How to train an ectomorph?

Of all body types, it is believed that it is the ectomorph who is the most difficult to pump up, this is true, but they are more inclined to engage in athletics, gymnastics, football, handball, and in general, running sports disciplines.

How to train an ectomorph?

But what to do if a person chooses bodybuilding or fitness? Firstly, you shouldn’t be disappointed, because it’s still possible to pump up, the main thing is to do it correctly. Telling you how to train as an ectomorph and what people of this body type should pay attention to is the main goal of this article.

To achieve the desired result, ectomorphs, first of all, need to focus on basic exercises, which include: squats, deadlifts, bench press. Despite this, many beginners, not knowing about the importance of the “base,” when they come to the gym, start with biceps, triceps and other exercises, especially isolated ones, this is not correct, first you need to acquire meat, and only then you can include such elements in the training plan. You need to train no more than 3 times a week, doing approximately one or two exercises per workout, and the duration of the session itself should not exceed an hour. The recommended number of approaches to each exercise is approximately 4, and the number of repetitions is 8. Regarding rest between sets, you should take into account the intensity of the session, but on average it is 4-5 minutes.

How to train an ectomorph?

Despite the fact that this program is mainly based on basic, heavy exercises, sometimes it is allowed to include supersets, but you should not do this more than once a month, otherwise obvious signs of overtraining may appear. It is also believed that ectomorphs are very responsive to high-repetition actions in the exercise (13-16), sometimes this method can be used to increase mass, but also very carefully to avoid overtraining, which can throw you out of the training rut for a whole week or more...

You also need to approach the selection of training weight with understanding. You must be able to do the planned number of approaches and repetitions with it, and you should add kilograms no more than once every 2 months, provided that you perform it with impeccable technique.

Now, knowing how an ectomorph needs to train, people with a similar physique need to remember an important rule: eat often and properly, and only then will results be possible in the shortest possible time.