Losing weight after the holidays

As psychologists and fitness center trainers advise, after several days of numerous feasts, you should not immediately get on the scales and, sobbing, declare a complete hunger strike on the gained kilograms. Don’t worry, they will go away, and in a couple of weeks you won’t even remember about them. But what rules will we follow in the name of peace of mind and our favorite small-sized wardrobe?

First, sharply limit everything fatty, sweet and alcohol. Leave more vegetables and protein dishes on the menu, and be active not at the table, but while walking. Secondly, I would strongly like to warn those who like to burn calories during training immediately or the next day after a feast, since you risk overloading the work of the heart and liver. It is necessary to pause for 1-2 days, and only then begin the usual training regimen.

Now let’s look at the calendar and note: before the next holidays - the romantic Valentine’s Day and everyone’s favorite day, March 8th - there is still time not only to get yourself in order, but also to pump up the “epicenters” of male attention - the chest and buttocks.

Volumetric first "90"

Let's dot all the i's right away: it is impossible to increase the size of the mammary glands with the help of exercises; we can tighten the muscles of the chest, due to which it will look more voluminous, toned and attractive. The main exercises are various presses and raises on inclined benches, no more than 15 repetitions per set. The weight needs to be such that you have to make real efforts, especially during the last 3-4 repetitions. Diversify your program so that your muscles don’t get used to it: incline bench presses, dumbbell flyes, etc. Proceed carefully; it is advisable to have a professional insure you.

I can recommend a similar program for men. All types of basic chest exercises: bench press (dumbbells and barbell), incline and incline presses. 6-12 reps with “failure” reps (when you should be helped to press the weight on the last sets). And one more piece of advice for both men and women: don’t get carried away with exercise equipment, they are necessary to “build up” muscles after basic exercises. Free weights are much more effective.

Elastic second "90"

For beautiful and toned buttocks, I suggest the following program:

  1. A machine on which you swing your legs backwards;
  2. Deep lunges (working leg on a stand, dumbbells in hands);
  3. Deep squats with weights;
  4. Leg presses with high feet;
  5. Deadlift on straight legs

All exercises must be done in 3 approaches, each approach 15 times. For greater efficiency, exercise at least twice a week, taking breaks between workouts for muscle recovery for at least a day.

Both programs are designed for 2-3 months, after which a result will appear that will please not only you, but also your loved one. But don’t forget: nutrition is an indispensable component of success, limit yourself a little, spring is just around the corner!