How to pump up a girl's pectoral muscles at home?

The pectoral muscles support the bust, giving it fullness and proper shape. By pumping up their breasts, girls can ensure that their bust rises, their skin tightens, and therefore their breasts become taller and firmer. Good results can be achieved even after pregnancy.

The main thing is to pay attention not only to training, but also to proper nutrition, as well as cosmetic care, which can easily be done at home, you just need to allocate a little time and acquire the desire.

  1. Nutrition.
  2. Cosmetic care.
  3. Set of exercises:


There are a number of foods that affect breast development.

You need to eat a lot of nuts, honey, cabbage, legumes, grains, red fish, and also drink milk. You can follow a special diet that will increase the effectiveness of your training many times over.

Cosmetic care.

To tighten the breast skin, you need to make various masks, use a contrast shower, and use creams that are intended for the décolleté area. Such procedures will make the bust firmer and the effect of the exercises will be better visually visible.

Now let's look at special physical exercises and answer the question: how to pump up a girl's pectoral muscles at home, because it is not always possible to exercise in the gym, and there are various reasons. To do this, it is advisable to purchase dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg (if you have the preparation, you can take more weight). It should be noted right away that there is no point in doing exercises every day, because muscles will grow only by getting enough rest; you always need to take a break of 1-2 days. After the very first lesson, your breasts may hurt and tingle; you can do a couple of simple exercises to relieve tension and reduce pain. When starting a set of exercises, do not forget about the warm-up, which is designed to stretch, warm up and stretch the muscles and ligaments so that you do not get injured during the exercises.

  1. The back should be straight, it is advisable to focus on a flat surface. You can do it standing or sitting, but it is important to maintain good posture. Place your palms in front of your chest and squeeze them forcefully, hold for 10 seconds, relax. Make sure that the chest area is tensed, not the palms. Repeat the process until you are almost exhausted.
  2. Place your emphasis on a sofa or chair with your back to it. Bend your arms wide apart and perform push-ups between the supports. To enhance the effect, you can place a weight or book on your stomach. You need to perform several approaches.
  3. The next movement is very effective for pumping up breasts for girls at home. Dumbbells are useful for this exercise. They can be replaced with a plastic bottle filled with sand or pebbles. Raise your straight arms very slowly from your hips to chest level. You can lift it in front of you, or to the sides. Depending on this, different parts of the chest will sway.
  4. Everyone knows push-ups. You can start doing push-ups on your knees or on a chair. As your strength increases, you can put your legs on a hill, this will pump up the upper pectoral muscles and your chest will become higher. When performing the exercise, you need to get your chest as close as possible to the floor, do not stick out your butt and do not jerk your body. Only your hands should work.
  5. It’s best to perform the next recipe on a bench, but if you don’t have one, you can do it on the floor. Here you will also need dumbbells. Raise and lower the dumbbells straight up. Do the exercise 8 times. If the last time you do it easily, then you need to increase the weight, if it is difficult for you, then reduce the weight a little.

  6. You can continue to do it on the bench. It consists of raising your arms with dumbbells at your sides. To build large muscle mass, it also needs to be performed 8-10 times using the same system, the last time should be performed at exhaustion.
  7. Clench your hands into fists and rest your knuckles against each other, raise your arms to neck level. Raise and lower your elbows by squeezing your knuckles. It is important that only your elbows work, your fists should remain in place.
  8. Performed standing or sitting. Clasp your palms and raise your arms above your head. Alternately, move your elbows back as far as possible. This way you will strengthen both the pectoralis major and minor muscles.
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