Apple seeds - benefits and harms

The benefit of apple seeds lies in the fact that they contain many bioactive substances in fairly high concentrations. Their course intake will help eliminate the deficiency of micro- and macroelements, water-soluble vitamins. Thanks to the use of seeds, the functioning of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and the composition of the blood is optimized. But, despite the benefits of the complex of bioactive substances, their overdose will cause significant harm to health. You need to be treated in short courses, without consuming them in large quantities.

A tincture of apple peel and fruit seeds is beneficial for hypothyroidism, a disease in which the thyroid gland cannot absorb iodine. To minimize its functional deficiency, patients are prescribed medications with this microelement. Eating whole apples can enhance their effect.

They also provide benefits for anemia due to the presence of iron. Course use of ovules helps eliminate weakness, fatigue, hair loss, and sleep disorders. Folk remedies stimulate an increase in iron levels in organs and tissues.

Possible health risks of apple seeds

The harm lies in the presence of amygdalin in a sufficiently high concentration. In the body it is metabolized to cyanide. Therefore, apple seeds are poisonous and, when consumed in large quantities, cause the same harm as dope and castor beans. Harmful properties from all varieties of apples are manifested by the occurrence of the following symptoms:

  1. suffocation;
  2. sudden changes in blood pressure;
  3. heart rhythm disturbances.

The effect of the poison in apple seeds is also manifested by convulsions, profuse vomiting, and fainting. A person may die if emergency medical care is not provided. But this is unlikely, since the lethal dose is about two cups of seeds. This amount varies somewhat depending on the type of fruit. On average, the quantitative content of hydrocyanic acid is two milligrams per gram.


Treatment with apple seeds during pregnancy and lactation is strictly prohibited. It should not be given to a small child, an elderly person or an elderly person due to the high risk of harm to health.

Rules for safe use, daily dose

Apple seeds for the cardiovascular system

Apple seeds for the cardiovascular system

Apple seeds contain a lot of potassium, the benefits of which are undoubted. But in large quantities it causes harm, disrupting the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is also true for other micro- and macroelements. Therefore, you cannot eat apple seeds indefinitely. It is recommended to swallow 4 to 10 seeds daily. There is no point in germinating them, since the content of substances that bring not only benefits, but also harm will increase.

How to store

The seeds are most beneficial when eaten fresh, but they can also be consumed dried. Fresh seeds should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, otherwise they will lose some of their properties. You need to carefully remove the seeds from ripe apples so as not to damage the thin shell. Dried seeds must be stored in a place protected from sunlight for six months.