from the shoulder. The long head of the triceps supports the arm, stabilizes the shoulder, and abducts the forearm. The middle and lateral heads of the triceps abduct the forearm, extending the arm at the elbow.

Main muscles involved in the exercise

The triceps (triceps brachii) is a large muscle that covers the back of the arm. The triceps is divided into three heads - lateral, middle and long. This exercise uses all three heads.

Subtleties of the exercise

To develop maximum force with the long head of the triceps, you need to turn your hands inward at the top of the movement. This will allow you to tighten your triceps as much as possible and activate them to the fullest.

It is also important not to forget about proper breathing. Inhale before starting the movement, hold your breath at the top point and exhale as you return to the starting position.

When performing the exercise, do not use too much weight, as this can lead to injury and ineffective muscle function. Start with a light weight and gradually increase it, observing the correct technique.

You can also vary the exercise by changing the width of your grip on the rope. A wide grip activates the wider part of the triceps, while a close grip activates the narrower part.

In conclusion, the Vertical Rope Triceps Extension is a great exercise for developing your triceps. Follow the correct technique, do not forget about proper breathing and increase the weight gradually.